In Hong Kong Island, there is a Shenghe community.

This Shenghe community is a huge community built by Shenghe Group. It is called a community, but the whole community is built like a military base.

In recent years, the entire Shenghe community is an independent small society, and no one can control it.

In Shenghe Community, there is a mysterious hotel. This hotel is never open to the public, and only people from Shenghe Group have entered.

At this moment, many people are experiencing hell in the underground base of the hotel.

"I said, don't kill me, I said, it's Louis, I took his money, and he asked me..."

In a room, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking a little gentle said everything about himself with tears and snot.

This person is a cultured person and a famous person in the education circle of Hong Kong Island.

But when he came here, he was nothing. After a few moves, he was scared to death, and he didn't dare to hide anything, and directly explained all the things he had done.

He dared not not to confess, because just now, he saw with his own eyes that this group of killers threw a white man into a dog cage, and a group of dogs who had been hungry for who knows how long directly ate the white man alive.

This scene, anyone who saw it would collapse, let alone a banana man like him who had no backbone.

"Sign it, you can leave after signing it. Remember, you are not allowed to leave Hong Kong Island without our permission, and do what we say in the future..."

After a lot of trouble, a man in black took out an agreement.

This is a loan agreement, and the amount on it made the middle-aged man swallow his saliva.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, we will not ask for the debt. But if you don't do human things and become a dog of foreigners, your consequences will be the same as your foreign master..."

The words of the man in black made the middle-aged man nod like a dog. After signing the agreement, the middle-aged man was directly covered with a head and led out. In the middle of the way, he felt that he was pricked by a needle and fainted directly.

When he woke up again, the middle-aged man found himself sleeping in a room.

He opened the window and found that it was a hotel.

He had all his things. If it weren't for the scars on his body, he would have thought he was dreaming.

"Remember to pay for the room..."

There was a note on the table. The middle-aged man took a deep breath and left the room, and found that he was in an ordinary hotel in Hong Kong Island.

Thinking of what he had experienced today, the middle-aged man trembled all over and could hardly walk.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't dare. That group of people was too scary. Even if he left Hong Kong Island, they might catch him back.

Because in that underground base, he saw many familiar faces, some of whom were much more powerful than him, but they were also caught.

Shenghe's hotel was like the eighteen levels of hell. No matter who it was, they had to be obedient after entering.

Xu Dafei took action. In just over ten days, the entire Hong Kong Island suddenly became much quieter.

Nothing could be seen on the surface, but the undercurrent in the dark suddenly disappeared. People who used to express some special opinions online suddenly changed their tone these days and praised the motherland one by one.

Some people just can't be spoiled.

The better you treat them, the more they become cheap. Being a little harsh on them is like beating a dog, and they will immediately become honest after a beating.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, July 1, 1997 arrived.

This day is very important for the Chinese nation, because on this day, the children who left home returned home.

Although it was not yet midnight, China was overjoyed. Many places were even more firecrackers, and major TV stations in China were broadcasting live, and various live broadcast rooms on the Internet were also broadcasting live.

At the port in Shenzhen, China had already made preparations.

The infantry brigade with new uniforms was so majestic that the live broadcast room exploded as the camera passed by.

"Oh my goodness, this equipment looks so cool..."

"Oh my goodness, it's so cool, even cooler than the American special forces in the movies..."

"This equipment is awesome, is this the latest anti-aircraft missile?"

"This infantry fighting vehicle is cool..."

"What's the car in the front? I've never seen it before..."

"It looks like an assault vehicle produced by Shanhai Automobile..."

Under the camera, the Chinese soldiers are so handsome. Wearing the most advanced individual equipment and riding new equipment.

This time they are wearing combat uniforms directly. These soldiers are carefully selected, even their heights have been carefully selected, and each one looks tall and mighty.

This mental outlook directly shows the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army.

The Chinese Army is a god-like existence. Now that the new equipment has been unveiled, many countries have to think about it again.Weigh it up.

After all, even now, if you really want to control an area, you still need to rely on the army.

The US Air Force and Navy are very powerful, but so what. Look at what happened in Somalia. The world's first superpower actually fell in Somalia.

The Soviet Union's steel torrent is powerful, but Russia also fought badly in Chechnya.

Now, China has shown a new image of the army. Just in terms of equipment, the equipment of the Chinese Army is now the world's top.

As for combat effectiveness, it is unknown now. But looking at the record of the Chinese Army in recent years, no country dares to try.

In the midst of the excitement, zero o'clock finally arrived.

When zero o'clock came, the British side lowered their national flag, announcing the end of an era.

The five-star red flag slowly rose, which marked that from now on, the child went home.

China's troops also passed through the port and marched to the station.

On both sides of the road, countless Hong Kong Islanders waved the five-star red flag in their hands to welcome the king's army.

In addition to the ground forces, in the air, China's latest armed helicopter formation and the huge Z-26 formation followed the ground forces to advance slowly.

In addition to these, one of China's latest early warning aircraft flew in the air with several J-10 fighter formations. After the fighters flew over, there were five Liuye, and then five Y-20 transport planes.

At the same time, in the port, two 052s with a group of ships also slowly approached.

Now, China's 052 has been in service for eight ships. This time, two ships were sent directly. Looking at the huge warships, many Hong Kong Islanders couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

This warship is much more beautiful than the warships of foreigners.

There are planes in the sky, tanks on the ground, and large warships in the sea. This time China has started to show its muscles directly.

This also tells everyone that China is no longer the same as before. China now has the ability to protect the country's territorial integrity and national security.

This is also a deterrent to some countries. If they want to compete with China, they should first consider whether they are strong enough.

Watching the live broadcast, many British netizens felt mixed emotions and had no idea how to express their feelings.

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