Xu Huasheng and the technicians left directly by car. After driving for a long time, they arrived at a huge hangar.

After arriving at the hangar, Xu Huasheng saw this huge guy.

This thing is not just big, it looks quite scary. The wingspan is larger than that of the Y-60. At first glance, it looks like a double-tailed scorpion that has been magnified many times.

But if you look closely, this thing is not a double-tailed scorpion. It is more appropriate to call it a two-headed monster. Because this is a catamaran, a special unmanned catamaran.

In addition to the double body, there is a small body in the middle, just like a double-tailed scorpion. The shape is like two double-tailed scorpions connected together, and the shape is very strange.

This catamaran does not use a jet aircraft, but a large turboprop engine, and not two, there are a total of six large turboprop engines on this aircraft.

Cancer, an unmanned monster developed by the China Electronics Technology Group, is an unmanned strategic bomber. In the two huge cabins, the maximum take-off weight is 425 tons, and it can accommodate a payload of 300 tons.

This thing can carry 50 tons of cargo and fly 14,000 kilometers. If it carries 10 tons, the range can reach 18,000 kilometers. The maximum speed is 750 kilometers per hour, and the economic cruising speed is 550 kilometers per hour.

This data is abnormal data. Only a madman would develop such an aircraft.

But the people of the China Electronics Technology Group are a group of madmen, plus Xu Huasheng, a crazy person, so this thing was developed.

This thing is even more exaggerated and abnormal than the giant double-headed aircraft launched by the stratosphere developed by the United States in the original time and space. The purpose of developing this aircraft is to prepare for unmanned warfare.

In other words, it is used as a mother aircraft for drones. The two huge cabins can accommodate 300 tons of payload. There are many things that can be loaded in it.

If fuel is loaded, it can become an unmanned tanker. In the air, it can refuel many drones at the same time.

It can also be used as a weapons depot. This aircraft is designed with an aerial drone docking platform. The drone can directly dock with this aircraft in the air. After the docking is completed, this aircraft can replenish ammunition for the drone through mechanical arms and other devices.

It can also be used as a drone delivery platform. The racks under the wings of this aircraft can be hung on many drones. These drones are first sent to a distance close to the battlefield by this thing and then started to go to the battlefield.

It can also be used as a bomber. The huge load can hang a lot of weapons and ammunition to carry out various bombings on the battlefield.

The huge weapon rack below, let alone bombs, even ballistic missiles can be hung below, which is quite abnormal.

The most important thing is that this thing is still unmanned. Every time it goes out, it is not just one person going out, and there will be a group of things hanging below. Even if you use missiles, it will not be able to hit it. Because there is a powerful radar on it. After discovering the incoming missile, it does not dodge, but dodges to launch interceptor missiles, and directly intercepts your incoming missiles.

The missiles hung on your fighter are not as many as the interceptor missiles hung on this aircraft.

At the same time, it can also be turned into an airborne early warning aircraft platform or an electronic warfare aircraft. Under the huge wings, a string of giant electronic pods can be hung. If it is used as an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or an unmanned early warning aircraft, this thing is very powerful because it has a long hovering time. With electronic equipment hung on it, the hovering time can reach 30 hours. The cruising radius is at least 8,000 to 9,000 kilometers. If you get a few to rotate, you can implement long-distance early warning 24 hours a day.

The fear of this thing is terrible only when you encounter it on the battlefield. Because it is unmanned, it can dispatch many at the same time.

And it is a variety of models, forming a huge formation. A group of these things, with many groups of small drones.

At that time, it will be useless for you to be discovered by your radar. This thing is the queen bee of the bee colony. A group of bees are protecting you. When your missile comes, the missile they carry fails to intercept. The drone will take the initiative to crash into it to intercept.

This is the horror of unmanned warfare. When the production line is opened, it will be a competition of who has stronger productivity and who has lower production costs.

And these things will be used sooner or later after they come out.

Now, in fact, many people know that if China wants to truly develop and truly become the world's leader, it will have to fight sooner or later.

If you don't fight and show the power of your fists, no one will really be convinced.

At this time, only if you really beat them will they be afraid. Even if it is to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, you have to kill a chicken for everyone to see.

"Now that the bee swarm is there, the queen bee will soon be there..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile. Now that the bee swarm is there, the drone models of the China Electronics Group are now countless, and there are really all kinds of drones.Yes.

Not only are there normal drones, but there are also some drones that don't look like drones.

For example, the drone shaped like a bionic bird looks like a bird and can flap its wings. Not to mention in the air, even if it is more than ten meters away from you, you may not be able to tell whether it is real or fake.

There are also various types of rotorcraft, shuttles, etc.

The suicide shuttle, China Electronics Group has developed several models. And it can also be swarmed, with infrared, thermal imaging, automatic tracking and other functions.

In the experimental factory of China Electronics Group, various war modes have subverted the military's three views. It is precisely because of this group of crazy people in China Electronics that the Chinese military dare not equip too many weapons and equipment now.

After many new weapons and equipment come out, they are equipped with a small amount of equipment to train performance and tactics. The reason is very simple. The more advanced equipment this year may be outdated by next year.

China Electronics' unmanned equipment is updated too quickly, taking the robot dog as an example. The robot dog inside China Electronics has been updated for three generations. But the military has not had any equipment for a generation, because the update speed is too fast, and there is no need for war now, so they don't need to equip themselves.

"Hey, when will we really use the things we developed?"

A researcher couldn't help but say. There are many good things, and the exercise effect is also very good, but they rarely participate in actual combat. There was only a wave of actual combat in Myanmar some time ago.

In fact, it can't be regarded as actual combat, but only as an experiment. After all, the army in Myanmar can only be beaten passively. In the eyes of these technicians, actual combat means fighting with the United States. Everyone takes out the first things and fights each other. You destroy mine and I destroy yours. In the end, see who has more cards, who has better technology, who has greater productivity, and who has greater war potential.

If it is just like Myanmar, unilaterally bullying others, it is meaningless. It is just bullying and bullying. There is no challenge.

If this idea is known by those Burmese soldiers who have been played to death, they will come out of hell and curse.

Damn, don't have any shame. You have blown us to death, and you still think it's meaningless. People are dead, what else are you going to do?

What? American lives are lives, but our lives are not lives? This is too much!

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