The acquisition of Paramount was also to give an explanation to the eagerly awaited old man Stan Lee.

It has been four years since he bought the parent company of Marvel. Apart from appointing the old editor-in-chief Stan Lee as the new CEO, there has been no major action.

Seeing that the next-door competitor has been acquired by Warner, the Superman series has been filmed for 4 years, and it has flourished in both the film and television industry and the comics industry.

On the other hand, after the acquisition and renaming of Marvel, not only due to the impact of entertainment methods such as television and games, the sales of comics have become worse and worse, and the market share has dropped rapidly.

Old man Stan Lee wanted to meet the mysterious oriental boss more than once, and he was even anxious to the point of jumping his feet.

Wang Lei actually wanted to make a Marvel movie, but he had been waiting for an opportunity.

Now the news from Quan Jingjing gave Wang Lei the opportunity to take over Paramount.

Hearing that Wang Lei was going to visit Western Oil Company, Mr. Martin immediately asked people to clean up the company urgently, and even arranged some flowers overnight as embellishments in the public areas.

All employees were forced to wear formal clothes, all to give Wang Lei, the rich man, a good impression.

After the outbreak of the pound crisis, Wang Lei bought shares in Royal Dutch Shell and Eagle Oil as he wished. These two acquisitions of up to 20 billion US dollars shocked the entire energy industry.

The total assets of Western Petroleum, which Martin controls, are only 16.877 billion US dollars this year.

Martin naturally did not dare to neglect such an investment tycoon in person.

After a round of business exchanging, the two walked into the small reception room.

Martin took out the Cohiba Robusto that he had collected for many years, let the waitress try the cigarette, and then handed it to Wang Lei respectfully:

"Mr. Wang, are you here to buy shares in Western Petroleum this time?"

Wang Lei smoked a cigar and puffed out smoke:

"No, I came here to acquire Paramount this time."

Martin was wondering, he just had the idea of ​​selling Paramount, and he never mentioned it to anyone else, how did Wang Lei know about it?

It should be just a coincidence.

"Sir, are you also interested in Hollywood film production?"

"I can't say I'm interested, but I just want to fulfill my childhood dream of making movies. To be honest, I acquired Marvel Comics a few years ago. I bought Paramount because I wanted to bring the heroes I liked when I was a child to the big screen."

Martin naturally couldn't tell whether Wang Lei's words were true or false, but he just felt that the rich man from the East was really rich and willful. In order to fulfill his dream of making movies, he had to buy a big-budget movie company?

"To be honest, I do want to sell Paramount. I don't know what price you are willing to pay."

When saying this, Martin rubbed his hands involuntarily.

Wang Lei asked someone to take out a notebook, which was filled with Paramount's box office and some public asset assessments in the past two years.

"The Elf Tunnel, estimated loss of 2 million US dollars.

The Disintegrating Man, estimated loss of 2.6 million US dollars.


The only one with a decent reputation is Hamburger Heights, which also suffered losses."

Listening to the box office of the movies produced in the past three years after the former president left, Martin couldn't help but frowned.

Anyone can tell that Paramount's financial prospects are very worrying. It has not produced a major production that is worth showing off in three years.

1986 was Paramount's most glorious moment, when it launched "Transformers" and the sequel to King Kong (the gorilla).

Since the former president left, Paramount has been shooting some money-losing projects in recent years.

These old accounts are a pain in Martin's heart. He saw that Wang Lei's intention was to lower the price in this way.

"Don't forget, even if Paramount is in decline, it is still one of the top five production companies in Hollywood. We have many copyright libraries. I am already looking for a new president and plan to shoot a big production about Star Trek."

"We can also shoot the third King Kong, the second Transformers, and even restart some classic old productions."

"Mr. Martin, I always think that professional things should be left to professionals. We should do oil well if we are in the oil industry. Facts have proved that without professionals, Paramount is going downhill."

It is already very respectful to Martin to say that it is going downhill. Paramount is experiencing the pain of losing talents. If there is no soul figure to take up the banner of Paramount again, the former giant will be completely pulled down from the altar.

Hollywood's internal circulation is very serious. In the 21st century, Paramount's market share and box office share have been ranked sixth for many years. If it were not for some old capital, it would probably be in the top eight.

Paramount's biggest pain point is that it is not good at developing new series of movies.

And the adaptation of Marvel Comics will change this situation.

Martin pondered for a while, and he inexplicably developed a fear of Wang Lei.

This young man seemed to have done a lot of research on Paramount.Investigate, and unknowingly let the other party take the initiative in the negotiation.

"You must have a bottom price in mind."

"Yes, I plan to buy all the shares of Paramount for $2 billion!"

Martin didn't say anything, but he was shocked in his heart, because $2 billion was the price he could barely accept.

Wang Lei acted like he was sure of him.

The reason why he could guess Martin's psychology step by step was thanks to the intelligence from the Thousand-Faced Fox.

Through the disassembly and analysis of various data of Paramount's cash flow, the actuarial team gave Paramount an estimated price of $2 billion to $5 billion.

Through the analysis of Martin's previous investments, he is a relatively pessimistic investor. In the absence of competitors, he is likely to accept the $2 billion offer.

Martin immediately shook his head with a straight face:

"I don't need to rush to sell Paramount. Mr. Wang, your offer lacks sincerity!"

"Martin, there are a lot of film production companies in Hollywood, and there are countless new companies with more potential than Paramount. Paramount is not our must-choose option."

Hearing this, Martin's heart jumped again, because Wang Lei had created an illusion that Paramount was no longer valuable, so he was a little panicked at this time.

"How about this, I'll add another 500 million US dollars, and we'll be friends."

"Okay, then we'll make it."

After Wang Lei left, Martin showed an angry look. Wang Lei knew Paramount better than him as the boss, so that he was always suppressed in the negotiations.

The other party didn't even ask to check the financial report, which made him realize that Paramount had mixed in with commercial spies.

The first figure that came to his mind was Shirley, the general manager he had just appointed!

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