Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 62 Wild Tour

The mission of art is to use emotional images to show the truth. It should give people spiritual vitality and inspiration, not show a cold fist to life! Natalie stared at her face like a proud cockfight. Disdainful Ryan. Am I right?

But Leo Tolstoy said that the best art is the art that everyone can understand! Ryan also raised his chin, What is Last Tango in Paris? It's dull and boring, with How many people liked it? It's nothing but the acting that Marlon Brando showed in it? As for Berutocchi, does he understand what the audience wants to see?

The Silence of the Lambs is not much better. A lot of cruel, horrible and bloody scenes dilute the theme it wants to express, and its artistic performance is at least one grade worse than Last Tango in Paris. Natalie then objected.

You can't deny that Silence of the Lambs is more popular, Nat, or that sentence, the film is not made by the director for himself, he must consider the market's acceptance.

It was on the wagon to Yosemite National Park, with Ryan and Natalie sitting in the back row of eleven wagons and having a heated debate.

Natalie came to Los Angeles yesterday. Mr. Avner came here to attend a medical conference and took his daughter with him. Natalie didn't notify Ryan until after getting off the plane. Fortunately, Ryan and Ni But although he decided to go on a wild trip with the Swift family to avoid the increasingly frenzied reporters, he just took her with him before he left.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and there was a lot to talk about, but the topic turned to the movie, and naturally they discussed the hit Silence of the Lambs this year.

But art is rigorous! Natalie turned her body half-turned to face Ryan.

Really? Is it really necessary to have so many erotic scenes in Last Tango in Paris?

Ryan! Nat!

Nicole couldn't bear it anymore, she turned her head and stopped the two who wanted to continue the debate, I want to ask, who watched 'Last Tango in Paris' and 'Silence of the Lambs' with you? It's your age. Should I watch it? Ryan, it looks like I should ban your feet when you go back, and Nat, I think I should talk to Mrs. Shelley on the phone.

The cockfighting boy and girl finally got discouraged, glared at each other, and looked at the scenery outside their respective car windows.

Aren't they good friends? Why have they been arguing since yesterday?

Holding the sleeping Taylor in a different position in her arms, Mrs. Andrea asked curiously in a low voice.

Don't mention it. Nicole waved her hand. The two of them have known each other for almost two years. No matter whether they are on the phone or in correspondence, they are like natural enemies, but they have a very good relationship.

Yosemite National Park is located in the eastern part of California and is as famous as Yellowstone National Park. It is one of the most beautiful natural national parks in the western region.

A group of them came in two cars. In addition to the eleven station wagons, George also drove a Chevrolet off-road vehicle in the back.

Wow, so... beautiful~

As soon as he got out of the car, little Taylor saw a continuous forest. The climate here is pleasant, far cooler than the hot Los Angeles.

The scenery here is very beautiful. After entering the valley, the group went directly to the Butterfly Forest in Nanshan. There is a large old world forest here. These redwood trees are tall and thick, and many of them can't be surrounded by more than a dozen people in a circle. .

Although the urban greening in the United States is very good, for those who live in the city all the year round, this is a good place to relax and relax. The only bad thing is that there are a lot of tourists. After all, it is famous all over the world. tourist attraction.

After visiting the rock area again, everyone simply came to the stream canyon with less traffic, and found a flat place for a short rest.

Ryan, catch the butterfly... take me there, okay? Little Taylor didn't let anyone relax for a moment.

Dear, there are wolves and lions here, you can't run around. Ryan simply threatened, but how could a little girl less than two years old understand the horror of these two animals, but clapped her hands and said, Lions? In the zoo? Is that? Great, Ryan, and Nat, catch the lion...take me.

Ryan had the urge to vomit blood, but Mr. Scott looked at the time and said, It's getting late, let's hurry up to the cabin area, if it's too late, we won't be able to find a place to stay.

There are no real wild lions in the Americas! Natalie gave him the look you're really uneducated.

Isn't a cougar a lion? Ryan retorted like a conditioned reflex, and also gave Natalie an uneducated look.

I'm too lazy to care about you. Natalie gave him the back of his head directly.

The wooden hut area is located in this valley. Although it is open to tourists, the management is very strict. If there are behaviors such as littering and destroying trees, the high fines will directly turn tourists into beggars. , but it is these strict, almost harsh regulations, that make this national park prosperous.

