Until that day, she was dragged into an alley by several male and female classmates, who surrounded her and forced her to hand over all the money she had, otherwise they would teach her a lesson.

But her money had long been robbed by another group of people, and there was little left. Just when she was thinking of not making any more trouble and handing over the remaining money to them, the scene of Ziyun resisting those classmates who wanted to bully him flashed through her mind, and she couldn't help but feel courageous.

That was also the first time she made an act of resistance.

Several classmates who had been used to bullying her since the first grade of elementary school became angry when they saw that she dared to resist them. So, they grabbed her hair, punched and kicked her, threw her heavily to the ground, kicked and beat her, and humiliated her with words.………

This was not the first time she had been bullied by them.

Instantly, she felt hopeless and helpless. At that moment, she couldn't help but wonder why her parents had brought her into this world.


She couldn't help but blame her parents.………

She even thought that it might be better if she was kicked to death. Maybe she wouldn't have to face the cruelty of the world to her.………

At this moment, there was a loud noise, followed by several painful howls, and then the angry curses of the male students:"What are you doing? Let go of that girl!"?!"

Listening to the scolding of the people around her, Shangguan Yingrui raised her head and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

She saw a very handsome little boy standing there, staring coldly at the group of boys, his dark and bright eyes exuding a middle school temperament.

Taking advantage of their daze, the little boy quickly stood in front of her.

The person who came was none other than the new student in their class, the person who was out of her reach, Ziyun.

At that moment, she couldn't help but wonder in her heart, why did Ziyun help her?

She had never spoken to him, nor had she had any contact with him.………

She will never forget the bloodshot eyes of Ziyun at that time. It was anger, anger to the extreme. He kept scolding them for being scum, uncultured, wild children who were raised by someone but not taught by someone else. They actually did such a thing to bully their classmates. They were simply not human beings.

She could feel that Ziyun hated the behavior of several people from the bottom of his heart.

Damn it, aren't you guys just bullying others because your family has a little money?

I just don't want to do what you want.

You are worse than beasts, beasts!!

I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!!!

After scolding this, and saying something from No. 2 Middle School, Ziyun didn't care how many people were on the opposite side, and rushed towards them frantically.

As for the result, of course, he was beaten black and blue by them.

But Ziyun's brother did not back down because of this, and still protected her without hesitation. When several people saw Ziyun fighting desperately, they were also a little scared. They spit on the ground and left.

Ziyun stood up with difficulty, walked to her and helped her up, and asked with concern:"How are you? Are you okay?"

Shangguan Yingrui shook her head, looked at him gratefully, and said:"It's okay. Thank you………"

"You're welcome." Ziyun said.

Then, Ziyun asked in confusion,"Why didn't you resist just now?"

At that time, she didn't know how to agree, so she could only answer indifferently:"It's none of your business.……"

Ziyun's brother just replied with a simple"OK".

Hearing"OK", she felt a little disappointed, but soon the disappointment disappeared.

She didn't know why, she just felt it was very strange, but she didn't care about it.

She thought Ziyun would no longer care about her, but unexpectedly, once he saw her being bullied, he would help her fight back, and sometimes even silently protect her.

In the end, those classmates stopped bullying her, but went to bully Ziyun.

He didn't understand why Ziyun did that? She and I didn't have any intersection, we were just classmates.

One day, when she couldn't help asking him, he simply responded:"I can't stand it. This kind of people, their parents are alive and well, and they have a good family, but they want to bully others. I can't stand it.\"

And this is just one of the reasons.

Shangguan Yingrui didn’t know that it was not long after Ziyun crossed over when his father died in an accident. Influenced by her original body, she felt a little sad. Of course, it was mainly because she couldn’t stand their behavior and she also had the second-year syndrome of wanting to uphold justice and save the beauty!!!

In this way, the two of them went from strangers to friends who helped each other.

She also gradually got used to his existence.

She still remembered what Ziyun’s brother said to her at that time: If you don’t have anyone to talk to, no one to rely on, you can come to me, I will protect you, don’t keep your troubles in your heart, you can talk to me, because I understand... I also want to find a friend who can talk.

Ziyun’s brother’s words deeply touched her, because no one had ever said such words to her, and no one had ever cared about her. It also made her begin to look forward to the future life.………

They gradually became good friends who could talk about anything. They ate together, took physical education classes together, practiced Taekwondo and martial arts together, learned fighting and Sanda together, etc.………

What made her happiest was that she became Ziyun's neighbor!!

From then on, she liked this kind of life more and more.

Or rather, she liked elementary school life with brother Ziyun.

From that time on, brother Ziyun became everything in her life.

She didn't dare to contact anyone except brother Ziyun, because in her eyes, only Ziyun was kind and good to her.

She felt that everyone else was dirty and evil, so she gradually began to reject everyone except brother Ziyun.

She even didn't want Ziyun to contact those dirty people, because in her eyes, those people would be bad for her brother Ziyun, would hurt him, and would snatch his tenderness from her...

She wouldn't allow it, Ziyun was hers...

Just like that, she became more and more dependent on Ziyun.………

It is no exaggeration to say that Ziyun gave her a new life, gave him the motivation to live, he is everything to her...

The photo in this avatar was taken by a passerby when she and Ziyun's brother went on a spring outing together!!!


Ziyun was preparing to go back to the dormitory after helping his roommate pack dinner when his phone suddenly rang.

He picked up his phone, opened WeChat, and found that Shangguan Yingrui had added him as a friend.

His body trembled again, and after hesitating for a long time, Ziyun passed her friend verification, then turned the phone to silent mode, put it in his trouser pocket, and continued walking towards the dormitory.


Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun's friend had verified it, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Then, she sent a message.

After waiting for a long time, Ziyun did not respond... Her beautiful eyes gradually became gloomy.

It seems that brother Ziyun is not obedient again and ignores her!!


After returning to the dormitory, Ziyun handed the food he had packed to his three roommates.

"this is yours……"

"this is yours……"

"this is yours……"

"Thank you, Lao Si. I will transfer the money to you later!"While eating, the three of them said to Zi Yun with gratitude.

"You're welcome."Ziyun smiled and shook his head, then he took his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Ziyun climbed into bed to sleep. Just when he wanted to play with his phone, he found that it was out of power, so he took out the charger and plugged it in.

As soon as he plugged it in, Ziyun received a message from Shangguan Yingrui.

He was stunned when he saw that Shangguan Yingrui had sent him more than a dozen messages. He felt a chill on his back in an instant, and his heart told him that if he didn't reply to the message, he would be dead.

So Ziyun quickly replied to the message.

""I'm sorry, my phone ran out of battery just now, so I didn't see your message, please forgive me!" When

Shangguan Yingrui saw Ziyun send a message, the gloom on her face instantly disappeared, replaced by a bright smile.

Then, she started texting and replying:"So that's how it is! Senior sister thought you ignored me, junior brother, don't do this in the future! Senior sister will be angry……"

Ziyun looked at the message and felt a chill in his heart. What the hell was this?

Ziyun quickly typed a reply:"I know! I know!"

Seeing the message sent by Ziyun, Shangguan Yingrui's face showed a smile again.

"I'll forgive you this time!!"

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's message and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.



Next, Ziyun replied to Shangguan Yingrui with a few more messages, and then he threw his phone to the other side and took a rest!!!


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