At the Indian border, the sudden attack directly confused the Indian border guards.

Why did the war break out? Wasn't it Myanmar that was fighting? How did it become us? What frightened them even more was that they couldn't contact their superiors.

In the dark, they didn't know where the enemies came from. Anyway, there were gunshots everywhere, and their camps were attacked.

"Establish positions, defend..."

An Indian officer shouted loudly at a border post. But soon a mortar shell fell directly and hit accurately.

Then the gunshots rang out. These Burmese soldiers are very good at fighting at night. After all, they have fought in Myanmar for several years, and now they have slacked off with night vision goggles and thermal imaging equipment. The equipment is more advanced and it is easier to fight.


At the post, less than five minutes after the battle started, an Indian soldier ran away directly.

One person ran, and the others followed.

"What's the situation?"

The independent army soldiers fighting in front were also dumbfounded. Why is there no one? No one fought back. At first, the soldiers of the Independence Army were afraid that it was a trap.

But after exploring it for a while, they found out that they really ran away. This group of people directly abandoned the outpost camp and ran away.

"This, have they never fought a war?"

A soldier couldn't help but whispered, and the others didn't know how to answer.

"Continue the assault..."

The leading officer said loudly, and led the troops to advance directly. A large number of troops rushed quickly from this opening and rushed towards the hinterland of Assam.

There was constant resistance along the way, but the resistance was very low. Before they fought much, the Indian soldiers ran away again.

And they ran so fast that they couldn't be caught up. Those who could take a car ran by car, and those who couldn't take a car ran on their legs. These people even threw away their weapons and equipment, and some soldiers even threw away their guns.

Some people couldn't run and simply raised their hands to surrender. Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Independence Army didn't know what to say.

They thought they would face a brutal battle. After all, when they fought against the army of the Kingdom of Burma in Myanmar, it was so difficult. They were the ones who were beaten and ran around.

Now the situation is completely different from what they expected. The combat effectiveness of these Indian soldiers is too weak. With such combat effectiveness, they are still serving as border defense forces?

Easy, too easy.

These independent army soldiers were extremely excited. They had fought for several years, and this was the first time they had such an easy battle. The phrase "a defeat is like a mountain collapsing" is really too vivid.

"Fuck, these prodigals don't even want tanks?"

In a base, seeing several tanks lying in the base, the officers of the independent army were dumbfounded. Damn, the tanks are lost?

"Is it broken?"

A soldier couldn't help saying.

"I'll go and see..."

Another soldier who can drive a tank went to observe, and finally got into the tank directly. The tank started and drove quickly.

"Captain, it can still be used..."

Soon the soldier got out. This is a T72 tank, which can still be driven normally.

"Great, brothers, look carefully to see if there is an arsenal, these prodigals..."

The regiment commander said excitedly, and finally found the arsenal. There are still many things in the arsenal, fuel, tank shells, and many weapons and equipment.

"Let's go, drive these tanks and open the way..."

The regiment commander shouted loudly, and the soldiers became happy.

Fighting, fighting all night. It's called fighting, but it's actually marching. These Indian soldiers collapsed at the first touch, and even fled or surrendered in an organized manner.

After fighting for so many years, this group of soldiers has never fought such a refreshing battle.

The Independence Army had a good time, but the Indian side was in a mess.

The Indian military headquarters was brightly lit, and strong electromagnetic interference appeared in the east. The entire unit lost contact, and they were anxious all of a sudden.

The satellite phone could not be dialed, the military radio could not be used, and the communication optical cable was obviously damaged.

They also sent out planes to explore, but no matter whether it was a helicopter, a fighter jet or other aircraft, they returned before they arrived. After entering that area, the radar showed snow and the communication was interrupted. There was no point in going there.

If they encountered the enemy, they would be sending themselves to death.

So these planes returned immediately after encountering the situation. Now they can only use the dumbest method, driving to send people to investigate what happened.

But it takes time to drive to investigate in the middle of the night. What's more, it is not easy to investigate what happened in such a chaotic situation.

Battlefield shielding, now the Indian military has finally experienced what battlefield shielding is.

It seems like we have returned to World War I. How can we fight this war?The other party was not blocked, but I was blocked. This can beat me to death.

"It must be China, it must be China..."

In the headquarters of the Indian military, an officer said directly. Although there is no evidence now, they think it must be done by China.

The only countries in the world that can have this ability are China and the United States. It is impossible for the United States to block itself, and there is no reason.

But China is possible, after all, the two sides have been at odds and have friction. Besides, China has laid out in Myanmar, which is something everyone knows.

And I support the Myanmar government army, maybe China knows it, so it deters me.

"Report, the latest intelligence..."

It was not until dawn that the intelligence from the front line was transmitted back.

At the headquarters, several people immediately looked at the intelligence. When they saw the intelligence, everyone was dumbfounded.

War, war actually broke out in the eastern region, the Burmese warlords actually raided the Indian border troops, the border troops were defeated, and the Burmese warlords entered the Indian territory.

"How is this possible? How did our soldiers defend? Even if it was a group of pigs, they couldn't be defeated so quickly..."

An old man shouted loudly, his face full of anger.

It's shameful. The elite border defense force was defeated by the Burmese militants with only light weapons. If this is told out, it will be laughed at internationally.

The faces of others were not much better. This matter was too big. No one expected that the Burmese militants would come to their territory and attack their troops.

"Notify the Air Force immediately and send fighter jets to attack the enemy. These people must be completely eliminated. Mobilize our military satellites to investigate the situation here..."

An old man gave an order. These people must be eliminated quickly. This cannot go on. However, this order made the people below worried.

Now the entire east is disturbed. Even if the plane goes in, it may not be easy to find the target. The most important thing is that they lack too much intelligence on the front line.

How many enemies are there? How much equipment? Where are they? What is the enemy's purpose?

How can they fight without knowing these?

As for protesting to China, it's useless. There is no direct evidence to prove that it is China that is interfering with them. It would be strange if China admits your slander.

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