In the living room.

Bai Lianwan and Ji Chen, a pair of extremely good-looking national treasures, were sitting across from Xie Jinglan and Xia Zhonggeng.

Ji Chen looked at Xie Jinglan across from him and asked seriously, "Master's wife, what do you want to say?"

Xie Jinglan frowned, looked at the two national treasures across from her, sighed secretly, and said seriously, "Under the current situation, it is obviously impossible for you to separate, but if you want to continue to be together, I have a few requests."

Ji Chen and Bai Lianwan's eyes lit up when they heard Xie Jinglan's words.

"Master's wife, you say, I can do it, I will do it." As long as he can continue to be with the little white rabbit, Ji Chen is of course willing to cooperate.

Bai Lianwan also nodded, "Grandma, you say."

As long as they don't separate, she can accept any request.

Xie Jinglan pondered for a moment and looked at the two of them, "Then I will talk about the first request first."

"According to the school rules of Jiangbei, one of you is a professor of Jiangbei and the other is a student of Jiangbei, so you can't fall in love."

"So in school, you two must keep your distance, and it is forbidden..." Xie Jinglan couldn't help but recall the scene he saw last night. He coughed twice unnaturally and continued, "It is forbidden to hug each other in school."

Ji Chen accepted Xie Jinglan's request, but didn't think about it for too long. He quickly nodded and agreed, "That's no problem."

Indeed, whether it is for the school spirit of Jiangda, or the respective positions of the two, and the relationship between Xie Jinglan as the principal and the two, this must be restrained.

Bai Lianwan looked at the expression of her grandmother just now, and could roughly imagine what her grandmother was thinking just now. There was some embarrassment on her face, and she nodded lightly.

Seeing the two nod, Xie Jinglan continued, "If you are not in school, you should keep your distance outside." Xie Jinglan looked at the two little guys opposite, who were both very attractive in appearance, and continued, "After all, you two are easy to be noticed by others, and your every move is likely to be photographed, so you can't be too close in public."

At this time, Bai Lianwan frowned slightly, as if she remembered something, raised her eyes, looked at Xie Jinglan, and asked her, "Then... if others can't recognize that I am a professor in Jiangbei, is it okay?"

What grandma cares about is actually the issue of teacher-student love.

But on weekdays, she is basically bare-faced. As long as she changes her style and puts on a little makeup, basically no one can recognize her.

Ji Chen, who was kissed by Bai Lianwan and deceived for a long time, has a deep understanding of this.

And Xie Jinglan and Xia Zhonggeng have also run into Bai Lianwan and Lin Qingya a few times. The two little guys are so magical that they seem to have changed into different people. Even they themselves almost didn't recognize the two little guys at first sight.

So when hearing Bai Lianwan's words, Xia Zhonggeng nodded and said, "I think it's okay, after all, young couples always need to go out on a date."

The better the relationship between the two children, the more stable his heart will be.

Otherwise, if the situation like this morning continues for a little longer, Xia Zhonggeng feels that he will be buried faster.

Xie Jinglan's original intention was naturally not to embarrass the two. After thinking for a moment, he nodded lightly, "That's not impossible."

Ji Chen saw the master's wife nod, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Doesn't that mean that he can date the little white rabbit openly in the future?

Or little white rabbits of various styles...

He couldn't help but look forward to it...

Bai Lianwan had no idea how excited the big bad wolf was at this moment. Seeing the grandparents nod, he couldn't say how happy he was.

Although she didn't like makeup, it didn't matter if she spent some time on makeup in order to go out on a date with Ji Chen.

Xie Jinglan looked at the two little guys who were finally a lot happier, smiled faintly, and continued, "Be careful at school and outside, but at home, you can just date normally." As she said that, she wanted to tell them something, but because Xia Zhonggeng was present, it was not appropriate to tell them directly, so she thought about waiting for a chance to tell Wanwan alone.

However, Xie Jinglan also trusted Ji Chen. This child seemed to be quite rational in thinking about things and should not do anything too impulsive.

Otherwise, with how much Wanwan liked him, if she didn't agree, I'm afraid this little girl would have been kidnapped by him long ago.

This is also one of the reasons why Xie Jinglan was relieved that Bai Lianwan continued to date Ji Chen.

At least this child is very reliable, and he is also very good to her little granddaughter. He is sensible, smart, and very motivated. He is diligent and humble...

The more Xie Jinglan looked at him, the more she felt that the better this future grandson-in-law was, the more she liked him!

Ji Chen and Bai Lianwan couldn't say how happy and excited they were when they heard Xie Jinglan's words.

After all, the two of them are now officially recognized by their elders.

In the future, they don’t have to worry about the two old people.Send away.

Ji Chen looked at Xie Jinglan opposite him and nodded seriously, "Thank you, Master's wife!"

"Okay, grandma!" Bai Lianwan also responded actively.

Xia Zhonggeng looked at the two children and said with a smile, "Then Xiao Ji can come back often, and the house will be more lively."

Xie Jinglan nodded in agreement, cleared her throat, and continued, "Finally, I also agree with Xiao Ji's decision to graduate early, but you can't squeeze yourself too much, and you have to learn to relax appropriately." As she said, she looked at Bai Lianwan and said, "Wanwan, you can tutor Xiao Ji more when you are free."


"Okay, Master's wife!"

Xie Jinglan looked at her condition and almost recovered. The two of them smiled with relief, and looked at Ji Chen again, "Little Ji, will you be energetic in class later? Did you not sleep all night yesterday?"

As she said that, she looked at Bai Lianwan again, "Wanwan, you are also a professor, but you don't sleep for a little thing and cry."

Hearing Xie Jinglan say this about his little white rabbit, Ji Chen was immediately unhappy, "Teacher's wife, Wanwan is only 18 years old. It's normal for her to cry in that situation yesterday."

Not sleeping is even more normal. He himself can't sleep, let alone Bai Lianwan, a little girl.

Xie Jinglan: "..."

She just agreed, and the child started to protect others.

Xia Zhonggeng on the side smiled but said nothing.

He was getting more and more satisfied with this grandson-in-law.

Then, the few of them chatted for a few more sentences.

Ji Chen only had one class this morning, which was the biology teacher's class.

But he had finished her course a long time ago, so he decided to skip it to replenish his energy.

In fact, he mainly wanted to accompany Little White Rabbit. The girl cried all night yesterday. Now that the master's wife agreed to date, he must stay to accompany her.

Xie Jinglan looked at the time and then said to the two, "Then you two go back to your rooms to catch up on your sleep. One has to go to class in the afternoon, and the other has to study."

Bai Lianwan was slightly stunned when she heard Xie Jinglan's words.

Go back to your rooms...

She also wanted to... stay with Ji Chen for a while. She felt uncomfortable all night yesterday, and now she really wants to stay with Ji Chen.

Go back to your rooms, and they won't be together soon...

Compared to the stunned Bai Lianwan, Ji Chen agreed very readily.

"Then I'll go back to my room first, thank you, master's wife!"

Ji Chen is in a very good mood now.

Xie Jinglan smiled, "Hurry up and go. We'll call you for lunch."

"Okay." After answering, Ji Chen looked at Bai Lianwan, whose face was already tense, and said, "I'll go back first."

Bai Lianwan turned to look at Ji Chen, with a stiff but very funny smile on the corner of his mouth, and replied stiffly, "Okay."


He can't stay with me, but he can still laugh so happily...

Doesn't he miss me at all?

Then how did he get these dark circles under his eyes?


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