The US statement caused a stir internationally.

After this statement, many countries turned their attention to China. After all, even a fool can see that Myanmar is now fully leaning towards China.

Yanjing, China's press conference, many reporters came this time, the world's eyes are now on China, they are watching how China expresses its position and how it responds.

"Hello, everyone. I'm glad you're here. We've seen the U.S.'s statement on the new government of Myanmar. We've said that we will never pay attention to the so-called long-arm jurisdiction of the U.S. The establishment of the new government of Myanmar is Myanmar's internal affairs. We Chinese have never been involved in the internal affairs of other countries. So we recognize the new government of Myanmar and are willing to actively develop friendly economic and trade exchanges with Myanmar. As for the U.S. sanctions on Myanmar on the grounds of human rights, I want to say that the U.S. is not qualified to accuse any country of human rights. The U.S. has wantonly launched wars in Somalia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and Iraq, causing a large number of civilian casualties and a large number of refugees. This is the most serious human rights issue. We advise the U.S. not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries on false charges and not to play with fire. Our companies will not obey the so-called sanctions of the U.S., and the U.S. domestic law has no right to interfere with the freedom of international trade..."

Huaxia made a direct statement, and this statement was quite tough.

Directly singing against the U.S., recognizing the new government of Myanmar, and at the same time accusing the U.S. of being the creator of human rights issues. At the same time, it also told the United States that Chinese companies would not abide by your so-called sanctions, and your long-arm jurisdiction would not work here.

This statement excited the reporters. This is a big deal. The United States and China are directly confronting each other on the issue of Myanmar.

After China's statement, some countries also made their choices.

"ASEAN issued a statement that it would not abide by the illegal sanctions of the United States. The long-arm jurisdiction of the United States should not interfere in the internal affairs of ASEAN countries. ASEAN recognizes the legal rights of the new government of Myanmar and looks forward to the Kingdom of Myanmar playing a greater role within ASEAN..."

"The African Union issued a statement that it would not abide by the illegal policies of the United States. The African Union is willing to maintain friendly economic and trade exchanges with Myanmar..."

"The European Union announced that the US sanctions are invalid, unilateral, and not in line with the United Nations regulations. EU countries will not abide by them..."

"Russia announced that it recognizes the new government of Myanmar..."

"Belarus announced that it recognizes the new government of Myanmar..."

"India announced that it does not recognize the new government of Myanmar... …”

“Pakistan has stated that it recognizes the new government of Myanmar…”

“Japan has stated that it is willing to sanction Myanmar together with the United States…”

“South Korea does not recognize the new Myanmar government…”

“Canada does not recognize the new Myanmar government…”

“Australia does not recognize the new Myanmar government…”

“Mexico does not recognize the new Myanmar government…”

“Iran recognizes the new Myanmar government…”

“Saudi Arabia recognizes the new Myanmar government…”

“Qatar recognizes the new Myanmar government…”

“Egypt recognizes the new Myanmar government…”

“Syria recognizes the new Myanmar government…”

This is a contest of influence, accompanied by the statements of China and the United States. Other countries in the world have also begun to choose their own positions.

Every country has its own interests. The United States has its own little brothers, and China also has its own little brothers.

When various countries expressed their opinions, the United States was dumbfounded. The United States did not expect that there were so few countries standing with it.

Except for a few of its own die-hard second dogs, other countries have actually recognized the new government of Myanmar.

Asia, Africa, Europe.

Especially the statements of the European Union and Russia are crucial. The EU has a great influence. Although Russia is now in decline, it still has a considerable influence in Central Asia.

Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, when these countries expressed their views, the United States knew that their sanctions against Myanmar had become a joke.

Most countries in the world recognize the new government of Myanmar, and the United States has no choice.

At the United Nations General Assembly, a vote on the new government of Myanmar was launched. Without any surprise, this vote directly determined the legal rights of the new government of Myanmar.

The five permanent members do not have a veto in such a vote. Such a vote is a minority obeying the majority. The veto power of the five permanent members is not available everywhere. For most things, the five permanent members cannot veto.

Most of the time, this veto power will only be used when other countries want to become the sixth permanent member. And the one who experienced the most pain was the White Elephant family, which was used by the five big gangsters in turn.

The White Elephant family always thought that they did not do well enough and did not give enough. In the end, they realized that the five big gangsters simply did not want to let themselves sit at the table.

Originally, five people shared the cake, but nowHow can it be possible that you, the sixth person, want to come and divide the money?

It's embarrassing, the United States is embarrassed this time. I didn't expect that my call would be useless, and there are so few countries that follow me.

There is no way, who made the United States offend so many countries. Especially the EU, the war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has offended the EU to death.

Although the United States is happy to cut leeks, there are losses.

The United States has dug out all the roots of the EU's leeks, and still wants the EU to go with him, which is not easy. At present, the entire European economy is in a serious recession, the unemployment rate has increased sharply, and the economies of Britain, France and Germany are even worse. The living standards of the people have dropped significantly, and inflation is also serious.

In this case, the left-wing forces in Europe have grown rapidly. The people have grievances, and naturally need to be guided. Besides, now that the European Internet standard has been connected to the Chinese standard, the Internet is full of explanations of why Europe is in recession.

The reason for the European economic recession is the war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was planned by the United States.

Why did the United States plan this war? It was to strike the influence of the euro and harvest Europe to strengthen its own economy.

On one hand, the war in Yugoslavia was going on, and on the other hand, the United States was raising interest rates.

On one hand, the European economy was in recession, and on the other hand, the US economy was taking off rapidly, and the US stock market was rising continuously.

On the one hand, Europe was reducing spending and welfare in order to cope with difficulties, and began to live a poor life.

On the other hand, the United States increased welfare and massively increased military spending.

On the European Internet, there is a popular saying now. That is, the new aircraft carriers in the United States were not built by Americans, but by Europeans.

Various satirical articles and videos are popular on the European Internet, and articles and videos opposing this argument have no traffic support at all.

Under such background, it is natural for the left-wing forces to rise. And many of these left-wing forces are extreme left-wing. They proposed that Europe should be completely independent and kick out the US military bases in Europe.

To completely cut off from the United States, this kind of thinking is the most terrible. The United States did not make any mistakes this time, but it cut too hard, mainly because domestic capital was not controlled by the government, and it made too much money when cutting, and it was not controlled all of a sudden, and now the consequences have come out.

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