The situation in Kosovo is getting more and more tense, and the United States is even more aggressive with NATO countries. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is also very tough, giving people the feeling of being stubborn.

Just when the war may come at any time, China has made another move.

The air defense missiles purchased by Saudi Arabia from China have finally been delivered. This time, China did not use the Y-20 to deliver, but chose a bigger guy.

The Hainan ship, which has just been in service for a few months, came directly to Saudi Arabia for a friendly visit, and at the same time delivered the air defense missiles purchased by Saudi Arabia.

This time, it is not just the Hainan ship that came to visit, but the entire Hainan ship fleet.

This is to drive the aircraft carrier battle group to Saudi Arabia, and such a situation makes NATO countries nervous. At this time, China directly drove the Hainan ship fleet over. What exactly does it want to do?

The Hainan ship docked at the Saudi military port. The huge hull not only made Saudi Arabia envious, but also made the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Saudi Arabia extremely excited.

Once upon a time, China was desperately bullied at sea.

Now, China has risen, and the huge aircraft carrier is docked there. The huge hull looks very shocking. Not only that, the Hainan ship is also directly open to tourists for visits. Although only some areas are open, this is enough to make countless people excited.

Although the Hainan ship is still an amphibious assault ship in name, no one regards this ship as an amphibious assault ship. Whose amphibious assault ship captain looks like this? Whose amphibious assault ship is full of aircraft that can take off and land vertically? This is an aircraft carrier, a genuine medium-sized aircraft carrier.

In addition to the Hainan ship, the other warships in the fleet are also very powerful, and these warships are all new warships with advanced technology.

The huge hatch at the rear of the Hainan ship opened, and missile launchers drove out directly from it. The internal space of the Hainan ship is very large. Let alone missile launchers, even large landing craft will have no problem.

After all, this is not a real aircraft carrier, and the function of an amphibious assault ship is still there.

The arrival of a large number of missile vehicles also gave Saudi Arabia a sense of security. Saudi Arabia also directly announced the deal. When the deal was exposed, Israel wanted to curse.

The 20 billion US dollar arms contract only has 20 battalions of air defense missiles. Ten battalions of Hongqi 9E, ten battalions of Hongqi 20E, these 20 battalions of air defense missiles are enough to set up a dense iron net in the Saudi sky. After all, Hongqi 9E is famous for its performance. Israel knows its performance. It can hit its own F16 accurately.

And the most powerful weapon in its own country is F16. Now Saudi Arabia has deployed so many air defense missiles, and it is clear who it is guarding against.

In addition to these, Saudi Arabia also purchased 24 S-14 fighters, and the most important thing is two early warning aircraft. Such a large-scale increase in armaments immediately made Israel nervous. What exactly does Saudi Arabia want to do?

In recent years, the increase in armaments by the big dog households led by Saudi Arabia has set off an arms race in the Middle East. Now the military strength of the Middle Eastern countries is much stronger than in the original time and space.

Israel was forced to increase the arms race and continue to buy more weapons and equipment from the United States. This is all money. Although Israel has a Jewish consortium behind it, the money is not endless.

What's more, Israel is short of resources, and its economy has not been very good in recent years. Now it is forced to compete with the big dogs for arms. Israel is not having a good time.

The arrival of the Chinese fleet made Saudi Arabia feel safe instantly. The United States was also dumbfounded and quickly communicated with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is very important to the United States, and they can't let Saudi Arabia completely fall into the arms of China.

However, what relieved the United States was that the Hainan ship only stayed in Saudi Arabia for three days before leaving. After leaving the Persian Gulf, the Hainan ship entered the Indian Ocean and went south to continue training.

The United States was relieved until the Hainan ship fleet entered the depths of the Indian Ocean. It's not that they are afraid of the Hainan ship, but that there is a street scooter in the Hainan ship fleet. For China's electronic reconnaissance ship, the United States is now scared when it sees it.

The most important thing is that the United States is afraid that China will destroy their plan. If China's electronic reconnaissance ship detoured into the Mediterranean Sea near the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, they would be in trouble.

But now, they are also uncomfortable. Because there is still a Chinese electronic reconnaissance ship in the Libyan port. This ship has been parked in the Libyan port for maintenance for a long time and has no intention of leaving at all. This makes the United States very depressed. This is too disgusting.

As time goes by, the situation in Kosovo becomes more and more tense. On March 19, 1998, NATO, led by the United States,The ultimatum was given to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

However, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia did not surrender. This was related to national interests and ethnic interests. A country can be defeated, but it must not be scared to death.

On the night of March 24, 1998, the night was very dark, and the people of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia fell asleep like the Chinese people.

But in the highest command of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, many people could not sleep all night. The reason is very simple. China warned them that NATO would most likely launch an air strike on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia tonight.

At two o'clock in the morning, an early warning suddenly sounded in the underground base.

"Cruise missiles were found..."

Intelligence came from the big screen in the command room. According to the intelligence from China, a large number of cruise missiles flew from different places.

Some flew from the Mediterranean direction. There are NATO warships there now. Some missiles flew from other NATO countries, and some cruise missiles flew from the air.

Seeing these missiles approaching their country quickly, everyone in the underground command had red eyes. But they were powerless. Facing the powerful organization of NATO, they were completely unable to resist.

Now, they can only hide their trump cards and find the right opportunity to give NATO a blow, making them pay some price. This is a war that is doomed to fail from the beginning.



Late at night, the air strike officially began.

In order to destroy the air defense missile positions of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, NATO also got angry this time. In the first wave of attacks, more than 500 missiles were launched, most of which were Tomahawk cruise missiles.

These missiles carried out saturation strikes according to the targets investigated before.

The first wave of important targets such as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's air defense missile positions, radar stations, and airports suffered a fierce attack. In particular, the air defense missile positions were the focus of attention.

A huge explosion sounded, and the air defense alarm sounded throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. This night, the war officially began.

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