"I don't think it's a good time to attack Iraq now. Our economic situation is very good now. We should maintain strategic focus..."

Another person in the conference room said directly.

He is from the Republican Party. He doesn't want Clinton to take all the limelight now. Clinton has already taken the limelight away from the European war. Now Clinton can't start the Iraq war again.

"I also think that we should stabilize the economy now. And we are not well prepared for war now..."

The conference room became lively. There were supporters and opponents. Each of them had their own interests. But in general, the voices of opposition accounted for the majority.

Financial capital is now harvesting Europe. In the eyes of some financial capital, the United States may not benefit from attacking Iraq.

If Europe quickly resolves the war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the United States is caught in the Iraq War, then the direction of capital will change.

For some capital, it would be great to harvest Europe steadily now. The US economy is very good now, and the stock market is very good.

But some capital thinks that it is better to attack Iraq. Fighting Iraq can gain more benefits. Sometimes there are huge differences in interests within the United States.

Coupled with the conflict between the two parties, the final result of the meeting was that it ended unhappily.

However, this matter did not end. Just one day later, in the conference room of the Pentagon, everyone discussed it again, and this time, there were more pro-war factions.

In Yanjing, in a courtyard, several old men were chatting.

"According to the intelligence we have obtained, the pro-war faction in the United States now accounts for the majority, and the United States is likely to take action in a short time..."

An old man said with a smile.

"It's good to take action. Even if you don't take action, Europe will force the United States to take action..."

Another old man said with a smile, and everyone laughed as soon as this was said.

Fight, the longer the better. The longer the fight, the more beneficial it is to China. The United States is now floating, rich, and feels super awesome.

So it wants to go down in person, and the United States has also learned experience in recent years. Not only has it learned from the Somali War, but also from the Yugoslav War.

Now the United States is also vigorously developing drones. According to intelligence, the United States is also mass-producing drones such as flying motorcycles.

The technical difficulty of this thing is not great. Although the manufacturing industry in the United States is declining now, it is still very simple to make this thing.

Obviously, the United States will definitely find a place to experiment with the war mode of drones. If they fight Iraq, then these drones will definitely be used.

However, given the nature of the United States, these drones will definitely not be cheap. A drone produced in China that costs less than $1,000 will definitely not be purchased by the Chinese Ministry of Defense for less than $50,000. It may be $100,000 or even more expensive.

The United States has always fought for business.

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is expected to have a result soon. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's army can't resist it. The European army is advancing very fast. If the war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ends, the United States will definitely take action immediately..."

Another old man said.

The war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is advancing very fast, although the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is fighting street battles with the European army. But the European army is progressing smoothly.

On the one hand, it is because the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is now isolated and helpless, and it really cannot get any assistance.

On the other hand, Europe has spent money to hire a lot of mercenaries, and many places are really bloody battles. This kind of bloody battle has caused heavy losses to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Moreover, a large number of people in Yugoslavia fled from Yugoslavia, resulting in a significant decrease in the population in Yugoslavia. Europe also bought Montenegro and promised it many benefits. Montenegro has not fought much, not only not fighting, but also preparing to split.

Yugoslavia can't deal with a really fierce Europe. Now Europe is using both soft and hard tactics. Europe directly accepts and resettles refugees from Yugoslavia, and the resettlement is very good.

Seeing that these people who left are living better, the people in Yugoslavia are in turmoil. After all, the war has lasted for a long time, and coupled with the blockade, the lives of the people in Yugoslavia are now miserable.

Undercurrents are surging, and the undercurrents in the Middle East are surging.

While the United States did not take action against Iraq, Iraq began to buy a large number of weapons from China.

Now Iraq has a special liking for China's weapons and equipment. In recent years, China has been secretly supporting Boss Saddam, and buying weapons is done secretly.

Now there are no sanctions, Boss Saddam will naturally buy on a large scale. This is something to save his life, and he can't help but spend money.

Money is something that can only be spent if you have a life.

If I can get through this, I will be even more awesome in the future.Underground in Baghdad, the engineering team is busy. The underground project in Baghdad has started long ago. Since Boss Sa and Colonel Ka have hooked up, the underground project in Baghdad has been under construction.

In order to guard against the giant bunker-buster bombs of the United States, Boss Sa's underground base is getting deeper and deeper.

Boss Sa came to inspect the underground base in Baghdad today. There are many weapons and equipment in the huge underground arsenal.

The most of them are China's Dark Arrow anti-tank missiles and Red Arrow air defense missiles. Both of these missiles are portable missiles with excellent performance. They are both active radar plus infrared guidance.

These two weapons are very effective against ground vehicles and helicopters in the sky.

Now, these weapons are numerous.

In fact, what Boss Sa wanted most at the beginning was China's air defense weapons, but in the end, he changed his mind under the persuasion of China.

Although China's air defense missiles are powerful, all weapons are empty talk without quantity. Even if Boss Sa has 100 sets of Hongqi 9, what can he do?

As long as you take out this weapon, you will be hit by a long-range attack from the United States. And the United States has learned to be smart now, and they are equipped with a large number of drones.

These drones can fly in the air 24 hours a day. After the surprise attack on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it is not so easy to sneak attack the United States again.

So no matter how powerful Boss Saddam is, he can't defend the sky when fighting with the United States. Not to mention Boss Saddam, even if Europe fights with the United States, it can't defend the sky.

Instead of that, it's better to fight a ground war. Fight a war of attrition with the United States on the ground, and it will take him ten or eight years.

In the end, Boss Saddam listened to Huaxia's advice and began to store a large number of weapons and equipment suitable for ground warfare. With these things, plus a large number of mercenaries, they can hold the United States for a long time.

Air strikes alone can't defeat Iraq. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia can't beat it, let alone Iraq. You must know that Huaxia started digging holes in Iraq a few years ago, waiting for this day.

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