Looking at the faint mark on his chest, Ziyun wanted to recall something, but he couldn't remember anything at all. His mind was in a mess.………

He remembered that he didn't have this mark when he took a shower last night, but it suddenly appeared today.………

How about asking the system?

Ziyun thought about it and decided to forget it. He probably didn't know what was going on.

After all, what did he ask the system? The system just said it didn't know.

He couldn't help but wonder if this system was a defective product.………

And in his mind, he heard the host muttering that the system was a defective system:"…………"

It is obviously the most powerful subsystem, much better than those rubbish... humph╭(╯^╰)╮~

He just couldn't say it, otherwise after returning to the main system, he would definitely be torn into pieces by some perverted host of the main system.………

Ziyun shook his head and put the matter behind him.

Never mind... since I can't remember it, I'll forget it.

Ziyun sighed and looked out the window. The sky was still gray, but there was already a hint of light.���, picked up the phone next to him and checked the time. It was still 6:53, then he lay down again, closed his eyes, and went back to sleep.

But he didn't sleep for a few minutes before he opened his eyes again. He simply didn't want to sleep anymore and called out the system,"System, sign in!!"

【Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for gaining 450 experience points and 580 points】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a beauty enhancement card】

【Appearance Enhancement Card: Can instantly increase the host's appearance to 100】

【The host can use it at any time, validity period: permanent (Note: can only be used by the host)]

Appearance Enhancement Card?

Ziyun looked at the card in front of him and his mouth twitched twice.………

Not signing in to block his charm is fine, damn, he actually signed in a card to improve his appearance, isn't this a rip off?! What if his appearance gets even better?

Fortunately, this card can only be used if you click on it...

Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief and put it back in his backpack.

""System, open the personal panel!" Ziyun ordered.

Soon, the system panel appeared in front of him.

Ziyun looked at his data.………

【Daily sign-in system, now in level 1 status】

【Experience value: 5840/10000 (4160 experience points are needed to upgrade)】

【Host: Ziyun】

【Age: 19】

【Height: 182】

【Value: 97】

【Strength: 87 (60 points is the passing line)】

【Force value: 85】

【Physical condition: Healthy】

【Personal assets: 1.26 million】

【Points: 3700 (Points can be obtained through daily sign-in and random tasks)】

【Skills: Basic level of cooking, basic level of godly singing, basic level of godly massage (Note: The acquired force skills cannot be used on the lover locked by the system)】

【Permanently lock your lover: Hidden (Shangguan Yingrui) requires the system to reach level 6 to open】

【System backpack: a set of cosmetics, a plush toy, a set of exquisite kitchen supplies, and a face enhancement card】

【Mall subsystem: Not enabled】

【Lottery subsystem: Not enabled】


Sigh~, I still need more than 4000 experience points to level up~! Ziyun is upset………

Fortunately, although his current experience points are low, he can still accumulate them slowly, so there is no need to rush!

But when he saw the backpack and skills, Ziyun couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Then the system asked as usual: [Host, your points have reached 3700, do you want to upgrade your skills?】

""No." Ziyun refused calmly.

Upgrading these skills is a waste... If he upgrades his cooking skills, his taste will also improve, and then he will find it hard to swallow food from outside, so it's better not to upgrade.

He doesn't sing, so upgrading his singing voice is useless! And it will cause him a lot of trouble!

As for massage, it can be upgraded.………

At that time, I can massage the mother's shoulders or something.………

Then he played some mobile games on the bed, and then went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Of course, he did not forget to wake up his roommates, otherwise he would not know how long they would sleep!

When he came out after brushing his teeth and washing his face, his roommates finally woke up, and they were still very sleepy.………

"Good morning, Lao Si~" Chai Hansong stretched lazily,"Hey, when did you get up~ Why do I feel like I only slept for two or three hours?……"


"Okay, hurry up and get up, it's already 7:20, and we have classes later.……"Ziyun urged.

Chai Hansong woke up immediately after hearing this, and quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

The other two also woke up from their confusion and followed them to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

After a commotion, it was already seven forty in the morning.

After a simple wash and meal, they went to the classroom.

With about five minutes left, they rushed to the classroom, found four seats and sat down, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The three of them talked about yesterday's game, while Ziyun was silent, fiddling with the stocks on his mobile phone, and occasionally replying to Shangguan Yingrui. It was not until the bell rang that Ziyun stopped playing with stocks and put his phone in his pocket.

Then, Zhao Zhijun walked in from the classroom door wearing a neat white shirt and black pants, and he walked towards the podium step by step.

When he walked to the desk, he put the lesson plan in his hand on the desk, raised his head and glanced at everyone, then slowly said:"Before the class officially starts, let me tell you about the school notice. There will be a welcome party for freshmen tomorrow night!"


The classroom immediately became lively, and the students chattered excitedly.



Zhao Zhijun patted the podium vigorously, making the noisy sound a little weaker.

Then he continued,"Well... According to the usual practice, this evening party is usually performed by sophomores and juniors, and you freshmen are the audience watching from below."

"But this year, the college leaders made a temporary decision to let each freshman class perform a show to showcase the style of our freshmen!"

"Due to time constraints, there is no specific requirement for the performance format of this program. It can be performed by an individual or a small group!"

"If you are interested, please go to the publicity committee member Qian Qingci to sign up. Okay, let’s start the class!!" Zhao Zhijun said, and began to explain what he was going to talk about.


After listening to the conversation, the three people in the dormitory lay down on the table and took a nap.

""Old Four, we played too late last night. Remember to wake us up after class~!" Mo Zan said in a daze, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Ziyun nodded and said ok.


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