
Pulling out a tissue, wiping his red nose, Ryan curled up on the sofa, wrapped in a thick blanket.

It was unfortunate enough. After returning from the set yesterday, he caught a cold and had a low-grade fever. After taking the medicine, he slept until nearly noon, and then he felt better.

Ryan, it's time for you to take your medicine. Jinsley walked into the bedroom with a glass of water.

She sighed softly, Nicole Kidman was coming to Poland soon, and if she saw Ryan like this, she had no doubt that the woman would kill herself.

Give it to me, Pat. Natalie got up from her chair and took the glass and pills.

Okay, then... I won't bother you two, what do you want for lunch?

Whatever. Ryan said angrily.

Stupid, there is no such thing as casual food in this world.

After watching Ryan take the pills, Natalie couldn't help but stab him.

Dear Nate, I'm already pitiful enough, are you still arguing with me? Ryan stared, pale face, red nose, looking really pitiful.

Natalie pouted and swallowed what she was about to say. Anyway, this guy is like this, so let him go.

She simply stopped talking, nestled in the sofa, took a book, and read it.

Ryan is really bored, the TV is changing back and forth, always those programs that he can't understand, and he wants to write something, but his head is dizzy, and Natalie was chatting with him before, but now the other party is drilling. When he entered the book, he didn't even speak, and even if he started talking, the girl would only give a vague 'um'.

Nate, what are you reading, so fascinated? Ryan felt the book in her hand was a little familiar.

Take it from your room in London. Natalie was not polite to him at all. Sorry, I forgot to say hello to your master.

Natalie shook the book in her hand at him, and now Ryan saw it clearly - Director's Basics.

This book was bought when he and Nicole settled in London. At that time, he bought a lot of books on movies and screenplays, some of them were about directors, but he bought them and put them on the bookshelf. Haven't seen it.

Nate would be interested in this? Ryan frowned and thought for a while, then slowly remembered, isn't it, in the last year of her previous life, Natalie has already started her directorial work.

Are you interested in the director? he asked Natalie, who was watching with relish.

Let's put it this way, Ryan. Natalie put down the book, with a bit of stubbornness on her brow, I found out, I want to outperform you in terms of acting... Well, it's very difficult, but I don't want to lose to you. Damn idiot, there must be one aspect in order to completely overwhelm you!

Obviously, this girl's ambition is not ordinary, and her competitive spirit is not ordinary.

Okay, Nat, wait for the day when you get the best director statuette. Ryan rolled his eyes, it seemed unlikely, I will buy the prime time of the three major TV networks, Tell the nation that Ryan Jenkins is inferior to Natalie Hirschler.

Then just wait and see, Ryan. Natalie flashed a small fist at him.

By the next day, Ryan was all better, and his body was indeed strong,

As long as you get out of the cold environment, the recovery speed is particularly fast.

Regardless of Kingsley's persuasion, he insisted on going to the set for the simple reason that Natalie was about to give her first film performance in front of the camera.

I have to say that this girl is very smart, and Ryan feels inferior in terms of acting talent. If he hadn't been acting like a day for more than ten years, he would never have surpassed her in terms of acting skills.

Although she has no experience in acting in front of the camera, Natalie has participated in more than ten stage plays. Except for the first scene, there is a mistake that a novice must make - looking at the camera subconsciously - which led to several NGs, Then quickly found the status.

In particular, she is a Jew born in Jerusalem, and her grandmother is a hero during World War II. She has her own understanding of this history, and plays the role of this little girl who desperately wants to find a hiding place in the Nazi purge. Easy to do.

Scene 21, Act 11, start!

The Jewish girl with glasses and her mother rushed into the room in a panic, opened the floor mezzanine on the side of the **, and the middle-aged woman hiding inside carried the girl into the mezzanine, but stopped her mother.

You have a blue card!

Now the blue card is useless! The mother waved her hand anxiously, They're going to bloody the quarantine area!

There's no place for you here. The middle-aged woman refused her request and wanted to pull up to the floor.

Mom~ the girl screamed, she grabbed her mother's hand tightly, Mom, I want to be with you.

great! Spielberg stood up satisfied.

Mrs. Shelly picked up Natalie's coat and was about to walk over. Ryan took it quickly, smiled at her, and hurried to Natalie's side, putting the thick coat on the girl.

