September 17, 1990.

This day in history is an extremely special day. The national hero Deng Shichang fought against the invaders in the Yellow Sea.

"We have been in the army to defend our country, and we have long put life and death aside. Now, we can only die!"

"The Japanese ship relies on Yoshino. If we sink this ship, we can take away their spirit and accomplish our goal." He resolutely drove the ship at full speed and crashed into the starboard side of the Japanese flagship "Yoshino"!

More than 250 officers and soldiers on the ship died heroically together!

The Dragon Navy selected today as the handover day of the aircraft carrier.

The road to welcoming back the aircraft carrier was not smooth.

The first to target them were international pirates. They gathered dozens of speedboats and raided the tugboat fleet responsible for the escort, attempting to seize the aircraft carrier and blackmail the Wang Group.

Fortunately, the escort was the Sword Security Company under the Wang Group.

Han Wuchen and Erica calmly commanded the mercenaries to launch a fierce counterattack. With powerful firepower and rich experience, they repeatedly repelled the pirates who came to harass them.

Because the aircraft carrier had no power, it needed four large tugboats to tow it, and it was moving very slowly.

After drifting on the sea for more than a month, the fleet encountered a severe storm again, and the cable connecting the aircraft carrier broke!

The fleet was stranded for several months again. Wang Group rented all the tugboat equipment in the nearby waters and set sail again.

Finally today, the fleet that had experienced the disaster is about to arrive at the port of Dalian!

From reaching an agreement to dismantling the aircraft carrier to arriving at the port, it took nearly a year.

An Dingguo felt that he had aged a lot.

Suddenly there was a cry from the deck.

An Dingguo hurriedly picked up the telescope and looked towards the horizon.

A tugboat jumped into his sight, and behind it was the aircraft carrier platform that several generations of naval personnel had been waiting for!

At this moment, An Dingguo felt dizzy and his head was heavy. The cheers and howls of the accompanying officials became empty sounds in his ears.

Zhao Ling also had goose bumps all over his body.


At the old general's command, dozens of warships in Dalian Port sounded their whistles.

Without Wang Lei's order, the tugboats also began to sound their whistles in response.

Something that shocked the Wang family father and son happened. Two submarines jumped out of the water on the left and right of the fleet.

The submarines hoisted full flags, and all the naval soldiers saluted the fleet in unison, welcoming the arrival of the aircraft carrier with the highest naval etiquette!

Han Wuchen and Erica were also overwhelmed, and they lined up with people to return the salute.

Wang Lei noticed that an old general with medals on his chest was silently crying while looking at the aircraft carrier.

"Comrade, thank you for your contribution to the navy!"

The old man's comrade was undoubtedly the greatest recognition of Wang Lei, and he couldn't help but be infected by the other party's emotions.

The old general seemed to be still immersed in his emotions, and said with tears in his eyes:

"In the Opium War of 1841, the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom's fleets fought against each other by land and sea in Guangzhou, Zhenhai and other places. Please remember that we had no navy at that time!"

"In the Second Opium War of 1860, the Dragon Kingdom and the British and French fleets fought against each other by land and sea in Dagu and other places. Please remember that we still had no navy!"

"In the Sino-French War of 1884, in Mawei, Fujian, the Dragon Kingdom's Nanyang Fleet and the French fleets fought a naval battle. Please remember that our navy won, but our diplomacy lost, and we lost without losing!"

"In the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the national hero Deng Shichang died for his country, inspiring generations to invest in the construction of the navy..."

"Today in 1990, our Dragon Kingdom Navy finally has its own aircraft carrier platform!"

The old general's words were deafening, full and powerful. Countless people had red eyes, but they couldn't hold back at the last moment and shed tears on the spot.

An Dingguo in the corner shook his shoulders and had already cried like a tearful man.

The old general patted the shoulders of Wang's father and son vigorously:

"The greatest heroes serve the country and the people. Good, good."

"To thank Wang's Group for its contribution to the navy, fire the cannon!"

The gun barrels of the fleet were all pointed at the sky, and hundreds of blank shells were fired in the air with the sound of collisions!

The fleet looked at this scene in amazement. Is this the highest etiquette of the Dragon Navy?

Wang Zhengyi was filled with emotion.

Both sides held a solemn flag-raising ceremony at the port.

An Dingguo, who came out of nowhere, asked the old general what he was most concerned about:

"Where are the 40-ton design drawings?"

Wang Lei couldn't help but smile:

"Of course it is welded inside the cabin!"

Everyone was happy to hear this. The aircraft carrier platform is very important, and the design drawings are also of utmost importance.

After dismissing the idle people, the 40-ton design drawings were carefully taken out by An Dingguo and his men with a crane.

The people from the Academy of Military Science immediately surrounded him, as if they had found a treasure., looking at the drawings.

"It's great. With these drawings, it's only a matter of time before we develop our own aircraft carrier!"

"It's a pity that the core of the engine, missile system, sonar system, computer system, etc. have been removed, otherwise our research can be faster."

At this point, the old professors all looked worried.

Andingguo also looked at Wang Lei with expectation:

"Mr. Wang, I wonder if these parts and the rare metals required for the aircraft carrier..."

