"Dig a pit and bury them all..."

Arkana said to his men, and at the same time he also saw the power of the nerve agent.

This is awesome. Just cover it, and the people are gone in half an hour. Moreover, these people did not make any sound when they died, and they did not show any pain. They all had smiles on their faces. It was terrible.

"Mr. Xiaoquan, we need more of this stuff..."

Arkana said excitedly.

"No problem, we can customize weapons according to your needs. We can also support you with a batch of weapons and equipment. Our heavy mortars produced in Japan have a range of up to eight kilometers. But you have to give us what we need as soon as possible. Especially to build a research base..."

Xiaoquan Goujiro said with a smile, and Akana laughed when he heard this. It means no problem, everything you want can be given to you.

Arkana took action, and Xiaoquan Goujiro and his men kept transporting things, including 120mm mortars.

Compared with heavy artillery, these mortars are more convenient to carry and suitable for guerrilla warfare. Now Akana is very weak, with no heavy artillery, no rocket launchers, and no aircraft.

So this mortar is the best choice, with a range of eight kilometers, which is already very good.

Using poison gas bombs is different from ordinary artillery shells. Ordinary mortar shells have a fixed range of lethality. But using poison gas bombs, it is a large area of ​​killing.

A 120mm caliber poison gas bomb can cover an area of ​​several thousand square meters. As long as there are enough, a salvo can cover a large area.

Xiaoquan Goujiro brought hundreds of these heavy mortars to Akana.

In southern Myanmar, late at night, thousands of government troops were stationed in a small town. This is a military stronghold of the government army. In addition to thousands of government troops, there are tens of thousands of Burmese people living here.

At this moment, Akana's people came and came to a place five kilometers away from the town. Hundreds of heavy mortars were also brought by them and divided into several groups and dispersed.

Each group has its own task, and their task is very simple. They just need to adjust the coordinates of the mortar and fire the shells one by one.

After all the preparations were continued, Akana directly issued an attack order.


"Bang Bang..."

The sound of the mortar echoed in the dark night, and special shells were smashed directly into the city.

"Enemy attack..."

The guarding soldier found the movement and shouted loudly, but soon he found something weird. He clearly heard the sound of the shells, but there was no explosion.

Suddenly, he smelled a sweet smell, which was very good and comfortable.

"No, poison gas..."

He just reacted in his heart and found that he could no longer control his body. He couldn't even shout. Then he was confused, as if he had been injected with anesthesia.

In just a dozen seconds, he completely lost his life.

Weird, extremely weird, shells fell from the sky, constantly changing areas, but there were not many sounds in the town, and there were no explosions.

The poisonous gas spread and slowly formed a smoke area. Under the illumination of the lights, it was like fog.

Many people died peacefully in their sleep, and the government army's garrison became the focus of coverage. Akana and his men had been investigating this place for a long time and had long wanted to take it down, but unfortunately it was heavily guarded and they could not take it down before.

The mysterious bombardment lasted for several hours until the sky was slightly bright.

After dawn, Akana's men launched an attack, but when they arrived at the town, they did not encounter any resistance. The whole town was terribly quiet.

The troops entered the town, and the town was as quiet as a ghost town.

Only a very small number of people survived in the whole town, and their cries echoed in the empty town. When they saw Akana's soldiers, they were all terrified.

These survivors had no idea what happened. They didn't know why their relatives left with smiles when they woke up. Did they meet the devil?

Akana also entered the city, but everything in the city also made him feel scalp tingling.

This is a dead city, a dead city.

The city is intact, but the people are gone.

Including the military area, the government army is also the same. Only some officers hiding in the underground base are still alive, but they were soon captured.

"Immediately control the city, gather the living people first, and dig a big pit to bury these people. Remember to dig it deeper..."

Akana swallowed his saliva. He finally saw what a terrible thing is.Weapons.

This weapon is too terrible. It took away so many lives silently. No wonder all countries strictly prohibit the use of biological and chemical weapons. These weapons are really too terrible.

But at this moment, Akana can't care so much. No one cares about Myanmar anymore. And in the future, he will become the king here and have everything.

Akana's eyes were full of madness, and the people sent by Xiaoquan Goujiro took cameras and video recorders to make records. Some people also took various forms to record. These people were researchers.

They also asked Akana's people for a lot of dead bodies, and they needed to perform autopsies on these bodies.

These people were not sent by Xu Huasheng. These people were real Japanese. They were crazy scientific researchers recruited from Japan. These people have always dreamed of restoring the Great Japanese Empire.

Akana took control of a military town without any effort, without losing a single person. If it was in the past, if he wanted to take down such a town, he would have to sacrifice a lot.

The Burmese government army soon received the news and was dumbfounded after receiving the news.

How did Akana take over this town? There was no explosion at all, and it was only one night. When did Akana become so powerful?

Things got weird in Myanmar. The mysterious warlord Akana seemed to be assisted by God. He began to attack cities and plunder land. The territory he controlled became larger and larger, and he became a new warlord.

This incident also attracted the attention of intelligence personnel from various countries, especially the attention of the US intelligence agency in Myanmar. However, the United States at this moment did not have much energy to investigate this matter.

The reason is very simple, because something happened in Iraq.

In early February, the European Union announced that it would lift all previous sanctions against Iraq and directly placed a large number of oil and gas orders with Iraq.

At the same time, the European Union also called on the United Nations to lift all sanctions against Iraq, and this matter was supported by Russia and China.

Four of the five permanent members of the United Nations supported lifting various sanctions against Iraq and returning Iraq to normal. This incident made the United States nervous all of a sudden.

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