Amid the low discussions of the students, the names of the top 9 students in the art exhibition began to be announced one by one, and they went on stage to receive the awards one by one.

These students were able to stand out from more than 3,000 exhibited works. Although their works were not as popular among students as the Winter Willow Sparrow Picture, they were not low. Every time a student went on stage, they almost attracted a lot of sensation and applause.

One of the students imagined modern four-limbed animals and tried to "restore" their ancestors. He extracted the heads and other features of four-limbed animals and grafted them onto fish to draw a "synthetic fish" illustration, which was very creative.

It was intended to show that "all lives are relatives", which won the applause of teachers and students.

And the furniture from the "ocean" formed by using melamine sponge and resin under the influence of penetration and gravity, the "screen-printed animals" designed by extracting the morphological features of more than 30 animals and simplifying them using screen printing technology are all very creative and meaningful.

As time went by, the student who ranked second in popularity in the art exhibition also received the award and gave a speech and left the stage.

The whole scene finally ushered in the much-anticipated moment!

On the stage, Tang Ziyou held the microphone and said excitedly, "Everyone, now we have come to the most anticipated moment of our art exhibition! After all, which student in the audience won the first place with 18,763 votes for a painting of winter willow and sparrows?!"

"Let us invite Principal Xie to personally announce the name of this student for us!"

When the host Tang Ziyou finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from the audience that was warmer than any time today!

"Oh my god! I've finally been waiting for it!"

"Hurry up! I can't wait!"

"I'm itching! Our Jiangda master of ink painting is finally going to perform. I'm looking forward to it!"

"With such great painting skills, he shouldn't be too handsome or too beautiful. After all, artists are not good-looking. Don't have too high fantasies about his appearance, or you will hit him with something!"

"Hehe! With his skills, even if he looks very sloppy, I can be his number one fan without hesitation!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"


Hearing the voices of the girls, the male students in the audience wanted to enter the field of art even more!

On the stage.

Xie Jinglan also came to the podium amid the applause of the students.

Bai Lianwan, who had always focused on Ji Chen, also briefly shifted her attention back to the podium.

She was not very curious about other works, but she was a little curious about the author of this work.

Bai Lianwan looked at Xie Jinglan who came up to the stage empty-handed without a cue card, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart. If she had known that her grandmother already knew who the work was, she would have asked before.

But it's not too late to know now. She wants to see what kind of student can draw such an impressive ink painting.


It seems that because of this work, she missed Ji Chen very much yesterday and made such an impulsive and bold move.

Under the attention of all the teachers and students.

Xie Jinglan stood in front of the microphone with an elegant smile on her face, and said, "Everyone, I can now understand your expectations very well. I am also honored that Jiangbei has the honor to recruit such excellent students like you. When I personally learned the name of the student who painted the winter willow and sparrow picture today, I was very surprised and even happier. I was happy that this student was able to actively participate in our art exhibition, dare to show himself, and bring us such an excellent national quintessence work!"

"Now, let me tell you that this student who won the first place in the Jiangbei Campus Art Exhibition this year with the ink painting of winter willow and sparrow is from the School of Computer Engineering--" Xie Jinglan said, and continued in the eyes of everyone holding their breath, "It's Ji Chen from the School of Computer Engineering!"

After Xie Jinglan finished speaking, almost all the students and teachers on and off the stage had almost the same expression on their faces, completely stunned, and widened their eyes!

Bai Lianwan on the rostrum had a look of astonishment on her beautiful face.

She even wondered if she was hallucinating because she was always thinking about Ji Chen.

Can Ji Chen paint Chinese paintings?

Was he the one who painted the picture of sparrows on a willow in winter?

At this moment, the voice of biology teacher Chen Xueqin came from beside her, "It was Ji Chen, my God! That painting was actually painted by Ji Chen!"

After hearing Chen Xueqin's voice, Bai Lianwan was completely sure that she was not hallucinating.

The person grandma just mentioned was Ji Chen!

How could this guy paint Chinese paintings?Also?

After a brief silence, the audience immediately exploded!

"Fuck! It's Ji Chen?"

"Fuck! Isn't he a singing genius?"

"Fuck! Isn't he a basketball genius?"

"Fuck! Even Chinese painting is involved in his field?"

"Fuck! So the dog food we have eaten these days is Ji Chen's again?"

"So last time he expressed his feelings through a song, this time he expressed his feelings through a painting?! Ward Tian!"

"Oh my god, this is fucking too good!"

"What do you mean by too good? This is simply heavenly!"


Compared to the boys, the girls burst into crazy screams after they reacted.

"Oh my god! It's Ji Chen! This is too amazing!"

"It's my idol! He can even paint Chinese paintings! I feel like I love him even more, what should I do!"

"Me too, how can there be such an excellent boy in the world! I like him so much!"

"I like him too! With such good genes, it's a pity to have only one girlfriend! I want to give birth to a baby for him!"

"I want to!"

"I want to!"


Even the host Tang Ziyou on the stage was stunned for a second or two, and then he reacted and said, "Then, let's warmly welcome classmate Ji Chen to the stage!"

As soon as Tang Ziyou finished speaking, there was an unprecedented thunderous applause from the audience!

Ji Chen strode onto the stage from the audience amidst the applause and countless eyes.

When he came to the podium, his eyes immediately fell on the little girl who was still a little stunned on the seat, and he smiled with his lips curled.

When Bai Lianwan saw the figure coming to the stage, all kinds of emotions in her heart were intertwined in an instant.

She never expected that the painting that made her feel particularly familiar and reminded her of Ji Chen was actually painted by him.

After all, with such a pair of eyes watching, Ji Chen only looked at Bai Lianwan briefly for two seconds, then strode to the center of the rostrum, came to the side of the principal Xie Jinglan, and smiled, "Hello, principal."

On the stage, the boy had a tall figure and handsome and elegant features.

The moment he smiled on his face, he immediately triggered crazy screams from all the female students and a few male students below the stage.

"Ahhh I'm dead!"

"Oh my god, so handsome!!"

"Awesome, this smile is amazing!! It's so sweet!"

"My legs are not weak, I'm just a little moved, but I'm a man, shit!"

"What's the point of being moved, this beauty makes me want to...fight! It's so outrageous!!"

A little sourpuss on the podium secretly clenched her fist: Those guys in the audience are so hateful...



PS: Four updates today! Let's eat sugar candy tomorrow, super sweet!

Thank you for the great god certification of the immortal King Mu of Zhou! !

Thank you for all the gifts and love! ! !

Thank you for supporting Fanzhuo Wenwen!

Recommend another novel about a super cute girl.

"Horror Resurrection: Starting from the Resurrection of My Girlfriend"

The girl is super cute~

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