Soon, the steak came up.

When the beef ribs came, Bai Lianwan didn't eat them. She was so angry with Ji Chen at this moment.

Ji Chen cut a small piece of beef ribs from the plate and put it to Bai Lianwan's mouth, "Don't be angry, try this, I heard it tastes very good."

Bai Lianwan hesitated for a moment, looked at the meat at her mouth, and still opened her mouth to eat it. The meat was crispy and tender, and the red wine sauce on the surface was very greasy and delicious~

"Come on." Ji Chen picked up another piece with a fork.

Bai Lianwan pressed his hand, and her tone was obviously softened, "You eat too, I can do it myself."

Bai Lianwan said, and started to eat by herself.

Ji Chen smiled and followed him to eat. Sure enough, this girl was easy to coax when there was food.

The beef ribs had just been eaten, and other small desserts were served one after another.

The rose sake that Ji Chen ordered for herself was served, and a faint rose wine fragrance instantly wafted out.

Ji Chen took a sip from the wine glass, nodded with satisfaction, and praised, "This wine is really good, with a sweet taste and pure aroma."

Bai Lianwan sniffed the fragrance at the tip of her nose. When she heard Ji Chen's words, her eyes subconsciously cast on the wine glass he had just put back on the table. It looked clear in color and had a strong aroma but was not suffocating at all.

It looked like it was delicious.

At this time, Ji Chen also noticed Bai Lianwan's eyes on his wine glass, stretched out his hand, and sent the wine glass on the table to her, smiling, "Do you want to drink? If you want to drink, try it."

When the wine glass came to her, the aroma became a little stronger.

Although Bai Lianwan was itching, she still shook her head and said, "I will get drunk."

She was not afraid of what Ji Chen would do if she got drunk, but she was a little afraid of what she would do to Ji Chen.

"This is fruit wine, the alcohol content is very low, usually only 6-15 degrees. When you got drunk before, you drank several bottles at a time. You won't get drunk if you try it."

Ji Chen really didn't have any bad thoughts at the moment, but he felt a little distressed when he saw the little girl wanting to drink but not daring to.

Bai Lianwan heard Ji Chen's words and immediately felt that there seemed to be some truth in it. As long as you don't drink so much, you won't get drunk.

Then... take a sip.

She didn't hesitate for too long, stretched out her fair little hand to take the wine glass handed over by Ji Chen, put it to her mouth, and took a sip gently.

There is no strong alcohol taste, but the taste is sweeter and easier to drink than red wine and soju!

After taking a sip, the mouth is fragrant, and even the breath has a faint rose fragrance.

Really good.

After taking a sip of rose wine, Bai Lianwan returned the glass to Ji Chen with a feeling of unsatisfied desire, "It tastes good."

Ji Chen took the glass and agreed, "It's really good, but you can't drink too much, just taste it, I'm afraid of being bitten if you get drunk."

This little girl really has a low alcohol tolerance, so he still has to keep an eye on her to prevent her from getting drunk again.

Bai Lianwan's face turned red, "Who wants to bite you, it's so salty."

"If I don't want you to bite me often?"


Ji Chen looked at the little arrogant girl opposite, smiled faintly, cut off a piece of dessert, and put it in front of her mouth, "Try it, it tastes good."

Bai Lianwan certainly accepted Ji Chen's feeding, and ate it in one bite.

The food in this restaurant tastes good, and she will come often in the future.

After eating a few more bites of dessert, Bai Lianwan looked at the rose wine on Ji Chen's table again.

"Ji Chen."


"I want to drink one more sip."

"...Okay, the last sip."



"Hey, Ji Chen."


"I'll drink one more sip."


After Ji Chen finished speaking, he met a pair of misty, aggrieved eyes, and said helplessly, "...Okay, okay, the last sip."

After the girl drank this sip, he drank the remaining half cup to save her from worrying about it.

The next moment.

"Hey, hey, hey, how come you drank it all in one gulp, Bai Lianwan!"

"I couldn't help it."


After dinner, Bai Lianwan drank half of Ji Chen's rose sake. Although she didn't seem to be drunk, her face was flushed and her eyes were a little misty, which looked very seductive.

Ji Chen really regretted it at this moment. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have ordered this rose sake.

This feeling of being able to watch but not eat is too fucked up.

After dinner, Ji Chen saw that it was almost time, so he took Bai Lianwan to the cinema on the fourth floor.

