Rebirth In The Last Days, The Crazy Boss Is A Greedy

Chapter 24 The Last Explosion Of Plant Variation

Yao Tao stretched out his "evil" hand and got his wish.

Ahhh, this feeling!

The orange cat looked back at her, and didn't resist. Instead, it lay down and exposed its belly, rolling around and acting like a baby.

The corners of Yao Tao's eyes twitched.

Five minutes of pretentiousness will lead to prosperity and wealth for a lifetime.

Creatures like cats really know how to domesticate humans.

In this case, I'm welcome!

I licked the cat so happily that it flew up.

The orange cat also has a good temper, it doesn't stretch its paws at all, and even snores comfortably.

The other three cats looked at the orange cat with disgust.

Yao Tao felt refreshed after masturbating the cat.

Back at the top of the tree, she took out a can of liquefied gas from the space and connected it to the liquefied gas stove.

Boil a pot of water first, and when the water boils, she takes out a bag of quick-frozen wontons from the space.

Wontons were being cooked here, while on the other side she took out some green vegetables, washed and chopped them, and mixed a plate of mixed salad.

After the wontons were cooked, she tore some seaweed, threw in a handful of dried dried shrimps, and finally poured in the seasoning.

The smell of seafood floated out of the pot instantly.

Turn off the fire, fill a large bowl of wontons, take off your shoes and sit on a tall tree branch with bare feet.

Blow gently and take a sip of soup first.

The delicious taste made her squint her eyes comfortably.

The meaning of hoarding goods is reflected at this time.

Eat, drink, be free.

There is no need to intrigue with other people in the base, and there is no need to worry about forming a team.

Fighting entails risks.

Even if she is capable, she is not an adventurer, so she will not take adventure as fun.

She planned to stay on the tree for two days, and then start major projects on the tree until the third outbreak of plant mutation.

Otherwise, the tree will grow taller, which will affect the progress of her project.

After eating, she rested for a while and started to work.

The first thing to do is to "behead" the three nearby trees.

She came to the top of the tree and took out the hang glider from the space.

After assembling, adjust the direction and jump down from the top of the tree in the wind.

The hang glider took her into flight.

However, she did not fall to the ground, but flew directly to a nearby tree.

Putting away the hang glider, she took out tools from the space and began to cut wood.

"Logging" is tiring.

It took her two days to chop off the tops of three trees.

It was already half past five in the afternoon when work was over.

The sun turned to the west, and the scarlet clouds were like marshmallows soaked in orange juice.

If it weren't for the huge mutated birds flying across the sky, this scene would be quite touching.

The mutated birds flapped their wings and gathered in a group from afar.

Yao Tao knew that they were looking for a place to rest at night.

Fortunately, there are not many trees in the place where she is, otherwise the mutated birds inhabit here, and it would be dizzying to think about it.

"Meow!" The cat screamed sharply in the wind.

It wasn't like coquettishly barking at her as usual, but full of anger and threats.

Yao Tao quickly flew back on the hang glider, and just as he landed on the tree, he saw two dogs coming up from nowhere, trying to get close to the basin filled with cat food.

The cihuamao bowed its waist, its fur puffed up, and it let out a threatening growl.

The two dogs obviously didn't want to leave when they saw the food. They turned around, bared their teeth, and made an attacking gesture.

Suddenly, the orange cat jumped out from nowhere and jumped on the dog's back.

The other three cats also rushed forward.

All of a sudden, dog hair and cat hair flew all over the sky.

Yao Tao stood there bewildered.

This kind of battle... Uh, she doesn't seem to be able to participate in it.

Fortunately, the battle happened quickly and ended quickly.

The two dogs retreated when they saw Yao Tao approaching, spit out the cat hair sticking to their mouths, and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Yao Tao hurried over to check the condition of the four cats.

All four cats were wounded,

Some had a broken ear, and some had a hole bitten through their face.

The orange cat was the most injured. One paw didn't dare to touch the ground, so it limped to the side and sat down to lick the wound.

Yao Tao wanted to show them their wounds, but they refused to let her touch them.

She had no choice but to find some anti-inflammatory drugs mixed in the cat food, and rewarded them with a meal of dried fish.

Although the two dogs returned to the ground, they did not go far.

Yao Tao used a telescope to see them wandering nearby several times.

All for a bite of food.

Fighting is inevitable.

After working for two days, I was sweating all over.

Yao Tao took out a bath artifact from the space - a mobile bath machine.

Here's what she found in an unassuming specialty store.

The installation-free, mobile shower machine is generally used in rental houses or homes where it is inconvenient to install a water heater.

As long as there is electricity, it can be used normally.

Even though she lived in a high place, she pulled two shower curtains to block it and took a shower.

When the shower was about to finish, the orange cat's head came in from a corner of the shower curtain, looking at her worriedly.


When Yao Tao changed into clean clothes and came out, he found that the other three cats were also sitting behind the shower curtain, lined up in a row, worried.

Yao Tao: "..."

Are you afraid that I will be drowned?

In the evening, she fried some water spinach without meat, which was refreshing.

The side dish is still fruit and vegetable salad, boiled two eggs, and sprinkled some sea salt and black pepper on top.

The staple food is noodles, which she mixes with water and baked.

The fragrant noodles also attracted the orange cat.

Yao Tao tore a small piece and threw it to it.

The orange cat limped over to pick it up and eat it.

"If you mutate, don't get me. I don't want white-eyed wolves." Yao Tao was talking to the cat. "I'll hunt and share the meat with you. You have to keep your territory and don't let others snatch it."

Before going to bed at night, she took two frozen pigs out of the space and placed them on a tree branch near the cat food.

The third plant mutation is coming, whether she likes it or not, these cats will eventually mutate.

I hope that after they mutate and eat the meat, they don't want to play her mind.

Yao Tao is still sleeping in a hammock on the top of the tree, with the air gun beside him, within easy reach.

In a daze, she heard the roar of wild animals mixed with cat meowing.

She jerked her eyes open and sat up.

The sky in the east showed a fish-belly white.

She glanced at the time: four in the morning.

Taking out the binoculars, she looked under the tree.

The branches and leaves in the middle of the tree trembled, as if something was fighting, making terrible roars from time to time.

Yao Tao held the air gun and did not move.

Whatever it was, it wasn't a fight she could be in.

As the sky in the east became brighter and brighter, the ground suddenly trembled, like a creature suddenly waking up, breathing up and down.

She knew that it wasn't the ground shaking, but the plants that took root in the ground, they were mutating, and they were undergoing a third major outbreak.

She secured herself with a safety rope.

"Wow!" The roar of the beast under the tree came and went.

With a miserable howl, two huge figures fell from the middle of the tree.

Yao Tao observed carefully with binoculars and found that they were actually two mutant dogs.

They fell through trees several stories high and could seriously injure, if not die.

It seems to be the two dogs from last night, they have mutated.

But how did they fall?

Yao Tao was wondering when suddenly a large orange head appeared among the green branches and leaves.

The furry big head was like a tiger, it raised its head and looked up, wondering if it really saw her, it blinked slowly... as if winking.

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