The group rented three large wooden houses, the Swift family, Nicole and Natalie, and the boy and George each lived in one.

Tyler slept all the way when he came, and now is the time when he is full of energy. He clamored for Ryan and Natalie to accompany her to catch the lion and play with her, making the whole group feel helpless.

Taylor, catching lions is not fun at all. If you don't believe me, ask George. He has been in Africa and has seen a lot of lions. He moved a few chairs and sat around on the grass in front of the wooden house. The unscrupulous Ryan couldn't handle the little girl, so he had to push his bodyguard out.

Really? George? Africa...where is it, far? Fun? Tyler asked with twinkling eyes.

It's not fun. George smiled and simply started telling the story, The grasslands and forests there are full of dangers, not only lions, but also dangerous animals like cheetahs.

The king of beasts...isn't it a lion? Tyler blinked, then pointed at Ryan and said, Ryan said...the last time I went to the zoo.

On the African grasslands, the most dangerous animal is not a lion. Seeing the eyes of several people around him, George simply shrugged and said, Once I was out on a mission, I was surrounded by a group of jackals. On the African grasslands, the most terrifying thing is not the lion and the cheetah, but the starving jackal.”

He pointed to the scar on the brow bone and said, This is what was left from that time. I only had three bullets left in the gun at that time. After shooting the three jackals, I could only fight them in close quarters, okay? If I am lucky enough, they are the ones who died, and although I suffered a lot of injuries, I finally managed to persevere until the arrival of support.

After speaking, he clapped Tyler's little hand, So, Tyler, catching lions is not so fun.

When everyone heard him say this, they all felt a little emotional. There are few stable countries in Africa.

Nicole was suddenly a little worried. In her eyes, soldiers, especially those who have seen blood, are dangerous animals. Especially in order to prepare for The Hero of the Sea of ​​Righteousness, she checked a lot of information about the army and knew that many marines were there. After retiring from the army, he will either become a professional mercenary or take a crooked path because of his livelihood. Is it really suitable for Ryan to be with him?

That's the most important person to her. If the other party is to him...Nicole suddenly didn't dare to think about it, she thought she should find another bodyguard for Ryan.

Wait. Ryan suddenly felt that he had overlooked a very important thing, which seemed to be related to what George said, but he couldn't remember, George, what did you just say? Lion? And a jackal?

That's right. George nodded. The most dangerous thing in Africa is not the lion, but the starving jackal. Is there a problem?

I'm X! Ryan burst into a foul language in Chinese, he finally remembered what he had forgotten, lion! Jackal! Africa! Hamlet! The Prince's Revenge!

Whether he was adapting the novel at the beginning or writing the script later, he even forgot the most brilliant work of this 2D animation, and couldn't help but slap his forehead.

I'm really a pig head. Ryan scolded himself in his heart.

Ryan, you're swearing. Natalie said calmly.

Swear words? Ryan felt inexplicable.

Don't deny it. Natalie said with a clear expression, I have been learning Chinese since last year, and I often go to Chinatown to find people to practice. I have met many Chinese students who used to scold people with the words you just said. want to learn Chinese? Ryan was very surprised. He knew that Natalie in his previous life was proficient in several languages, but he had never heard that she could speak Chinese.

Since you speak Chinese so fluently, I will naturally surpass you. She said it for granted.

Okay, okay. Ryan looked at Nicole and saw that she didn't say anything, so he said, I apologize, it's okay.

Anyway, it won't cost money to apologize, and there will be no less meat! He started duplicity again.

Ryan, then you beat yourself...why just now? Taylor asked curiously.

Ah... Ryan opened his mouth, thinking that you are a little brat, where did you get so much curiosity, but when everyone looked over, he scratched his head and said, After listening to George's experience, I suddenly felt For inspiration, maybe write a story about Africa.”

A story of Africa?

After all, everyone knew the boy and knew that he must have some good ideas.

Yes, move Shakespeare's The Prince's Revenge to the African savannah. He waved to stop Natalie, who wanted to express his opinion, It's not a human-to-human story. The protagonist is a lion, a man named ...Simba's lion!

Animation? Natalie lost interest after asking.

Anything like Mickey Mouse...well...and Donald Duck? Tyler interjected.


Ryan nodded, and after thinking about it, he ran into the room and fetched the easel.

...two updates today~ in the weekend code, thank you for your support~

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