Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 878: Can i learn

Yan Yunshang shook his head, "Tomorrow we will leave for Moyue City. The update is the fastest." Now it's only more than a month away from the martial arts exchange competition. She heard that some monks had already gone to Moyue City six months ago.

"Good." Everyone nodded. They also wanted to go to Moyue City earlier.

When Zhan Yiping heard someone knock on the door, she stood up and opened the door. He saw that the person outside was Yan Yunshang, "Senior Sister Yan, are you looking for me?"

Yan Yunshang nodded, "I want to talk to you." After thinking about it, she decided to talk to Junior Sister Yiping.

"Okay." Zhan Yiping nodded, turned and walked into the room.

Yan Yunshang walked into the house, closed the door, walked to the opposite side of Zhan Yiping and sat down, "Junior Sister Yiping, I have discussed with everyone. We plan to leave for Moyue City tomorrow morning."

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Isn't there more than a month left?" Zhan Yiping asked with a frown. She also plans to go to the Alchemist Association again tomorrow, maybe she can meet the blue man again.

"In this martial exchange competition, several families from the entire Tianyue Continent will participate. Moyue City is so big, we might not even have a place to live when we go late," said Yan Yunshang. Their sect is not the native sect of Sun Yaoguo, and they don't have a place of their own in Moyue City. Not to mention the restaurant when they are late, it is good to find a place to live.

"Can we leave the day after tomorrow?" Zhan Yiping asked. She really wanted to see the man in blue again, at least to know his name.

"No, it has been decided." Yan Yunshang said quietly. She couldn't change her plan because of Junior Sister Yiping, otherwise she would lose her prestige in front of other Junior Sisters and Junior Disciples.

"Senior Sister Yan, we can't delay anything for one day, so let's go one day later." Zhan Yiping pulled Yan Yunshang's clothes and looked at her coquettishly. Senior Sister Yan is the leader of the team this time, but she is the soul of the team. In the entire team, her talent for cultivation is the best.

Yan Yunshang scowled, and said sternly: "Sister Yiping, have you forgotten how the master explained when we came out? She said that everything about you should be subject to my arrangements. Do you want to? I send the message to the master?"

Zhan Yiping retracted her hand holding Yan Yunshang's clothes, and gritted her teeth secretly, "Senior Sister Yan is the master." What's so great, it won't be long before her cultivation level can catch up with her.

Yan Yunshang smiled with satisfaction, "Sister Yiping, you must forget the man you met today."

"I see, I'm going to practice, you can go back." Zhan Yiping said displeased. You will put on the stinky air of senior sister all day long, don't you just enter the teacher's door earlier than her? Who does she like and what does it matter to her?

Yan Yunshang was also a little angry when she heard this, stood up and looked at Zhan Yiping with a cold face, "I am for your own good, if you don't want to listen to me, I won't force you." After speaking, she stepped outside. Go.

Looking at the closed door, Zhan Yiping snorted coldly, "I'm not a kid, what do I want you to do?" With her aptitude, it won't take long to talk about Yunshang.

The night passed in a hurry, and early the next morning, Su Jinyue said goodbye to Tian Fengxun and the others, and took Su Yanxi on the spacecraft to Xingjia Mountain.

Lan Moqi also went to Xingjia Mountain with Su Jinyue. He wanted to follow along to see if he could help himself.

"The speed of this spacecraft is really fast." Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi stood on the bow of the spacecraft, looking at the scenery outside. This feeling is completely different from their usual flying with swords.

"This is a high-grade magic weapon spacecraft." Su Jinyue walked out of the cabin and stood beside Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi. The meeting lord was really good to her. This kind of medium-grade flying spacecraft can't be bought with spirit stones, and many sects may not have them.

"At this speed, how long can we get to Xingjia Mountain?" Su Yanqi asked curiously


"At most two hours." Su Jinyue curled her lips. With this spacecraft, she will only need one day at most to travel from Xingjia Mountain to Teleportation Formation, and it will be much easier for her to meet Yihan.

"So fast?" Su Yanqi and Su Yanxi were a little surprised. They knew that the speed of the spacecraft was very fast, but they didn't expect the speed of the spacecraft to be faster than they expected.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "When I learn how to refine a craft, I will help each of you refine a spaceship." She has now understood the refinement, and after practicing last night, she can now refine it. A simple first-level magical instrument.

"Sister, do you want to learn refining?" Su Yanxi looked at Su Jinyue in surprise. The younger sister can refine alchemy, form formations, and make charms. If she learns to refine tools again, wouldn't she be omnipotent? Is it just that she has so much time and energy?

Su Jinyue smiled at Su Yanxi playfully, "I'm already studying, second and third elder brothers can learn if they are interested." None of her exercises can be spread, but she can derive them from them. Similar exercises.

"Still not, wait until I become a ninth-level alchemy master." Su Yanxi smiled. His requirement for himself is to become a ninth-level alchemy master, and to improve his strength and make himself a strong one as soon as possible.

"Me too." Su Yanqi nodded in agreement. The most important thing for him now is cultivation. He wants to become a strong man like Tian Fengxun, so that he can protect his loved ones and his family.

"Can I learn?" Lan Moqi walked to Su Jinyue's side and asked.

Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you already a refiner?" She remembered that the Lan family was a refining family, and Lan Moqi was now a fourth-level refiner.

"I want to keep improving. I believe that I can gain a lot from studying with you." Lan Mo Qiyang smiled slightly, watching Su Jinyue's eyes full of trust in her.

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