Yao Tao avoided two groups of survivors going to the resettlement site and targeted a shopping mall.

There are no trees planted around the shopping mall. Fortunately, it is well preserved and has not been overturned or pushed down by mutated plants.

But the sidewalks outside the mall are lined with large flower pots filled with ornamental flowers.

These herbaceous plants mutate to form a "grassland" with a height of several people, which firmly wraps the shopping mall in the "grassland".

Yao Tao stood on a high place and observed carefully with a map in his hand.

The map was prepared by her before the end of the world.

After the end of the world began, the mobile phone and the Internet were useless, so she made a lot of maps and compasses.

After the plants mutate, the topography and landform of the entire city will change. The original map can only be used as a reference, otherwise it is difficult to tell where you are.

After confirming the location of the mall, she tied her long hair into a ponytail, put on a baseball cap and a sweater, and began to drill into the "grass".

These plants look small and cute in pots, but when they grow as tall as towering trees, they look creepy.

Yao Tao adjusted his direction with a compass as he walked, so as not to get lost.

It was hard to find the gate of the shopping mall, but the gate was so full of plants that no one could get in.

She took out the fire ax from the space, and with one stroke, cleared a passage.

The first floor of the shopping mall is a cosmetics counter and a gold shop.

In the last days, gold and silver lose their original value, and sometimes they are even worth less than a bag of instant noodles.

Yao Tao is not interested in this, but she doesn't mind taking away some beautiful ornaments or jewelry for her own appreciation.

Her main targets here are clothing, shoes and hats, as well as bedding.

The mall has five floors.

The second floor is the children's area, which sells children's products.

Children's clothing, children's shoes, baby products, toys, milk powder, diapers and the like.

These things are of no use to her, but they can be exchanged with others.

Even in the last days, children's products are still the most expensive.

Adults can make do with it, but children can't.

If you dare to deal with him, you dare to die.

Yao Tao had just put these products into the space when he faintly heard the voice of a man talking from the escalator.

She took out the fire shovel from the space, and walked lightly to the escalator.

The mall is well preserved and there has been no power outage for the time being.

In order to avoid being discovered, Yao Tao hid behind the billboard and looked down following the sound.

The voices were coming from the first floor.

"Wow, we're rich! Nannan, look, look! This gold is all mine!"

Through the gap between the escalators, Yao Tao saw a young man and woman.

The man ran back and forth excitedly, and the woman followed behind with embarrassment, "Mingyang...it's not good for us..."

"What are you afraid of, hahahaha, so much gold, if you get rich, get rich!"

"But these things are not ours. Let's go quickly and go to the resettlement site." The woman grabbed the man's clothes and pulled him out forcefully.

The man's face was serious, "Nannan, don't be stupid, how can I have money to marry you if I don't take it, your father asked for a gift of 500,000 yuan, and you know that my family's conditions are poor. When I get rich, let's buy a gift." It’s a big villa, I’ll take my dad over here so you can take care of him in the future..."

Yao Tao stood and eavesdropped for a while, knowing that the two people's goal was the gold on the first floor.

She didn't want them to discover her existence, so she went to the third floor quietly.

They can't take all the gold without space.

The outside of the shopping mall is surrounded by "grasslands". If you want to go out, you have to walk through it. With heavy gold on your back, you will be exhausted.

Money is a good thing, if you have your life to earn but not your life to spend it, it will be useless if you get it.

The third floor buys all kinds of big-name clothes.

Yao Tao rolled up his sleeves unceremoniously, coming and going, all came to sister's space.

What is a well-known trademark?

What is an international famous brand?

In her eyes, they are all like goods that don't cost money, but they can be collected in the space.

Oh? Originally purchased at 0 yuan?

That's all right.

After collecting the clothes, Yao Tao went to the fourth floor to sweep the goods.

The fourth floor buys all kinds of home appliances and daily necessities supermarkets.

She puts all washing machines, refrigerators and TVs in the space.

It is difficult to use electricity in the last days, but people can never do without entertainment. In the last days, entertainment is even more necessary to adjust one's mood.

She assembled several sets of vr game consoles and vr helmets.

When I left, I also downloaded and packaged all the vr game resources in the store and took them away.

When there is no Internet, you can only play stand-alone games.

In addition, she also swept away the electronic playground in the mall. Large-scale video games can not only entertain but also keep fit.

The fifth floor sells leather shoes and bags.

Yao Tao's first target was athletic footwear.

Often have to climb up and down the huge trees, a pair of reliable sneakers are essential.

Otherwise, the soles of the feet will slip, "slip" and fall directly from a height of more than ten floors, leaving only two voices.



After "shopping", Yao Tao went back to the second floor, wanting to see if the couple had left.

If they left, she would go to the ground floor for a final sweep.

I didn't expect that pair to still exist.

"Stop pretending, please, I can't carry it anymore." The woman begged bitterly.

The man did not know which counter he found a piece of cloth covering the counter. He spread the cloth on the ground and put the gold bricks on top.

When it was full, he knotted the four corners of the cloth bag and tied it into a burden.

Yao Tao found it funny.

He really wants money but doesn't care about his life. Doesn't he know how much gold weighs?

Sure enough, after the man tied up the bundle, even with all his strength, he couldn't carry the bag of gold on his back.

Seeing his flushed face, the woman was worried, and kept persuading him, "Let's take some."

"No!" The man re-opened the bundle angrily, and found another piece of cloth, and divided the gold into two bundles, "You carry one, and I will carry this one."

"Me?" The woman looked at the heavy burden in front of her with a look of embarrassment, "I can't carry it."

"I can't carry it with just this weight. How will you take care of my dad in the future?" The man taught dissatisfiedly, "My dad's life is too difficult. He is paralyzed in bed and depends on others. It used to be me. Help him turn over, after we get married, this job will be done by you, you have to be filial to him, you know?"

The woman said naively: "At first, my parents refused to let me marry you, saying that your family's conditions are too poor, but I know you are a good person, filial to your parents... But the gold is not ours, so I don't feel at ease if I take it. Let's go."

"I came to steal the gold for you." The man was anxious, "It's all your father's fault for asking for a bride price."

"Then... When I go back, I beg my dad to reduce the gift money...We can't take the gold."

"I still have to pay for the reduction of some betrothal gifts. Anyway, no one knows about the gold, and there are not even ghosts here."

"I heard that there are terrible monsters in the city, and many people have been injured."

"As long as you are timid, those are all lies. Have you seen any monsters along the way?"

"...Stop talking, let's go."

"If you want to go, go by yourself, and I will carry the gold back."

"Mingyang... woo woo woo, don't be like this..." The woman began to cry aggrieved.

Listening to the "young couple" arguing, Yao Tao yawned bored.

Have you ever seen a mutant animal?

Well, then let you see it.

She got up and went to the warehouse on the second floor.

The warehouse Curry's goods were swept away by her, leaving a few mutated mice that were stunned by her still alive.

She chose the one that could still move, dragged its tail to the entrance of Fulou, and threw the mutated mouse down with her arms...

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