To comfort everyone, it's not that Qi Lei wants to be a peacemaker. In fact, he could tell at a glance that Cai Wei's grandson looked at Xu Xiaoqian's eyes incorrectly.

   Regarding love rivals, Qi Lei never intends to get used to it, and keep it for the New Year?

   It’s just that you don’t need babies, Kou Zhongqi and the others are in their early years. Three brothers are enough.

   Besides, Xu Xiaoqian is caught in the middle, with friends on both sides. Now the trouble is unpleasant, which makes it difficult for her to do it.

   Soothed Tang Yi and Wu Ning, walked over and greeted the other person actively, just like a okay person.

   At this time, except for Fu Man, the remaining few people have already arrived close. Seeing Qi Lei's enthusiasm, he naturally pretended to be calm and calm.

   Xu Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid of any conflict between the two sides, and the trouble would be unpleasant.

   To be honest, Xu Qian is actually quite embarrassed. Since the news was broadcast, she and Qi Lei mingled together, and it’s no secret that she is with her friends in the same hospital.

  Fu Jiang, Finance, and Qi Lei had unpleasantness in the past, so naturally they did not have a good appraisal.

   In addition, Cheng Lele's ears are soft, let Fu Jiang and the others say, they even regard Qi Lei as a scourge.

   As long as we meet each other these days, we must talk more and persuade Xu Qian to stay away from the group of people.

   This makes Xu Qian very distressed. Both sides are friends and cannot favor one another. But being caught in the middle is really uncomfortable.

   Bringing them here today is actually a cautious thought for some relief.

   Of course, this is only Xu Xiaoqian's wishes, she will not force Qi Lei to accept her friends. In the end, whether you can laugh and squeeze your grudges depends on Qi Lei's own wishes.

   At present, it looks good. Qi Lei has performed very well, quite nice!

And what made Xu Xiaoqian more at ease was that Cai Wei seemed to have seen her intentions, took a moment, and whispered to comfort, "Don't worry, it's all jokes when I was young, there is no big hatred, just talk and laugh. ."

   This makes Xu Xiaoqian more relaxed, but ignores Cai Wei, who is also open-minded and can play a key role in the fellows in the hospital.

   It can only be said that it is a lucky thing to have a stable core figure on both sides.

   However, Xu Qian still treats the two "core figures" differently.

   sent an approving look at Qi Lei who was socializing over there, and secretly gestured his thumb, "You are awesome!"

   turned around and nodded slightly to Cai Wei, "Thank you Cai Wei!"

   Caiwei: "..."

   The whole person is not good, only a wry smile is left.

  心 said, the change is a bit quick! In the past, Xu Xiaoqian treated him, even if he didn't have the ambiguous relationship between men and women, but at least he was a brother and sister who could deal with each other?

   How come it's only half a summer vacation, so you are so polite?

   looked at Qi Lei over there, his eyes narrowed, his fighting spirit was blazing.

   Yes, Cai Wei originally thought Qi Lei was a little kid, and he was only attracted to Xu Qian for a while, not to be afraid.

   even a little arrogantly planning to control the enemy with one move and easily handle this little kid.

   However, since entering the hospital, Qi Lei calmed his companions and stepped forward to say hello, which made Cai Wei realize that this kid is not that simple, maybe he is really an opponent.

   This didn't bother Cai Wei, but rather a hint of excitement.

   You must know that if there is no Qi Lei in this time and space, then Cai Wei is the best one in Shang Bei's generation.

   Good grades, good popularity, impeccable dealing with people. At the same time, he is also the chairman of the student union, the city’s top three students, and an outstanding Communist Youth League member.

   Among the student circles of several schools in Shangbei, he is the most prestigious.

   What's even more exaggerated is that Cai Wei is not only at the student level, but also has a wide social network and a reputation. He is a real man of the world.

   He has absolute confidence to defeat any opponent, including rivals in love. And it's an upright crush.

  Leaving from Xu Qian's side, giving Fu Jiang, Guan Xiaobei, and finances, he gave a more generous look.

   The three of them were obedient and maintained a minimum of harmony.

   In my heart, he scolded my brother three thoroughly.

   There is no way, the hatred is actually quite deep. Although it was a mischief when I was a child, until now, I still have the urge to strangle the three brothers.

   Such as Fu Jiang.

  He lives on the first floor and raised a few laying hens five or six years ago....

   This is not surprising. Even though a group of officials of that era had risen bureaucratic thinking, their sense of superiority was overwhelming. But there is also no shortage of people who have inherited the traditions of the older generation and still maintain a simple family. Even in the government compound, there are many people who raise chickens and grow vegetables.

