Shangguan Yingrui stopped crying immediately after hearing that and said happily,"Really? Brother Ziyun, you're so nice."

Ziyun smiled faintly and didn't respond.

The two walked out of the remote corner and headed towards another club. It took Ziyun about half an hour to complete today's interview.

After the interview, Ziyun said to Shangguan Yingrui,"Where are you going next, senior sister? I told you that you can do whatever you want after the interview."

Shangguan Yingrui rolled her eyes, leaned close to Ziyun's ear, and whispered,"Brother Ziyun, can I do anything?"

Her voice was numb to the bone, as if a feather brushed across Ziyun's ear, causing him to tremble slightly, and his earlobe turned red. He couldn't help but shrink back, looking at Shangguan Yingrui vigilantly,"Hmm?" Shangguan Yingrui curled her lips and smiled,"If sister said, I want to eat you tonight, will you give it to me?" Ziyun


He said speechlessly:"Senior sister,……"

Shangguan Yingrui giggled,"Brother Ziyun, I won't tease you anymore. Let's go buy some things and add some things to the house we live in. After all, we are going to live together tonight, so we can't be without anything~"

As she said this, she hugged Ziyun's arm intimately and pulled him towards the mall.

"But...but I haven't packed my things yet, how about tomorrow?"

Shangguan Yingrui shook her head:"I don't want to, I want to live with you today!" She raised her head, blinking her watery eyes at Ziyun, her eyes full of crazy possessiveness:"What? Do you want to regret it?"

Seeing this, Ziyun sighed helplessly:"Okay……"

Shangguan Yingrui smiled even more brightly upon seeing this, and she held Ziyun's arm even tighter, and pressed her cheek against Ziyun's arm, rubbing it like a spoiled child.

The two of them came to the city and walked into the mall. Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui were shopping for various daily necessities, when suddenly Shangguan Yingrui's phone rang. She took out her phone and took a look. Her face suddenly darkened, then she pressed the hang-up button and continued to choose. Ziyun glanced and asked,"What's wrong? Who's calling?"

""It's a call from a dying man, don't worry about him." Shangguan Yingrui said, with a flash of disgust in her eyes.

Ziyun nodded, not taking it to heart, and continued to accompany Shangguan Yingrui to choose things.

Not long after, Shangguan Yingrui had chosen the daily necessities she needed, and she looked at Ziyun:"Let's go, check out!"

Ziyun nodded, and the two walked to the cashier to pay, while Shangguan Yingrui kept sneaking glances at the things on the small shelf at the cashier, with a gleam in her eyes.

When Ziyun was paying, she took a few things from the small shelf and asked Ziyun to pay together………

Looking at these boxes of things, Ziyun's mouth twitched

""Sir, are you paying for all of this together?" the cashier asked.

Ziyun was about to put the things back, but he felt Shangguan Yingrui's grip on his arm become much stronger. He turned his head and saw Shangguan Yingrui's smiling face, but his body couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment, the system in his mind sounded: [Buy, reward 300 experience points, 500 points, and an additional 10,000 cash……】

【If you don't buy it, you will become a girl for six days, all your skills will be taken away, and 1000 points will be deducted.……】

Sigh ~, I hope that when I am discovered by the host of the main system, she will show some mercy and forgive me for helping her.…………

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Ziyun standing there in a daze, Shangguan Yingrui asked in confusion

"'s okay……"Ziyun came back to his senses and touched his nose awkwardly, cursing the system in his heart.

"Oh, in that case, then hurry up and check out, we still have other things to buy~"

The cashier didn’t hear Ziyun’s answer for a long time, and asked again:"Do you want to pay for these things together?"

"Let's... count together." He squeezed out three words with difficulty.

The cashier:"Wait a moment……"

Then I lowered my head and got busy

"The total amount is RMB 2,508.55. Would you like to pay by card, cash, or mobile phone?"

"Mobile payment." He took out his mobile phone and showed the payment code.

After the cashier scanned it, Ziyun put away his mobile phone, took the receipt handed over by the cashier, and left the supermarket with the things he had just bought.

The two put the things in the car, and Shangguan Yingrui took Ziyun to a clothing store on the third floor of the mall to choose clothes for Ziyun. Shangguan Yingrui picked out a few casual clothes and handed them to him:"Here~ These sets of clothes are suitable for you, go and try them on."

Ziyun frowned and refused:"No need, I have clothes"

"But I don't have your clothes."

"I can……"In fact, Ziyun wanted to say that he could go back to the dormitory to get it, but after meeting Shangguan Yingrui's gaze, he finally compromised and said,"Okay then!"

"So good~" Shangguan Yingrui stood on tiptoe and kissed Ziyun on the cheek,"Let's go!"

Then, she pulled Ziyun towards the dressing room.

"Uh... Senior sister, are you going in with me?" Ziyun asked in surprise.

"Why not? Shangguan Yingrui blinked her big eyes and said as a matter of course,"I am your girlfriend. Isn't it normal for a girlfriend to watch her boyfriend change clothes?"

After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui had already opened the door of the dressing room.


Ziyun had no choice but to walk in.

When the customers who were shopping in the store saw this scene, they couldn't help but widen their eyes in shock.

What the hell!!!

That girl actually went into the same dressing room with her boyfriend?! And in public!!!

They all showed ambiguous expressions.

At this time, a boy saw his girlfriend had chosen clothes and wanted to go into the dressing room to change clothes. He walked over, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile:"Honey, can I go in with you?" The short-haired woman glanced at her boyfriend coldly and slowly uttered a word:"Get lost!"

""Okay!" The boy ran away very quickly!

The short-haired woman then walked slowly into another dressing room.

""Puchi, hahaha!" Seeing the pink-haired boy's frustrated look, everyone around couldn't help laughing.

At this time, in the dressing room, Shangguan Yingrui was staring at Ziyun,"Brother Ziyun, why don't you take off your clothes and try it on?"

"Do you want your sister to help you take it off?"

After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui pretended to reach out to help Ziyun take off her clothes. Ziyun was so scared that he quickly stopped her and said,"No, no, no... Senior sister, I can do it myself……"


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