Although Ethan Jones couldn't figure out how California's nonsense law came about, on the way home, his sister Evelyn Johnson provided him with a solution to the problem.

The United States may not be entirely founded on science and technology, but it must be made powerful by science and technology.

During WW2, Vannevar Bush's Scientific Research Bureau showed its power during the war and brought a lot of gains to the United States. Therefore, in 44 years, Mi Shizu, who saw the charm of scientific and technological progress, asked Vannevar Bush when WW2 was about to end. The bushes raised four questions.

The first question is how to bring wartime technology into public life as soon as possible while ensuring military security.

In response to the questions raised by Mi Shizu, Dr. Vannevar solicited the opinions of other scientists and wrote a report Science: The Endless Frontier. There is such a view that scientists have their own freedom of research and development and have more rights. Decide in what field your invention will be used.

Evelin, who was leaning on the passenger seat, held her chin with one hand and said with a smile: In the eyes of Dr. Vannevar, the personal freedom of technical research and development personnel cannot be restricted. If he wants to do scientific research in the university, then let him When doing scientific research in a university, if he wants to enter a government department, the government department must provide him with a convenient environment. At the same time, the researchers and developers of a technology are the people who know the technology best, and they have the right to decide whether their inventions should be used. Being kept secret.”

Although these things are difficult to realize in reality, California's behavior of establishing legislation based on this free thinking is actually very understandable. After all, if California wants to develop, it needs more scientific and technological achievements.

Relying solely on agriculture and general manufacturing, the economy here will only rise steadily and there will be no qualitative leap.

At this point, Evelin stopped.

His face was also full of self-deprecation, Of course, so far, we don't know what technology will actually bring.

Because the only ones that are famous now are HP, Intel, and Fairchild, right?

These companies have indeed brought certain changes to California, but it is a qualitative leap...

To be honest, we didn't even see it ourselves.

Ethan raised his eyebrows at his sister's words.

Because he knew that what made California achieve a qualitative leap was actually the true popularity of computers.

When computers entered thousands of households, Silicon Valley's technologies really came into play.

As for the key to unlock this door...

While ensuring safe driving, Ethan also turned his head and glanced at the other party.

The exquisite profile on the co-pilot made him smile, A qualitative leap is coming soon.

Because the key to opening that door is 6502.

Perhaps people won't know your name, but people in the circle will definitely remember your promotion.

Because it was you who woke me up and asked me to help Chuck Paido and others solve their legal problems.

The scientists who profit from this will thank you.

“Oh——Ethan——” Evelin laughed foolishly, “Your words are too disgusting.”

She was looking at the scenery and turned her head to look at her brother and said, Why do you describe yourself as a villain?

No way, just to support your greatness. Ethan said a wisecrack, Behind every successful Superman, there is a bastard who is trying to destroy the world. If this bastard is still Superman's family, then this Superman is Greater still, because He places righteousness above family loyalty.


Ethan's words made Evelin laugh heartily.

His right hand kept slapping the car door.

After a while, she finally regained her composure.

In order to prevent his sister from fainting from happiness, Ethan decisively changed the topic.

Okay, no kidding, Evelyn, I want to know, why does California think this way? Why do they think they will lead the transformation of technology? Ethan asked: Don't other states have this idea?

Yes, this is actually the strange thing about Ethan.

If the rise of Stanford and the birth of Silicon Valley are due to Stanford embracing Fred Terman, then what about California? As a region with independent legislative power, why do they firmly believe that they will be the next core of the world?

If outdated laws and regulations are revised based on development results, then Ethan can still understand.

But now...

There are already laws to promote communication!

This kind of foresight is too special!

Ethan's question made Evelin stretch.

Ethan, of course other states have this idea, but Dr. Vannevar only has so many students.

“Every university wants to hire its students to do scientific research, but only we at Stanford can guarantee that we can hire Fred Terman to teach, because Fred Terman’s father, Lewis Terman, is our Professor at Stanford.”


Ethan suspected there was something wrong with his ears!

Was the most awesome president in the history of Stanford trained by Stanford itself?

Damn it!

What the hell is this?

You don’t buy lottery tickets with such a winning ticket!

