The two came to the desk and sat on a chair each. Ji Chen started the ultimate learning state again and devoted himself to studying.

Bai Lianwan was a little unnatural at first, but when she completely entered the state of the course, she completely forgot what happened just now. While explaining the topic to Ji Chen, she operated the computer and explained it seriously.

".aspx is a server-side program. When the server sees this suffix, it will translate it so that the browser can understand it. .htm can be understood directly by the browser without translation."

"That is to say, when .aspx is changed to .htm, the server does not translate it and directly sends it to the browser. The browser cannot understand these codes. So it went wrong. When you change .htm to .aspx, the server interprets the HTM code and sends it to the browser. The browser can understand it, just like now."

As Bai Lianwan spoke, her fair little hands demonstrated the operation to Ji Chen. Her beautiful eyes were full of concentration and seriousness. Only when she was giving a lecture, this little mouth that usually spoke very little could talk non-stop at this time.

At this moment, Ji Chen looked at Bai Lianwan's focused eyebrows and slightly trembling curled eyelashes, which felt like two fans, fanning a small gust of cool wind in his heart, itchy and particularly tempting.

Bai Lianwan seemed to have noticed that Ji Chen had been staring at him, and glanced at him, "Big bad guy, are you listening carefully?"

Ji Chen did not comment, and nodded, "Yes, I listened very carefully."

Although he was a little distracted by the little girl's teasing, he listened to everything she said.

Bai Lianwan heard Ji Chen's answer, but he didn't believe it. He thought for a moment, "Then give me an example of packing and unpacking operations."

This guy was obviously staring at him all the time, and he didn't listen to the class carefully!

So angry!

I have to give him a harder question to teach him a lesson!

When Ji Chen heard what the little guy said, he smiled and said, "No problem." Then, he moved his chair and moved closer to Bai Lianwan.

Then, before Bai Lianwan pulled her hand back from the wireless mouse, his big hand covered it.

Bai Lianwan felt the dry and warm hand on the back of her hand, and her heart trembled. She quickly pulled her hand back and pretended to be angry, "You bad guy, I will definitely punish you if you can't write it."

Ji Chen smiled and teased, "What if I write it? Is there a reward?"

Bai Lianwan turned her head to look at Ji Chen, "What reward do you want?"

Ji Chen turned his head and looked at the cute little girl, and said without concealing, "Kiss me."

Bai Lianwan was not surprised at Ji Chen's request, and refused without hesitation, "No."

Ji Chen was not in a hurry, and looked at her leisurely, "Why?"

Bai Lianwan crossed his arms, "Because you can't write it."

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Promise me first, what if I write it."

Bai Lianwan narrowed her beautiful eyes, "Okay, then if you can't write it, copy what you learned today 100 times."

Ji Chen nodded, "No problem at all."

After speaking, he began to think seriously.

Although the question Bai Lianwan asked was not easy, it would become much easier if the thinking was changed.

Boxing is essentially the process of converting the type to a reference type.

Unboxing is essentially the process of converting the reference type to a value type.

Bai Lianwan had just talked to him about a similar topic, so now he just needed to apply it flexibly.

After thinking for less than a minute, Ji Chen had an idea in his mind, and his hands moved to the laptop keyboard and started typing quickly.

"Boxing and unboxing are the bridges for converting between value types and reference types. The core of boxing is to convert value types to object types, that is, to create an object and assign values ​​to the object, such as:

int i = 100;

object objNum =i;


The core of unboxing is to convert object types to value types, that is, to copy values ​​from object instances, such as;

int i=100;

object objNum =i;

int j = (int) obj…"


At this moment, Bai Lianwan looked at the calculations that kept popping up on the computer screen, and the expression on his face had changed dramatically.

Ji Chen had only thought about it for less than a minute before he started solving the problem, and the process was… ridiculously fast.

The most important thing is that these processes were actually, without any mistakes…

In less than two minutes, Ji Chen had the answerAfter typing the last character, Ji Chen took his hands off the keyboard, turned around, looked at the girl in front of him calmly, and asked with a smile, "Professor Bai, is my answer correct?" Bai Lianwan looked at the answer Ji Chen wrote down, her face still in a daze. If it were a better student, it would take at least 20 minutes or even longer to solve this problem. Ji Chen actually took less than three minutes? And the process of solving the problem was very flexible, applying the content of the textbook and the skills she explained. After a moment of surprise, Bai Lianwan's eyes left the computer screen and looked at Ji Chen, "Yes... and the idea is correct." She had to admit that Ji Chen's learning ability was a little beyond her imagination. Ji Chen moved closer to Bai Lianwan and asked with a wicked smile, "What about my reward?"

Bai Lianwan came back to her senses instantly after being asked this question by Ji Chen. She felt her face getting hot when she reacted. She bit her lip as she looked at the handsome face that was approaching her.

She would never bet with this guy about studying again!

But it was just a kiss, it's not like they had kissed before.

Bai Lianwan pursed her lips and looked at Ji Chen, "You, come closer."

Ji Chen moved closer to her in a cooperative manner.

Bai Lianwan looked at the handsome face that was magnified in front of her, took a deep breath, leaned forward, and kissed Ji Chen's cheek with her cherry lips.

However, just when her lips were about to touch Ji Chen's cheek, Ji Chen suddenly adjusted the angle, and the pink lips kissed Ji Chen's lips directly.

After touching Ji Chen's lips, Bai Lianwan quickly retracted her body and whispered, "You, you are cheating!"

Ji Chen showed a calm smile, "I didn't say where to kiss, and of course a kiss on my lips."

Bai Lianwan looked at the smiling Ji Chen and couldn't do anything about him.

Finally, she could only turn around with a red face.

"Go on."



The two sat in front of the desk for more than an hour.

Although Ji Chen's Ji state time was used up, with the tutoring of this elementary school bully, it would not be too difficult to learn, but it was still a lot worse than the effect of opening the ultimate learning state.

It was not until half past ten that Ji Chen saw that it was getting late, so he closed the book and looked at Bai Lianwan, "Okay, it's late, you should go to bed, and learn here today."

Bai Lianwan only reacted when he heard Ji Chen's words.

Ji Chen had to go to class early tomorrow morning, and he must be sleepy now.

After getting up from the chair, she looked at the sofa and the bed and said, "You go to the bed, I'll sleep on the sofa."

The sofa in the apartment is not as good as the one at home. The length of the entire sofa is only 1.8 meters. Ji Chen's height seems to be much taller than the sofa, so he definitely can't sleep on the sofa.

And it's completely fine for her to sleep on the sofa, but she might fall off easily at night.

Bai Lianwan said, and walked to the closet, took out a set of air-conditioned quilts, and walked towards the sofa.

But just as he walked to the sofa, the quilt in his hand was suddenly snatched away by someone.

Ji Chen took the quilt from Bai Lianwan's hand, "I'll sleep on the sofa, you go back to your bed."

Although the sofa was a little short, he really couldn't let his future wife sleep on the sofa.

"No, you sleep on the bed." Bai Lianwan said, pretending to come over to grab the quilt in Ji Chen's hand.

Ji Chen didn't dodge, but looked at the little girl in front of him and smiled, "If you grab the sofa from me again, I will hold you and sleep."


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