Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 992: So that's it

He checked the time in the flying boat’s resting room, contacted his subordinates on the sky viewing platform and said: "Maoer, is there anything you are doing there?"

"all the best."

"Okay, it's almost time to prepare."

The flying boat has crossed the waters of Aichi Prefecture and entered the sky over the mainland of Mie Prefecture, not far from Nara Prefecture. At this moment, Osaka on the other side of Nara is in chaos.

Because the Red Siamese cat spread the news of the flying boat on the Internet, Osaka was already in a state of panic. Everywhere was crowded with people who wanted to flee west. Not only the stations were full, but all kinds of highways were also full of cars and highways. It's so terrible, it's almost as if the end is coming.

Gao Cheng Yingfeng stood on top of the flying boat, constantly browsing all kinds of news.

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, he had a vague idea of ​​the robber's plan.

What is certain now is that the killing bacteria and the hatred with Suzuki Jiroki are all pretexts. If the situation in front of you is the purpose of a series of actions by the robbers, it is most likely to take advantage of the chaos to achieve some plan.

But even if Osaka is in chaos, what can be done? The city’s security system is now very complete, and the police will definitely take precautions no matter how chaotic they are. Robbery will only give the police a chance.

The criminal gang is so upset that it is impossible not to consider the police.

Is there a place that is easy for the police to neglect and is of great value?

"Hey, Joto," Conan grabbed the ladder and pointed out. "The bombs have been removed. What are your plans next? I also think those guys have another purpose..."

"Shhh, look ahead."

Gao Chengshou pointed to the front of the flying ship, and saw that the roof of the Sky Observatory was suddenly opened, and thick white smoke emerged from it. It suddenly rushed in front of Gao Cheng and dragged a long line behind the flying ship. Long tail.

"this is……"

Conan covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief and climbed forward, looking carefully at the sky observation deck below, and found that the gunman staying at the observation deck was placing a smoke pipe.

"What's the matter? Why is there a smoke pipe arranged at this time?"

"The mountain in front is Nara," Gao Cheng leaned on the side and looked at it for a while, then stepped back. "And just now, when the leader told his subordinates, he spread the Internet about bacteria and bombs on the flying boat. ... Maybe their goal is not Osaka, but Nara."

"Indeed," Conan Shen said to the front of the flying boat, "If you see a smoking flying boat, Nara will definitely panic too, but why?"

"That's why I want to ask you," Gao Cheng became calmer and calmer the more the critical moment, and asked Conan, "What is the value of Nara, and in this case, what is easy to be neglected by the police?"

Conan suddenly raised his head and looked at Gao Cheng: "Buddha statues, the Buddha statues at the Nara Buddhist Temple are regarded as Japanese national treasures. They are also valuable even abroad, and the temple does not have a modern security system like other places!"

"Buddha statue?"

Gao Cheng's expression moved slightly.

He didn't expect that, after all, he didn't know much about Japan, and he didn't subconsciously regard Buddha statues as a treasure.

However, he has a proficient "Japanese history". He also knows that Nara is the ancient capital of Heijokyo, because the Nara period happened to be a period greatly influenced by the culture of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Buddhism flourished in Japan. It is an antique cultural relic of considerable historical value, especially in the ancient capital, where Buddha statues are of higher value, maybe there are cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty.

After the Nara period was the Heian period, the capital was moved to Heiankyo, which is now the city of Kyoto. The last time a criminal gang triggered an incident around a statue of a Buddha in Kyoto, it was like an incident in the theatrical version of "Crossroads in a Labyrinth".

With that said, it is really possible that the target of the robbers this time is the Nara Buddha statue.

That's it...

Gao Cheng's eyes were firm.

Even without considering the value of the Buddha statue, the logical clues all point to the Nara Buddha statue, and a series of actions of the robbers have been clearly connected in his mind.

The layout started from the explosion of the Institute of Microbiology, and the news was announced online in the name of the Red Siamese Cat. The flying ship Suzuki I was hijacked, the police were proactively contacted, and a smoke pipe was arranged before arriving in Nara...

All the pretense is to successfully steal the Nara Buddha statue and complete the evacuation. It is basically certain that this is the real purpose of the robbers.

"Let’s notify the Metropolitan Police Department first, and I will leave it to you to contact the Nara police," Gao Sung handed Conan his cell phone and walked to the open sky observation deck. "I will take care of the rest."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Conan stared at Gao Cheng, "Don't mess around..."

"It's okay. I will solve the robbers first, so that I can draw all the inner Ying," Gao Cheng stepped back slightly, "By the way, one of the Nai Ying is the reporter named Fujioka."

"Wait," Conan asked in surprise, "Could there be more than one in there?"

"That short-haired waitress, too, may be the two people who followed Shuichuan, the photographer and reporter."

Gao Cheng passed through the white smoke, and drew out the wooden knife star in his backhand and walked to the beam above the sky observation deck. The robbers underneath were still placing smoke pipes without knowing it. Gao Cheng swung his knife and stunned. Before he lost consciousness, he only had time to see Gao Cheng Shou's knife crouching to the ground.

What, what's the situation?


The robber fell, and Gao Cheng immediately got up and took off the pistol from the robber. Although he could also use a submachine gun, it was not as good as a master-level pistol shooting, and there was no need.

The firearm was too dynamic, and he took the pistol just in case.

"I said," Conan lay silently on the beam, "What brings out the inner should? You have found them all, how did you do it?"

"I'll talk about it later," Gao Cheng picked up the walkie-talkie on the robber and looked at Conan. "Has the Nara prefectural police handled it?"

"I've already told Officer Megumi about Conan pouted, "However, since it's Nara, I also notified Hattori by the way. There shouldn't be any problems. "

"Really? The influence of the Osaka Prefectural Police in Nara is indeed greater than that of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Gao Cheng was not very interested in the criminals who were about to steal the Buddha statue, and it was nothing to give the credit to the black charcoal face of Hattori.

"Then I will go down and leave it to you here."

"Don't you want me to help?" Conan said depressed.

"Don't mess up, so many gunmen are not fun."

Gao Cheng left a sentence disgustingly, and quickly constructed the flying ship structure from the bottom of his heart. Instead of leaving the elevator, he chose the escalator on the other side.

There are 6 robbers left, 1 in the cockpit, 2 in the restaurant, and 3 in the rest room, but first, we must solve Fujioka who is hiding in the consultation room.

Thinking of this, Gao Cheng went straight to the deck where the consulting room was located.

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