"Well, since the little brother doesn't know, forget it.………"

The little girl didn't seem disappointed, but looked very calm. She picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

Ziyun looked at her in confusion, thinking that this little girl was very strange today.………

After dinner, Ziyun finished his work and went back home with them.

In the following days, Ziyun was busy every day. Nothing was peaceful, except that the little girl occasionally said some strange things to Ziyun.

On this day, Ziyun got up early as usual, washed and dressed neatly, and went with the middle-aged uncle to buy ingredients for lunch and dinner.………

At noon, the uncle was picking fresh vegetables and suddenly said,"Young man, after noon, can you help me teach my troublesome daughter and supervise her homework? Her homework is so messy that I can't bear to look at it!"

Yesterday, when he checked his daughter's homework, he found that her homework was a mess. He was so angry that he almost went crazy.

He remembered that his daughter was a top student in the class, but now she has become like this. He couldn't believe it. He even thought he was dazzled.………

Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said,"Of course."

The middle-aged uncle immediately laughed happily:"Hahaha, thank you, young man, when I pay you your salary, I will include the tutoring fee for this time in your calculation."

""Okay." Ziyun nodded with a warm smile on his face.

After Ziyun and the middle-aged uncle bought a lot of vegetables in the vegetable market, they returned to the store together.

Then they started today's busy………

After noon, Ziyun returned home and began to teach the little girl math, physics and chemistry.………

Thanks to Ziyun's guidance, the little girl's learning efficiency is very fast.

Moreover, the little girl is smart and learns things very quickly. With a little guidance from Ziyun, she understands everything.

She is not like someone who writes homework in a messy way.………

Ziyun couldn't help but frowned, feeling that something was not right... He looked up and saw the little girl who was writing furiously.

The little girl suddenly raised her homework book, and stared at Ziyun with a pair of black, crystal clear grape-like eyes:"Little brother, how do you solve this problem?"

"Well……"Ziyun took her homework book, glanced at the question, and then immediately wrote the answer on the draft paper and handed it to her:"Here... the answer is this."

The little girl took Ziyun's draft paper, looked at the answer on it, smiled sweetly, and then continued to write furiously.………

Seeing her like this, Ziyun sighed.………

It seems that he is just overthinking.………

"Okay, little girl, take a break! We'll continue later.………"Ziyun clapped his hands and said to the little Loli who was about to concentrate on fighting.

""Hmm~" The little Loli nodded obediently, stood up and stretched, then smiled sweetly at Ziyun,"Brother, I'll go to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, do you want one?"

"Ok, please.……"Ziyun smiled, then watched the little girl run towards the water dispenser, then retracted his gaze and looked at the interface of his sleeping system.

Why hasn't the system woken up yet? Half a month has passed.………

The barrier is disappearing.………

At this time, the little girl came over with a glass of boiled water, put it on Ziyun's table, and smiled sweetly at Ziyun.

"Thanks……"Ziyun said politely, then picked up the glass of water and took a sip.

"Hehe, you're welcome, little brother.~~~"The little girl said sweetly, and then returned to her seat, watching Ziyun drink the whole glass of water. The smile on her face deepened, and there was a strange arc at the corner of her mouth, which made people shudder. After drinking the water, Ziyun put the empty glass on the table.

""Okay, little girl, let's continue!" Ziyun said with a smile.

The little Loli blinked her big eyes twice, then nodded,"Well……"

Then, she picked up the pen, lowered her head, and continued to write her homework seriously.

Ziyun took out a book from under the counter, then sat on a chair and read quietly.

Ziyun spent the whole afternoon busy, teaching the little Lolita to read and chatting with her.

Not long after, the sunset slowly set in the west, the afterglow of the sunset spread all over the street, and the street lights lit up one after another.

Ziyun put down the book in his hand, then looked at the little Lolita who was lowering her head and concentrating on writing her homework, and said with a smile:"Little girl, it's almost time, let's stop here today! I still have to help in the store."

"Oh~ Are you going to the store, little brother? Then I'll go with you! I guess there will be a lot of customers tonight."Hearing Ziyun say this, the little girl raised her head and said sweetly to Ziyun

"Well, okay, let's go together!"Ziyun nodded, and then left home with the little Loli


When they arrived at the store, Ziyun helped the uncle with his cooking, serving dishes, etc., and was very busy.

The little girl was responsible for collecting money, calculating bills, and greeting customers.

They were busy until closing time at 10 o'clock.………

The middle-aged uncle took a rest for a while and then went to prepare their dinner.

""Little brother, water, thank you for your hard work." The little girl handed a glass of water to Ziyun and smiled sweetly.

"Thanks……"Ziyun smiled, took the water she handed over, and drank a sip. The warm current slid down his throat into his stomach, making him feel very comfortable.

"You're welcome~" The little girl smiled sweetly.

Soon, the middle-aged uncle prepared the dishes and put them on the table.���Inviting Ziyun and Little Loli to eat.

The three of them sat around the table and started eating.………

"Xiaoxiao, how did you do your homework today?"While eating, the middle-aged uncle asked

"Well, it's all done.………"The little girl nodded and smiled sweetly.

"Did you not write it randomly?"

"Uncle, little girl, no messy writing………"Ziyun interrupted

"That's good………"The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief

"Dad, can you let my little brother continue to help me with my homework tomorrow?………"The little girl pouted her red lips and looked at the middle-aged uncle and said

"Forehead……"He naturally agreed, but he didn't know whether Ziyun agreed or not:"Young man,………"

"No problem, uncle. Ziyun smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, young man. I will add tomorrow's salary and today's salary to your monthly salary.………"The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly, then said to Ziyun

""Okay, uncle."

After dinner, it was almost 11 o'clock. After cleaning up, we returned to our respective rooms at home.

We took a shower and went to bed.………

The next day, I went shopping for ingredients with my uncle as usual in the morning... I was busy in the store………

After noon, I went home to continue tutoring the little girl.………

After Ziyun finished explaining the content that she didn't understand, he let her practice on her own... and he, like yesterday, picked up a book and sat on a chair to read.………

After a while, Ziyun looked at the clock on the wall and asked the little girl to rest for more than ten minutes before continuing.………

At this time, the little girl took a glass of water to Ziyun just like yesterday, and said sweetly:"Little brother, drink some water……"

Ziyun was stunned, then reached out to take the cup and took a sip,"Thank you……"

"Hey, you're welcome.~~~"The little girl still showed a sweet smile.

Ziyun smiled faintly, then put down the cup and picked up the book he was reading.

At 6 pm, Ziyun was about to get up to help in the store when he fainted.


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