He got the tickets, bought milk tea, and then went into the screening room together.

For fear of being recognized by acquaintances, he chose a seat further back.

This movie has been released for quite a while, and the craze has almost passed, so not many people watched it today.There were only about 20 people until the lights in the projection room dimmed.

The movie officially began.

After the opening with a doll incident as an introduction, the narrative became flat, and the protagonist Perron's family appeared.

This is a good American proletarian family with a good family background, loving each other, and five golden flowers.

The two couples and their five daughters moved to a huge old house. It was called an old house, but it was actually a big villa surrounded by pastoral and sparsely populated.

On the first night of moving in, three of the daughters played hide-and-seek in the house.

The rules of this hide-and-seek game are that the catcher is blindfolded and has three chances to ask the hider to clap his hands to listen to the sound and determine the direction.

During the "hide-and-seek" process, the daughters accidentally broke through the wooden wall of a room.

As expected, there was an underground secret room hidden inside, but there was nothing particularly strange inside.

Up to this point in the film, it is not very scary. It can be seen that the director is very patient. He just lays the groundwork and does not eagerly put a lot of spooky things in front of you. There are no supernatural phenomena afterwards.

Bai Lianwan sipped milk tea in small sips, thinking that this horror movie is not that scary.

Ji Chen heard the sound of gulping milk tea beside him, and he was a little amused.

This little girl has a really good figure. How can she eat so much?

The film is still going on. After a few days, only the mother and the little daughter are left at home. The little daughter asked her mother to play a game of hide-and-seek.

After blindfolding her, the mother asked the little daughter to clap her hands for the first time and find her way out of the room. But unfortunately, she hit the railing, so she was a little unsure and asked to clap her hands a second time.

At this moment, the high-energy scene of the film began. After the little daughter went upstairs, she entered the room on the left.

However, after the mother made this request, the next moment, a strange clapping sound suddenly came from the room on the right, coupled with the terrifying sound effects of the movie, which instantly raised the hearts of the audience in the entire cinema.

Even Bai Lianwan was no exception. Although she did not react on the surface, her action of drinking milk tea from her mouth was obviously paused.

In the movie, the mother followed the sound to the room on the right. At this time, she was basically sure that the "little daughter" was hiding in it, so she was smiling.

Because she was blindfolded and could not see, she did not know that the wardrobe behind her slowly opened automatically.

She thought it was the little daughter who exposed herself, so she asked for a third clap.

The blindfolded mother was in a "blind" state, so even if she was in an extremely weird scene, she knew nothing.

But the audience outside the screen saw it clearly, and because the fear could not resonate with the characters in the film, it became even stronger.

As the sound effects in the movie became more and more weird, the audience who had been fully immersed in the movie became more and more nervous, and Bai Lianwan's heart also rose to her throat.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from behind the clothes in the dimly lit closet, looming and spooky, and gently clapped twice.


The weird sound suddenly resounded throughout the entire screening room, coupled with the extremely weird scenes in the movie, which directly made all the audience's hair stand up. Many girls were so scared that they screamed and hid in their boyfriends' arms, not daring to look down.

Bai Lianwan tightened her hand holding the milk tea a little bit and took a breath of cold air.

She even regretted coming to watch a horror movie.

It was a bit too scary!

Ji Chen saw the reaction of the girls in the cinema, came back to his senses, and then found the terrified expression on the face of the little girl next to him.

Although the lights in the cinema were dim, his body had been strengthened by genetic potions in all aspects. At this moment, he could clearly capture the fear on the little girl's face.

He didn't have the courage, but he had to come to watch a horror movie.

Helplessly, he could only stretch out his hand, cover Bai Lianwan's other hand that was clenched into a fist and placed on his leg, gently hold it, and continue watching the movie.

Ji Chen's hand was big, and his palm was dry and warm.

Bai Lianwan felt Ji Chen's movements and the temperature transmitted from his palm, but did not withdraw her hand immediately, but turned to look at him.

In the dim light, she could only vaguely see the boy's very good-looking and three-dimensional facial features. Her little hand was also wrapped in the warm big hand, which made people feel at ease for some reason, as if they were really not that scared.

Ji Chen also felt the gaze of the little girl next to him at this moment, turned his head, and teased, "You keep staring at me, do you think the movie is not as good as me?"


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