The huge warship left the dock and was launched in a low-key manner.

China has no publicity for this ship now. Although the ship has been launched, it will take a long time before it can be put into service.

There are too many advanced technologies used on this ship, and all the top technologies are piled on this ship. So it will take a long time for this ship to be put into service after it is launched. According to China's progress, a lot of experimental verification will be required after the ship is launched, and this process may take two to three years or even longer.

Even after it is put into service, it will take some time to truly form combat effectiveness and truly use this ship proficiently.

However, China is not in a hurry. Although the arsenal ship will take a few years to officially serve, China's 055 destroyer can be put into service soon.

The first 055 has been launched for more than a year and has entered the final stage of finalization. After finalization, 055 can be put into service and put into service in large quantities.

Not to mention the arsenal ship, only 055 is the overlord of the sea. This out-of-control 055 has a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons, which is larger than the 055 in the original time and space, and has more powerful power and radar. Such a warship, let alone in 1998, even if it is pushed back 30 years, it will still be the super overlord of the sea.

Even if the current 052 is placed in 30 years, it will be a very powerful existence. The technology on the 055 will not be caught up by the United States in 30 years. After all, China's military technology is now open, while the United States is not. Just the radar on the 055, the United States will not be able to catch up in 30 years.

There is also the power system, whether it is a powerful gas turbine or an integrated medium-voltage DC transmission technology, these things are now like things in science fiction movies for the United States.

Let alone catching up with 055, even the current 052 is enough for the United States to catch up. If the United States can catch up with 052 technology in another 20 years, it will be considered good.

The hidden technical skills of China now are so big that they are terrifying. It's just that China is very low-key, and all kinds of technical confidentiality work is done very well.

Now China has done a good job of confidentiality, and directly applied the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system to confidentiality work. In recent years, intelligence personnel from various countries, including those they instigated, have suffered heavy losses in China. The United States is now unable to do intelligence work in China, not to mention other countries.

"The four amphibious landing ships we use should be launched in a few days. I really look forward to our four major fleets..."

Old Liu said with a smile, which made everyone laugh.

Yes, the four major fleets, the North Sea, the East Sea, the South Sea, and the West Sea.

Now China has three major fleets, but it has built four amphibious assault ships, which is obviously a bit uneven. But only the top leaders know that they are preparing for the West Sea Fleet. Myanmar is waiting for an opportunity, and as long as the opportunity is ripe, Xu Dafei will take over Myanmar.

By that time, the West Sea Fleet will have a base. Once the four major fleets are formed, it will be completely different for China.

Although amphibious assault ships cannot compare with American aircraft carriers. But in addition to the United States, the fleet composed of Chinese amphibious assault ships can also sweep other countries.

What's more, there are super arsenal ships.

For the four major fleets, China also has plans.

Each of the four major fleets is equipped with a 50,000-ton amphibious assault ship, a 50,000-ton super arsenal ship, two 50,000-ton comprehensive supply ships, four 055s of more than 10,000 tons, an electronic reconnaissance ship of more than 10,000 tons, 16 052s of less than 10,000 tons, and equipped with smaller tonnage 051Ds for anti-submarine warfare, two to four strategic nuclear submarines underwater, and six to eight conventional submarines.

Such a fleet configuration is very terrifying, it is simply the naval version of the phobia of insufficient firepower. The arsenal ship and 055 will be responsible for long-range anti-ship attacks, 052 will be responsible for air defense, and 051 will assist in air defense and anti-submarine warfare.

With such firepower, even if the United States dispatches four aircraft carrier battle groups at once, China dares to fight him. On the sea, this is a firepower monster. 055 and arsenal ships can be equipped with hypersonic anti-ship missiles with a range of one or two thousand kilometers. It is extremely difficult to defend against this thing.

One round of salvo can cause heavy losses to several US aircraft carrier battle groups.

And China is preparing to build four such terrifying fleets. This is still a preliminary plan. After China's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are built in the future, each fleet must be equipped with at least one 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

At that time, any fleet dispatched would be a very terrifying existence.

The phobia of insufficient firepower is not only suffered by the Chinese Army. The Air Force, Navy, and Rocket Force all have this.Phobia.

So now all the major arms are strengthening their firepower, and the weapons are becoming more and more abnormal. Firepower is the design concept engraved in the bones of the Chinese army.

"After the dormant period, we Chinese will not be afraid of anyone..."

Looking at the figure of the giant ship, Liu Lao said domineeringly. China is now in a dormant period. We have the technology and equipment, but the number is still too small.

Even if there are not many 052s, all advanced weapons need to be based on quantity. Although the number of Arleigh Burke-class ships in the United States is not too many now, the United States has many aircraft carriers.

Dormant period, give China a few more years of dormancy. Wait for 055 to build 16 ships, wait for 052 to build 74 ships, wait for arsenal ships to build four ships...

Wait until the equipment is fully staffed, and then whoever dares to jump will be beaten. Do you really think that China is good-tempered and doesn't beat people? The reason why people hide their strength and bide their time is that they have no weapons in their hands and can't beat others.

Look at the history of China for thousands of years. The powerful China will fight anyone who provokes it.

It is the same now. Why doesn't the United States provoke near China? Because it has been dealt with. For these European and American robbers, a good beating is more effective than anything else.

Some things are easier to talk about after a beating. Since the US aircraft carrier suffered a big loss, since the US military exercise sank the Philippine monkey's warship, since the US plane was shot down in Myanmar, and since NATO suffered a big loss in Yugoslavia.

Now the relationship between the United States and China is very good, and all kinds of win-win cooperation seem to be amicable. Now the United States does not mention the transfer of strategic focus to Asia.

In addition to their own strategies, they have become honest after being beaten up by China for several times. Knowing that China is black, and knowing that China now is not the previous China, the United States dare not make trouble before it is absolutely sure.

Not only the United States dares not, but many countries in Asia are also very honest now. The relationship with China is getting better and better. In this world, fists are the greatest truth.

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