And his surprise made Evelin giggle, Surprised, right?

Actually, I was surprised when I entered Stanford on the first day.

Because our teachers told us directly that our School of Engineering is the most transcendent school at Stanford.

Not only because HP is here, but also because President Fred Terman will never leave Stanford.

All scientific researchers are likely to be poached by other schools, but President Fred Terman will not, because he was already playing on the Stanford campus when he was ten years old. That was in 1910, right? At that time, his father, Lewis Terman, was hired as a professor of educational psychology at Stanford, and later he was promoted to chairman of the psychology department.

Before his death, his father had been teaching in Stanford because his father liked this place, and President Fred Terman grew up playing here. This feeling built up over time cannot be shaken by others. of.

Some media outside said that Fred Terman's teaching at Stanford was an accident, because after he graduated, he got an appointment from MIT. He only stayed at Stanford because he contracted tuberculosis when he came back to visit his father. .”

But actually...

As far as we know, before he came back, Stanford, which knew that he studied under Dr. Vannevar, had already prepared a professorship in radio engineering for him and made him the director of the Electronic Communications Laboratory.

Do you think other schools don't want to poach people?


They just can't dig it away.

More importantly, Principal Fred was only twenty-five years old when he became director.

Speaking of this, Evelin also stared at Ethan with a straight look.

Feeling the hot gaze, Ethan, who was driving, immediately glanced at the rearview mirror in the center of the car.

When this behavior was caught by Evelin, she pursed her lips and said, So you know why California thinks it can lead technological change, right? Because Stanford University gave them hope.

“And reality has proven that everyone’s predictions were correct.”

Because before Dr. Vannevar presented the Endless Frontier report, President Fred Terman had already learned from his teacher that he wanted to vigorously promote the development of scientific research in universities.

He told Stanford about this, and then at the same time that the Endless Frontier report was published, Fred Terman was promoted to vice president of the school. Then, in this name, he worked with scientists from the War Research Agency communicate.

At that time, he was at Harvard. Under the leadership of Dr. Vannevar, he was responsible for a scientific research project involving more than 800 people. Under that situation, he told the scientists there that the war was about to end. Stanford would like to invite everyone To do scientific research...

What do you want those scientists to think? Many of them think that President Fred is conveying Dr. Vannevar's will, and many people who are willing to follow Dr. Vannevar come to Stanford.

Then, the next year, the Stanford Research Institute was founded.



His sister's story made Ethan emotional.

If California's permissive environment was created by the influx of postwar scientists, then the outrageous legal provisions would make sense.

After all, this law protects the interests of California’s largest economic source, scientists who have withstood the war!

They are the foundation for America's success!

When these people have no control over their inventions, where does the motivation for research come from?

So, how can it be called plagiarism if the patent inventor copies his own stuff?

This is obviously a re-study of past scientific research results!

As for those capitalists who hold patent rights?

Without patents developed by scientists, how could there be capitalists who profit from them?

Note: ① Fred Terman’s father, Lewis Terman, is very famous. He was the one who conducted the oldest and longest longitudinal study in psychology, the Terman Giftedness Study, and the current IQ test. Binet Intelligence Scale' was also standardized by him. ②Fred Terman's job of stealing people from Stanford is quite interesting. He poached Harvard's corners on the Harvard campus and directly told those scientists that he could get better treatment at Stanford. If he hadn't been a Vannevar student, he would have been there. Got kicked out. ③The Stanford Research Institute has been a long-term plan. Stanford wanted to do it in 1920. The trustee at that time was Mi Qin Zong, but it failed because Mi Qin Zong was not an academic person and had no resources. Later in 1945, Lockheed wanted to do it and roped in the Illinois Institute of Technology to provide scientific research strength to Stanford, but it didn't work out either. The third time, Fred Terman, the president whose family lived at Stanford, took the position. Compared with the previous two times, Fred Terman, who had Vannevar on his back, had a natural scientific research advantage. The idea of ​​developing technology in the Bay Area was not something that happened in a day or two. It took more than 20 years to do it. Of course, no one expected that it would be able to embrace such a big thigh in the end.

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