   Fu Jiang’s family is like this, just watching their own hens lay eggs, adding a bit of flavor to the children’s breakfast.

   Another example is finance.

  His family has a **** back, and now the old man can’t walk, but five or six years ago, he was so vicious, he was a hegemon in the government compound.

   So Wu Xiaojian made a stinky shoe and led the finance family's dog to Fu Jiang's chicken coop, and finally... the door was destroyed.

   The chicken was not wasted, so Tang Xiaoyi took it home to stew it.

   Another example is Guan Xiaobei.

   At that time, he and Cai Wei were both in junior high school. Cai Wei had already matured and no longer participated in the grievances of the children, but this guy was still a kid king, simple and righteous, leading the courtyard children and three brothers to work!

   So, I changed eight tires a month.

   Eight! For several years thereafter, the boys in the compound used to make slingshots to ask for rubber bands from Guan Xiaobei. Who caused his family to have a lot of slingshots? Every time someone comes and asks for it, it is equivalent to putting salt on Guan Xiaobei's wound!

   Another example is finance...

Um! The financial kid is more honest, doesn't play mischief, doesn't fight, and doesn't participate in the war between the two sides. However, the black history of "The King of Fighters 95" being defeated by Tang Xiaoyi's 37 coins is enough to make him feel ashamed.

   That infinite flash...

   Lucar's anti-wave...

   That Kusanaru's infinite combos...

   cried for the financial abuse. While crying, I wanted to win back without admitting defeat. Unfortunately, Tang Xiaoyi's heart was too dark, so he didn't give him this opportunity.

   In short, in the eyes of the children in the government compound, Brother Three is a wicked demon king.

   Otherwise, Cheng Lele, a later one, wouldn't have heard bad things about Qi Lei, and there would be no positive image to dig.

   But that sentence is still the same, just like Qi Lei can suppress Tang Yi and Wu Ning, Cai Wei's words and eyes are still authoritative in their eyes, even if they don't want to pretend to be.

   Of course, the main reason is that I am getting older. When I think about it, although there is hatred, I still feel that I was so stupid when I was a child!

   Qi Lei and their tricks seem to be unskillful now, so why are they tortured like that?

   Regarding the harmony between the two sides, even though Qi Lei did not have as much as Cai Wei thought, he had the style of "boss", but because of Xu Xiaoqian, he still endured it.

   only greeted Caiwei at the end, "Viagra, have a chance to talk!"

   Caiwei: "..."

  Wei... Viagra! ?

   Still talking?

   I grabbed the lines!

   Normal script, it shouldn’t be Cai Wei’s high-ranking sentence, do you have a chance to talk?

   The panic was fleeting, and he smiled lightly, "Okay! I haven't renewed the old for a few years? I also want to have a good chat with you."

   The momentum does not lose to Qi Lei at all.

   At this time, Qi Lei’s fourth-in-law Qi Yuhua and his uncle Zhang Guilin came out of the kitchen.

   Seeing the new guests, he greeted them enthusiastically, "They are all Shishi students? Have you had breakfast? Come, come, let's get together!"

   Qi Yuhua is tall and strong, a typical northeastern woman, enthusiastic, and very contagious.

   Caiwei and this group did not have breakfast yet, mainly because Jiang Chunlei and Fu Man disliked that the breakfast at the guest house was too weak, and the snack bar outside was afraid that it would not be clean. So before leaving the town, I bought some snacks from the canteen and prepared them for breakfast.

   But looking at the dry bread, I have no appetite, so I want to wait until I am hungry after climbing the mountain.

   For Qi Yuhua's invitation, Cai Wei didn't have any stubborn feelings, but first glanced at Jiang Chunlei, and then politely declined.

  Because Jiang Chunlei is a bit hypocritical, the snack bars in the town are not good enough, let alone the peasant’s big pot of rice.

   In fact, Jiang Chunlei did not plan to eat in such a place. He was too dirty at the snack bars in the town, let alone the old farmer's house.

   Moreover, Jiang Chunlei was getting together with Fu Man at this time.

   I can only say that some women are treasures and some are poisonous.

   Caiwei maintained the situation in front, which made Fu Man very unhappy. Didn't you say that you should let me watch the show? Why are you so kind?

what should I do? At the night market that day, he was robbed by Qi Lei, which made Fu Man lose face, but his memory was very fresh.