"What you said is not a problem now!"

Because the political situation in Da'e is becoming more and more corrupt and turbulent, Yaland and Wang Lei's smuggling business is so prosperous that exchanging canned goods for airplanes is completely basic operation.

As long as there is money and hard goods that can be circulated, Wang Lei can even move Da'e's aerospace equipment.

But Longguo has been focusing on developing civilian science in the past two years, and has been focusing on solving people's livelihood problems with a pragmatic attitude, so Wang Lei did not mention aviation, which consumes a lot of national strength.

"That's great. Recently, an iron mine was discovered a few hundred kilometers away from your hometown. We still follow the old rules and exchange goods for goods."

Andingguo is now doing business without any intention of hiding anything.

Fortunately, everyone is a family, and the sellers are not embarrassed. Wang Lei certainly agreed happily.

"By the way, Director An, I also brought a few military experts from Da Goose this time. On the one hand, they are attracted by our Wang's high salary, and on the other hand, they miss the days of aiding China and want to stay in Longguo for retirement."

Hearing this, Andingguo and the old general's eyes lit up. This little Wang is really too kind. It's okay to help buy an aircraft carrier, but he even kidnapped people.

While happy and relieved, the old general had a different idea in his heart.

Thinking of this, the old general waved to Wang Lei:

"Comrade Xiao Wang, come with me."

Faced with the old general's invitation, Wang Lei naturally would not refuse.

Wherever he passed, the soldiers stood still and took off their hats to salute.

After passing through layers of strict guards, the old general brought Wang Lei into his command room.

Wang Lei's mood also became nervous.

The old general obviously didn't want to talk to him about the transaction. The other party looked serious, and it must be related to very important secrets.

He just wanted to be a small businessman who speculated and profited. There were some things he didn't want to get involved in at all.

"Comrade Xiao Wang, don't be nervous. I invited you here mainly to talk to you about the big goose."

Wang Lei nodded with a little relief and sat opposite the old general.

"How much do you know about the situation of the big goose?"

"It's very bad. The army has become the sinner of the country's stagnation under various propaganda. All signs show that there is a force trying to destroy this behemoth!"

The old general couldn't help but look up to Wang Lei after hearing this. This little Wang is far more far-sighted than some people in the system.

Some of the old people had the same prediction as Wang Lei. The big goose was already shaky, and it was only a matter of time before it fell.

"Some powers are not only trying to undermine the integrity of the big goose, but are also trying to overthrow and erase all existing systems. If everything goes according to their plan, the old system of the big goose will no longer exist!"

"Don't you want them to fall like this?"

The old man nodded. In the gap between the two powers, Longguo has more opportunities to concentrate on development.

If the big goose falls, Longguo will be the first to face it.

In 1996, the United States took the lead in signing the Wassenaar Agreement.

The Dragon Threat Theory was born under this new international situation.

"What can I do?"

Wang Lei felt that he was a pure businessman. At most, he did some arms trade, had his own security company, controlled a small community, and had a few dirty money.

"Comrade Xiao Wang, you don't need to do anything. Just use your network of relationships in Big Goose to make it less likely to fall."

"But I'm just a businessman. Big Goose's fall is an inevitable trend."

"No, you underestimate yourself. I heard that your partner's grandfather is a great man."

The old general didn't say it clearly, but Wang Lei understood what he meant instantly.

"And doing so is more in your interest. You can continue your speculative business for a longer time!"

This hit the nail on the head for Wang Lei. Of course, he wanted to continue the business of exchanging canned food for airplanes for a long time.

In order to obtain a larger trade surplus, he even asked Ni Pingnan to build several grain processing plants to exchange agricultural products for Big Goose's heavy industrial products.

"Comrade, how do you have confidence in yourself?"

"Guarantee to complete the tasks assigned by the organization."

The old general nodded with satisfaction,But in his heart, he was jealous of the Zhao family for finding such an excellent son-in-law.

"But I hope to be taken care of in some aspects."

"You say it."

"First of all, I hope my safety can be protected."

"Okay, I can send Andingguo and Zhao Ling to continue to protect your safety. They can change their identities and work with your security company."

Upon hearing Zhao Ling, Wang Lei nodded with satisfaction.

"And I need a handwritten letter from you, at least to prove that I have obtained some authorization from you."

This is an important identity certificate, something that must be had if you want to convince Aland's grandfather.

"No problem, but it will not be signed or stamped. This is just an ordinary greeting letter."

Wang Lei nodded, and he was also a little uneasy in his heart. Can he change history by himself?

When he was lost in thought, Zhao Ling and Andingguo were called in.

The old general ordered:

"Comrade Zhao Ling and Comrade An Dingguo, you are now following Comrade Wang Lei to carry out a top-secret mission. Your files will be set as top-secret. During the operation, you must obey Comrade Wang Lei's orders completely. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I promise to complete the mission!"

Wang Lei couldn't help but laugh and winked at Zhao Ling provocatively. This little girl must be very resistant to this order.

Completely obey orders, hehe, it's interesting.

An Dingguo and Zhao Ling's hearts were in turmoil. Their files were actually top-secret. How important was the confidentiality mission they were going to carry out?

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