Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 83 The Right to Adapt

As early as December, Hollywood Records announced that super genius Ryan Jenkins' first solo album will be officially released after the new year, which has attracted widespread attention. he is naturally the first song of the album. Single, and on January 1, 1992, the second single will begin to promote the chart.

Ryan has also been cooperating with the record company's promotion plan. When everyone's attention was focused on his music, he had to devote most of his energy to the film business.

Since a few months ago, Kingsley has been in tug-of-war negotiations with Universal Pictures, the object of which is naturally the film adaptation rights of Jurassic Park.

The negotiation process was not smooth. Ryan had a big appetite. He wanted to cut a big piece of this super big cake and stuff it into his pocket.

Universal Pictures is not a fool. They plan to follow Disney's approach in The Lion King and enjoy the box office and subsequent peripheral sharing of the film as the original author and screenwriter.

If he is willing to invest less than 10 million US dollars, they will welcome it with both hands. Why not do this kind of thing that can bring the relationship between the two sides by giving up a little bit of income?

Unexpectedly, the other party's appetite was far greater than they thought, and they even threw out a co-production and sharing agreement.

Universal Pictures can tolerate their participation in the investment, but it is unacceptable to share nearly half of the pie from the expected revenue, and eventually the negotiations broke down.

With absolute initiative, Ryan is not in a hurry at all. Although he prefers to cooperate with Universal Pictures, he does not mind cooperating with other large film companies. After all, the copyright of Jurassic Park is 100% in his own hands. , as long as he doesn't nod, there's nothing anyone can do.

Of course, he has not given up the opportunity to cooperate with Universal Pictures for the time being. In his opinion, Universal Pictures will eventually make concessions.

As the second oldest company among the seven major film companies, Universal Pictures is not doing well recently. It has not released strong works for several years in a row. If it does not help itself, it will degenerate into MGM and Sony Columbia Pictures.

You must know that in addition to the huge film library of MGM and Sony Pictures, the former has been eating the old 007 series, and the latter has not yet figured out how to play in the American entertainment market after it was acquired by the Japanese. with tuition fees.

The turnaround of Universal Pictures in the past life was precisely Jurassic Park and Schindler's List. The former won nearly 1 billion US dollars at the global box office, and all kinds of surrounding fires were a mess, while the latter produced a huge amount of money. The repercussions became a big winner at the Oscars.

The person who ordered the termination of the negotiation was Sean Scheinberg, president of American Music, the owner of Universal Pictures.

However, Ryan Jenkins is not the boy he was a year ago, nor is he a child actor that Tom Cruise can easily question in public. With this year's Sleepless in Seattle and Terminator 2 The success of Bodyguard has gradually established his status in this circle in Hollywood. In the eyes of various film companies, his works are the guarantee of the box office.

Let the news be released, and we can sell a good price with multiple competitions. Ryan once said to Kingsley after the negotiations broke down.

So, on the day when the negotiations broke down, the news spread, and the film circle was suddenly boiling, and they were shocked to realize that Universal Pictures was ahead of the whole Hollywood.

It turned out to be aimed at Jurassic Park.

This is a book that has won the title of champion for more than 40 weeks on the bestseller list in the United States. According to the news released by the Alien Publishing House, this book has sold more than 20 million copies. , There are many book fans all over the world. If it is adapted into a movie, as long as it is not made into something unknown, there is no need to consider the profit at all. The only thing to consider is how much money can be made.

Ryan Jenkins and Universal were so inauthentic that they were negotiating in secret and they ended up breaking down, that's great.

Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox contacted Kingsley on the same day, and producers such as Tim Burton and Jack Bruckheimer did not. There was a lot of uproar, and soon, there was news that Jurassic Park would be adapted into a movie by the media.

Strictly speaking, this book was changed by Ryan into a book for younger age groups. To be precise, it is a book for all ages. Different from the previous life, the book became the best-selling book champion as early as 1986. With the increase of Ryan's fame, sales continued to increase, and a large number of book fans were cultivated.

They rejoiced when they heard the news, and what could be more enviable than seeing their favorite dinosaur on the big screen?

We've been looking forward to the day when Ryan will finally bring his most important work to the big screen, yes! We're so excited, we love Jurassic Park!