   It just so happened that Jiang Chunlei is also seven dissatisfied and eight are not angry. He feels upset when watching a group of shui-lingling little girls playing with a group of Tuoer Maoer very happily.

   "Hey! It's really flowers with cow dung, what a thing!"

   Fu Man just heard it, and he leaned forward and muttered for a while, not knowing what he said, anyway.

   Jiang Chunlei's eyes became even worse after listening.

   It's just that no one noticed the strangeness between the two, and there was no time to talk to them.

   Because Cai Wei regretted it.

   Fu Jiang and Guan Xiaobei also secretly scolded Cai Wei ten thousand times, fuck! This compelling one is not perfect at all!

   At this time, five girls and a group of boys on Qi Lei's side were holding large porcelain bowls and sitting around the low table in front of the house. Kou Zhongqi also arrogantly stretched his chopsticks into Zhang Yang's bowl and snatched the duck egg yolk.

   Da Ling and Er Ling didn't eat egg yolk, so they stuffed Qi Lei.

   Qi Lei picked up a duck egg yolk and stuffed it into Xu Xiaoqian.

   This is their most yearning trip at this age, right?

   Fu Jiang and Guan Xiao Beixin said, can you be polite with him? When did the grandson be polite to us?

   I was hungry, watching people eat old comfortably.

   In this regard, Cai Wei can only be stubborn and righteous, "Rural people, if they are not rich, let's not burden them."

   The idea is good. A dozen young people eat for nothing, which is a big burden!

  'S words let Zong Baobao listen.

  噗! ! Sprayed the stubble of rice stubble all over the ground.

   Looking at Cai Wei like a monster, he said, "Young man, it's simple!"

Cai Wei of    Nong is inexplicable.

   Caiwei and the others did not leave, mainly because they made an appointment with Xu Qian to climb the mountain together.

   After Qi Lei had finished eating here, the fourth aunt Qi Lei and the fourth uncle drove a tractor and went to the village to pick up people. He said he was going to work in a field dozens of miles away, and he won't be back tonight.

   Before leaving, he also instructed Qi Lei to entertain his classmates, and specifically told Cai Wei that they would eat at noon.

   As soon as the adults left, Qi Lei and the others were also ready to set off, but instead of climbing the mountain, they thought about the show yesterday.

   Caiwei saw that they didn’t go with them, he was also a bachelor, "That’s okay, after all, we are not as familiar as you, so we can follow you."

   After finishing speaking, Qi Lei smiled brightly, "It's just time to have a chat."

   This is the rebel general Qi Lei, don’t you want to talk? That's right, play together and have a chance to talk.

   Besides, you can talk as you want.

   Fu Jiang and Guan Xiaobei nodded vigorously.

   Okay, these brothers don't have any standpoint, there are many girls over there, so it should be fun.

   Xu Qian can't speak much about this, but looks at Qi Lei expectantly.

   And Qi Lei agreed, but whispered to Xu Qian: "Silly girl, this is going to single out with me! Are you so unhappy?"

   smash your mouth after finishing frowning a little exaggeratedly, "This stuff is not easy to deal with! It's a stubborn thing!"

   is really difficult to deal with, at least until now, Cai Wei's performance is no worse than Qi Lei, even better.

   This is not Coco Coon who pretends to be mature, nor is it a general brainless villain. It feels a little bit impossible to start.

   In response, Xu Qian raised her eyebrows, "Ah! You will definitely win."


   "Because you have a thick skin!"


   Seeing Qi Lei's face black, Xu Xiaoqian explained:

   "Some people, let me tell you, he thought it was encouragement. It's easier for you to fix it than for me, right?"

   Qi Lei didn’t react, he thought about it, and admired, “Okay, it’s pretty clear! But what if I’m not an opponent?”

   Xu Xiaoqian's expression turned bitter, Qi Lei thought she would jokingly say, then you should withdraw from the arrogant and stimulating language.

   but unexpectedly, Xu Qian came to say, "It's okay, if it doesn't make sense, we will play together, mixed doubles, the world is invincible!"


   Lift up!

   was stinking beautifully, Xu Qian added, "My mother is not a vase!"


   said Qi Lei wanted to cry, "It's great! Why did I meet all the good things?"

   fiercely raised their hands to Caiwei's group, "Don't worry Viagra, I will definitely take you to play well!"

   Caiwei: "......"

   Endure it! Little kid is fooling around, don't take it seriously, Wei is great...

   However, Cai Wei is even more looking forward to a head-on confrontation with Qi Lei.

   See who of us can cry someone!



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