"Mr. Lin, sometimes we really need to change our thinking. What is the probability of our country going to war with other countries in the future? In my opinion, there is almost no chance. Even if there is, it will be border friction at most, and a small-scale armed conflict at most. In this case, I think we should take the technical route for the development of our weapons and equipment. When there is no serious external threat, we should equip a small number of high-end weapons and invest the remaining money in the research and development of newer technologies. Once there is a huge threat, with the potential of our country's manufacturing industry, we will definitely be able to produce these equipment quickly."

In the room, Xu Huasheng looked at Lin Zuotang and said seriously, which made Lin Zuotang nod in agreement. Don't look at China's backward economy and backward weapons and equipment now.

But China has mushroom bombs and intercontinental missiles. Except for the Soviet Union and the United States, who dares to attack China? It has been predicted that it is difficult for several nuclear powers to engage in direct combat now. Otherwise, if several nuclear powers with nuclear bombs get angry, it will be the time for the earth to be destroyed.

"So for our weapons research and development department, if we purchase less weapons and equipment, we will have less money. With less money, the next generation of weapons and equipment will naturally be developed slowly. What if we can't equip ourselves with the equipment we developed? It's easy to do. We can make money by selling it to other countries. We can find foreign countries for joint research and development and use external funds to develop our own technology. As long as some core things are not leaked, other things are not that serious. Besides, the performance of our weapons and equipment is not comparable to that of Europe and the United States. Take our own J-8 for example. Do you think it is really necessary to leak it? To put it bluntly, this thing is an obsolete product in Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union. People don't even look down on it..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Lin Zuotang look helpless. Yes, many weapons and equipment in China now have the risk of leaks. They are far behind others in technology.

"Mr. Lin, just because Europe and the United States look down on it doesn't mean that other countries look down on it. You know, there are not only developed countries in the world. There are many countries that are more backward than us. For example, in Latin America and Africa, their level of warfare is still at the level of World War II or even World War I. When our products are in their hands, they are advanced things. Didn't we get a taste of the sweetness of the Iran-Iraq War?"

Xu Huasheng's words made Lin Zuotang laugh. In the Iran-Iraq War, China's military industry made a lot of money.

"So it doesn't matter if we can't sell our products to developed countries, we can sell them to backward countries. It doesn't matter if we don't have money, we can exchange them with things. Minerals, oil, food, wood, as long as they can be sold for money, we want them. We can turn these things into money if we bring them back. If we really have nothing, ports and land can also be used."

Xu Huasheng's eyes were shining, and Lin Zuotang couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Also, we can change the way we sell weapons. European and American countries only sell weapons, and they are stuck in technology. Moreover, their weapons and equipment often have backdoors, and they will sanction you at any time, not provide after-sales service, and not provide spare parts. Our weapons and equipment are not as advanced as those in Europe and the United States, and we cannot compete head-on, but we can sell technology together, and we can also help them develop their own defense industry and enable them to achieve self-production of weapons. Anyway, our country does not seek hegemony, does not act as the world's police, and does not intend to invade others. We are not afraid that these weapons will fall on the heads of our soldiers. Use foreign money to develop our own technology, so that technology can be updated faster. At the same time, we can make money, win the friendship of these countries, and increase the strength of those countries, and reduce the external pressure on our country. It's a win-win situation..."

Xu Huasheng began to deceive, and these words made Lin Zuotang very excited.

If the military strength of Asia, Africa and Latin America increases by one point, then the hegemony of the United States will be reduced by one point in the future.

When all countries in the world have the ability to strike the US mainland, the United States will not dare to be arrogant in the future.

Anyway, China doesn't want to be the world police. If the United States wants to be one, then let it be. The more powerful the gangsters are, the harder it is for the police to manage them. Although the United States will win every war in the future, as long as a belligerent country loses once, it will be the beginning of the decline of this country.

The Soviet Union fought a protracted war in Afghanistan and almost dragged itself to death.

The future United States may also be able to do so. The future United States is belligerent. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States has been fighting whoever it wants to fight and bullying whoever it wants to bully.

Think about Yugoslavia, think about the embassy, ​​think about the humiliating Galaxy, think about the aircraft carrier battle group in the strait, and think about 81192. Xu Huasheng's eyes flashed a little.Killing intent.

Damn, I'll start putting eye drops in your eyes now. Even if you can continue to win, you'll still lose a layer of skin.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng suddenly thought of a magic weapon that is very suitable for guerrilla warfare. If Elder Lin takes this thing to Saudi Arabia for demonstration, I'm afraid Saudi Arabia will be more interested in cooperation. The most important thing is that if this thing is rampant in the Middle East, hehe, it will be lively in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng became excited.

"Old Lin, when I went to the United States before, I heard that the United States is developing a new type of anti-tank missile. After this anti-tank missile is fired, it does not need human guidance at all. It can track the target by itself, and this missile is specially designed to attack Soviet tanks. This missile has a mode called top attack mode..."

Xu Huasheng told Lin Zuotang about the Javelin missile. After listening to Xu Huasheng's story, Lin Zuotang didn't quite understand what Xu Huasheng meant.

I heard that this anti-tank missile is more powerful and more advanced. But what does this have to do with what I'm talking about?

"Mr. Lin, in fact, the technology of this missile is not difficult. It is nothing more than infrared tracking plus automatic guidance. Our company can design the chip for automatic guidance. We also have some technical information on infrared tracking. Why don't we make this product? Then take this product to Saudi Arabia to let Saudi Arabia see our R&D strength. At the same time, this anti-tank missile can not only hit moving targets such as tanks and armored vehicles, but also fixed targets and low-speed helicopters. This thing is a guerrilla weapon for the Middle East. The most important thing is that the profit is huge. The estimated cost of our production is only tens of thousands of dollars. If we sell it to big dogs, we will be sorry if we don't buy it for $200,000 per piece. The profit is dozens of times. If you sell thousands of them..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Lin Zuotang's eyes light up. If there is such a profit, selling thousands of them can make a profit of 100 million or 200 million US dollars. This profit is simply a fortune for the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. Thinking of this, Lin Zuotang swallowed his saliva and his heart was moved.

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