Pakistan seemed to be in a carnival.

Thirty-two third-generation fighters, plus two early warning aircraft, flew back at once.

This time, the strength of the Pakistani Air Force has been greatly improved. You know, in this era, the third-generation fighter is the most advanced fighter. Many countries want to buy it but can't find a place to buy it. Now Pakistan has purchased 64 at once, and China has delivered 32 at once. This is a great relationship.

Pakistan is in a carnival, but the Indian brother next door is suddenly furious.

Indian brother and Pakistan are enemies, and the two sides have fought many times. After several India-Pakistan wars, Indian brother's air force has always suppressed Pakistan's air force.

Before today, Indian brother's air force had an absolute advantage over Pakistan. Because Indian brother has MiG-29, which is a standard third-generation aircraft.

So in terms of the air force, Indian brother feels that his MiG-29 is better than Pakistan's air force.

But today, Pakistan received 32 S-14s at once, and there are 32 more to come, a total of 64.

India has purchased a total of 66 MiG-29s. So once Pakistan delivers this batch of fighter jets, India's advantage in the third-generation aircraft will no longer exist.

Just this fighter jet has made India furious. If India knew that Pakistan had directly bought an aircraft carrier battle group in China, I wonder if it would collapse directly.

The transaction of aircraft carrier battle groups between Pakistan and China is top secret. Pakistan is currently keeping it very secret.

Their aircraft carrier has now been launched for sea trials. Although China said it was an amphibious assault ship, Pakistan knows that this is its own aircraft carrier.

In addition to the aircraft carrier, the first ship of the new 051 destroyer equipped for the aircraft carrier has also been launched for testing and will be put into service after the test is completed.

At that time, with China's shipbuilding capabilities, it can directly produce dumplings to equip Pakistan's aircraft carrier with destroyers.

There are also supply ships, two conventional-powered submarines under the water, and a series of equipment such as carrier-based aircraft. The transaction amount is tens of billions of dollars, which is a big gamble for the Pakistani Navy.

In India, inside a military base, a high-level meeting is being held.

"We need to test the combat effectiveness of Pakistan's new fighter jets. Only by understanding the performance of their new fighter jets can we solve this problem. I think we can send a few MiG-29s to try..."

An Indian Air Force officer said directly.

They don't know the performance of Pakistan's S-14 at all. If you don't know the strength of the other party, you can't formulate a corresponding strategy.

"You can try it. Now Pakistan has so many new fighter jets, we should also buy new fighter jets..."

Another senior general said, and everyone laughed when he said this.

The Indian army's favorite thing is to buy equipment, because every time it buys equipment, it is a good opportunity for the Indian military to make a fortune.

And this time the reason is sufficient. Pakistan has so many new fighter jets. In order to maintain their advantage, they must buy new fighter jets.

Whether it is American fighter jets, Russian fighter jets, or European fighter jets, they can consider it.

The Indian Air Force has long been interested in Russia's Su-30, and this time they finally have the opportunity to buy it. The more they buy, the more greedy they can be.

After a meeting, the Indian Air Force took action.

Some things are done very neatly by India, or they just do it on impulse without considering the consequences.

As night fell, five MiG-29s took off from an Indian airport. But sadly, India currently does not even have a decent early warning aircraft, so there was no early warning aircraft to follow this operation.

Five MiG-29s were all equipped with air-to-air missiles. However, the air-to-air missiles mounted on the MiG-29s were the R27 air-to-air missiles developed by the former Soviet Union.

This missile only has two types: semi-active radar guidance and infrared guidance. The missile mounted by the Indian Air Force this time is semi-active radar guidance, and the range is only 50 kilometers.

This missile is not comparable to the air-to-air missiles that the Pakistani Air Force has obtained from China. The air-to-air missiles that Pakistan has purchased are active radar-guided air-to-air missiles developed by China, with a range of 70 kilometers.

Although it cannot be compared with the air-to-air missiles used by China, it is much more advanced than India's current air-to-air missiles.

After the five MiG-29s took off, they flew directly towards Pakistan.

In Pakistan, Pakistan knew as soon as the five Indian fighters took off.As for the reason, it is very simple. It was not discovered by Pakistan, but by China. The large radar built by China in its northwest can cover the whole of India.

So after discovering the flight direction of the Indian fighter, the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system gave an early warning, and then China notified Pakistan and shared intelligence.

Since Pakistan purchased the aircraft carrier formation, China and Pakistan have increased their intelligence exchanges with each other.

"Take off the fighter immediately, bring the early warning aircraft, if the Indian aircraft breaks into our airspace, shoot it down..."

The Pakistani Air Force immediately issued an order, and the Pakistani pilots who received the news became excited.

Damn, the new aircraft that just arrived during the day can fight India at night, which is cool.

These pilots know how powerful their air-to-air missiles are. They can attack beyond visual range, directly launch air-to-air missiles after discovering the enemy, and then turn around and run. The missiles do not need guidance at all, and will automatically attack the enemy.

They know India's MiG-29 very well. They also know what type of air-to-air missiles India has.

At the Pakistani airport, five S-14s took off, and the Tianshen 200 early warning aircraft also took off, but the Tianshen 200 was far behind the fighters, and the radar was constantly scanning, and soon found the Indian fighters.

The five Indian fighters were flying at a very low altitude at the moment. This time, the ace pilots of India were dispatched, and their skills were still good.

The five fighters flew quickly towards the border, but at the edge of the border, the Indian fighters did not cross the border, but turned a corner and flew directly north, flying directly towards the Kashmir region.

On the other side of the border, Pakistani fighters also flew directly north. They were not afraid at all, but expected the other party to cross the border.

As long as the other party dared to cross the border, they would directly fight him. With early warning aircraft, new fighters, and advanced air-to-air missiles, they were confident that they could keep several Indian fighters here.

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