This is a book fan meeting of Ryan, who bought a small page in the newspaper and made his own voice, hoping to support his idol in this way.

Of course, there are also some people who are worried. An older book lover said with concern when he was interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, I also hope to see the movie version of Jurassic Park one day earlier, especially It's the giant Tyrannosaurus rex, and I'm a little worried that the current film technology can't make the dinosaurs come to life, so that would be too bad, it would be a disaster.

Los Angeles Times simply set up a questionnaire, the content is whether you want to see the movie version of Jurassic Park, the questionnaire returned nearly 20,000 copies, more than 90% of people support moving the book On the big screen.

Ryan has a limited understanding of the previous life of Jurassic Park, but in this life, even before the film adaptation rights are sold, it has already been hyped and attracted a lot of attention.

In fact, everyone is optimistic about the adaptation of this book, not to mention that Ryan Jenkins will write the script himself, the only worry is the post-production technology of the film.

Now in Hollywood, who has the most advanced film special effects technology? Of course, it was Industrial Light and Magic. It didn't take long for a reporter to find George Lucas. After hearing the other party's question, the old man said without hesitation, With the technology of Industrial Light and Magic, it is completely possible to make Lifelike dinosaurs.

The old man dared to say this, and he must be confident in his heart. Coupled with the special effects technology shown in Terminator 2, the confidence of various film companies has greatly increased, and each phone call has made Jinsili and her team annoyed.

In particular, Warner and Disney, who had cooperated with Ryan, were more active. Gerald and Carter Eisner visited each other separately and asked Ryan to give priority to them.

Ryan is also not good to refuse directly, only one condition is given, The director of this film must be Steven Spielberg, this is a prerequisite for negotiation!

I don't know how the news spread, it's good, the hatred has been successfully transferred, and Jewish directors have become the top priority of public relations for major companies.

A man who joined Universal earlier than his previous life played an important role at this time. Ron Mayer defied all opposition, persuaded Sean Scheinberg to restart negotiations with Kingsley, and Leveraging years of partnership, Spielberg was invited to Universal Studios.

How Universal Pictures persuaded Spielberg, few people know for now. Ryan heard from Kingsley that when Spielberg left Universal Studios, his face was very ugly, and he was always tense in the subsequent negotiations. face.

Soon, the latest news came out, Universal Pictures will invest 30 million US dollars, for the filming of Schindler's List, Steven Spielberg will be the director of this film.

At this point, Ryan doesn't need to inquire any more. He also knows that those things happened in his previous life. The honeymoon period between Universal Pictures and Spielberg is over, and it won't be long before Hollywood will change and usher in a Quasi-giant - DreamWorks!

What is negotiation? To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than asking prices in the sky and paying them back on the spot.

Ryan also knew that the conditions he offered were indeed a bit harsh, and he took the initiative to make concessions. The next negotiation can only be described as rapid. The two sides reached an agreement and signed a contract when they entered December.

Regarding the film adaptation and investment of Jurassic Park, Jenkins Films and Universal Pictures contributed 20 million and 45 million US dollars respectively as the initial budget, excluding the distribution and promotion costs intercepted by Universal Pictures in the future, the copyright and future The income will be divided according to the investment proportion.

Ryan has reduced the investment ratio. After all, the manufacture and sale of peripheral products are completely smeared on his side, and there are many places that rely on the channels of Universal Pictures.

As for him personally, apart from the income of Jenkins Pictures, he can also get 5 million US dollars and 3% of the North American box office share as the income of adaptation rights and screenwriters.

It's a good deal, both for Universal and otherwise.

The cake-sharing agreement was officially reached, and Ryan ushered in a busy life. He temporarily tossed the unfinished Killer Leon to one side. Since entering December, he has started to rush the draft, and strives to have Killer Leon before the new year. The first draft of the script for Jurassic Park was written.

He simply extended the vacation and planned to return to school after Christmas. Except for the occasional attention to the box office of The Bodyguard, he devoted most of his energy to the compilation of the script.

Fortunately, I have always had a clear movie comparison in my head, and I have written Ryan Jenkins' version of Jurassic Park, and it will be much smoother to write again.

Finally, before going to Diana's charity dinner, Ryan wrote the first draft of the script, as well as dozens of sketches of dinosaurs, all of which were classic images from previous-life movies.

...recommend~request collection~

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