Shaking her head, Mrs. Shelly returned to her chair. I hope the two of them will be as close as they are now when they grow up.

Nate, your performance is great. Ryan praised her rarely.

Really? Natalie blinked, not modest at all, I think so too.

Natalie's role is far more than Ryan's. Like him, she also refused the salary for the performance, even if it was not much money.

Natalie's performance has been recognized by many professionals, including Steven Spielberg. In his words, if Natalie wasn't a little old, he would have wanted her to play the little boy in red. girl.

In the previous shot, the Jewish girls were still in the studio to avoid the purges of the Nazis. In the next shot, they moved to the outside field and listened to the lectures of the Nazi officers.

Under the flagpole in the barracks, hundreds of SS troops were ready to go, and Amon Goss was giving a cold speech with a map in his hand.

Today is a historic day, and it will be remembered forever. Many years from now, young people will ask with reverence what happened today. Today is a historic day, and you will be the participants.

Amon Gauss's face was very calm, as if the next big cleaning of the SS was going to be a normal thing.

Six hundred years ago, the Black Death was prevalent in Europe. This great plague killed countless people. Jews were accused of being the source of the disease. The then Polish King Kasimi the Great allowed the Jews to come to Krakow, so they came. , a steady stream, with a carload of luggage, took root here and developed.

They came with nothing and nothing! Now they are prosperous. For six hundred years, the Jews have occupied Krakow, but all this will end tonight, and it will become a rumor from now on, as if it never happened.

Amon Gauss paused and said with certainty, Today is a historic day!

After Spielberg called to stop, there was silence around, surrounded by nearby Jews, looking at the past with disgust and hatred in their eyes, even though they knew that these were actors, they made no secret of their disapproval of the Nazis. manner.

This is a nation of love and hate! Even Natalie's clenched fist trembled slightly.

Ryan quietly shook her hand to relax her.

Perhaps the Jews have such and such defects, but they are a nation that will have revenge. Since the end of World War II, whether it is Israel or the Jewish organizations of various countries, they have never given up the liquidation of the Nazis.

Even those Nazis smeared with the blood of their compatriots, hidden deep in the savannah of Africa and the tropical rainforest of South America, they persistently pursued and killed again and again and never let up.

In order to completely nail Hitler to the pillar of shame by the Nazis, both officials and non-governmental organizations are making unremitting efforts. Perhaps many people will deny the existence of the Holocaust, but after the release of Schindler's List, All this has been recognized.

He couldn't help thinking of the ancient capital that had experienced disasters in his previous life. When he went to Japan for an interview, he was not protesting or leaving the scene in anger when faced with the Japanese officials who received him denying the Holocaust during the official meeting. , but responded with a smile 'put aside disputes and develop together'.

The filming is still going on. Although there is no camera of his own, Ryan still acts as an extra from time to time. Anyway, he just hides in the crowd and acts as a living prop.

When the afternoon was about to end, an assistant from the crew came over and whispered a few words in Jinsley's ear. Ryan keenly caught the name Nicole Kidman and immediately understood that the other party was coming from Los Angeles. come over.

Nicole is here! Ryan was full of this idea, and regardless of Natalie next to him, he rushed towards the studio door with a strange cry.

The golden-red curly hair fluttered in the wind, the purple tight-fitting windbreaker wrapped the bumpy body, and the white and ruddy face, although exhausted, showed a smile that was brighter than the noon sun when he saw him.

This is the person closest to him in this life, and the person he loves the most.


Ryan made another strange cry, and the whole person rushed over like a cannonball. At this moment, only the Australian girl was in his eyes.

Hey honey, slow down.

Nicole Kidman took Ryan, who was rushing, into his arms. The huge momentum drove her to step back several steps. While stabilizing her body, she forcefully kissed his forehead.

Nicole, I missed you. Ryan hugged her tightly, not willing to let go for a moment.

I missed you too, dear. Nicole hugged him as hard.


There was a reminder-style cough next to him, and Ryan pouted, so he had to let go of Nicole Kidman and looked over.

There were two men and three women. Except for Nicole's assistant, one of them he knew. His big nose was too conspicuous. It was Jean Reno.

As for the other fat man with a sloppy appearance, it should be Luc Besson.

...recommendation, requesting collection...Thank you for your reward~

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