Stan Lee is 69 years old this year, and it is time for him to retire.

But due to the invitation of the board of directors, he returned to Marvel Comics.

He planned to turn the tide and make use of his remaining energy as CEO.

But Marvel's financial report is not optimistic. Under his management, he acquired several medium-sized toy companies and began to sell hero toys and various derivatives on a large scale.

Although the profit has increased a lot, the data shows that Marvel's market is shrinking sharply.

He realized very early that Marvel Comics must transform and must open up new markets in the film and television industry like DC.

Otherwise, Marvel Comics will disappear in the long river of history sooner or later.

The entry of the mysterious new boss gave many people hope. The other party never skimped on funds, and the money for acquiring toy manufacturers came from the other party's generosity.

And the boss's spokesperson Will repeatedly stated that the boss would help Marvel adapt big movies.

However, Stan Lee's patience was worn out in the long wait, and he even began to think about resigning.

Just one day in April.

Will, the vice chairman of the board of directors, suddenly brought good news.

"Stan Lee, haven't you been clamoring to make Marvel into a film and television series? Now the chance has come."

Stan Lee smiled happily:

"Are you serious, Will? Is the boss planning to make some new moves?"

"The boss spent a lot of money to acquire a Hollywood film and television production company. The other party is setting up Marvel Studios and wants to give you the title of screenwriter."

"Really?" Stan Lee felt that he was ten years younger in an instant. It must cost a lot of money to acquire a Hollywood production company.

He was worried about his boss again. The other party would not be fooled into spending money in vain.

The reputation of Hollywood film and television companies is uneven. Some garbage companies are almost like scam companies, with only a good appearance.

"Is the boss too eager? If it is a small company, we may have to help him check it."

"It's Paramount, one of the Big Five!"

"Uh... Paramount?"

Stan Lee was shocked. He never expected that the boss would actually acquire the Hollywood giant Paramount.

"That must have cost a lot of money."

"Yes, the boss spent 2.5 billion US dollars, but this price is very fair in our opinion."

2.5 billion US dollars!

Stan Lee thought of Marvel's latest valuation, which just broke 300 million US dollars.

Because there have been securities firms lobbying him to take Marvel public recently, he is very sensitive to market value.

When will Marvel reach the height of Paramount?

"I want to know more details about how Boss Will intends to make the two companies work together."

"Boss, what he means is that Marvel still holds all the copyrights of Marvel Comics, and uses the copyrights to invest in Paramount Marvel's film and television production. Marvel has the right to participate in the script and production, as well as the dividends of film and television revenue."

"So all kinds of derivative copyrights are still in our hands?"

"Yes, the boss hopes that the release of Marvel movies will promote the growth of derivatives and comics again, and that film and television copyright income will become part of Marvel's diversified income."

"He hopes that Marvel will not rush to go public. He estimates that in two or three years, the stock market in the United States will usher in a new peak. At that time, he will have a professional team to handle Marvel's listing matters."

Stan Lee nodded when he heard this. Such a powerful boss made him, as the CEO, feel at ease. He just had to follow behind and do everything step by step.

But he still had a question in his heart:

"Will, tell me honestly, who is our boss?"

"I thought you had guessed it. He is Wang Lei, the heir of Wang Group."

"Oh, it's him. No wonder, no wonder."

Stan Lee is not unfamiliar with the name Wang Lei. Recently, many Western media have been promoting that this Dragon Country tycoon has bought most of Eagle Country.

He is a very dangerous person who keeps hinting that the Dragon Country people will control the economic lifeline of various countries.

Stan Lee sneered at the remarks of Western media. If Wang Lei does not take over Marvel.

Marvel will definitely fall into the hands of Ronald Perelman, a speculator who plays with finance on Wall Street.

The other party is a big brother who is famous for leveraged buyouts and buys and sells in the east and west.

He doesn't understand what comics are. He only regards Marvel Comics as a goose that lays golden eggs and squeezes every bit of Marvel's value as much as possible.

Stan Lee even thought with fear that in order to make money, the other party might sell Marvel Comics heroes to other film and television companies!

Marvel fans are lucky to meet a boss like Wang Lei who understands things.

In fact, Paramount's $2.5 billion deal was soon exposed by Martin.Get out.

Shirley was highly valued, and Martin, who was angry and embarrassed, believed that this woman had betrayed him, so he immediately exposed the buyer behind the scenes to reporters.

Because it involved Hollywood giants, this news spread more far-reachingly than previous acquisition news.

It can be said that it immediately became the hottest topic in the entertainment industry.

The hostile forces immediately had someone compile a news story, exposing the industries that Wang Lei had acquired in recent years to the eyes of the world.

People were shocked to find that it was not an exaggeration to describe this Hong Kong tycoon as rich enough to rival a country.

Not only did he buy various energy industries in Sakura Island, he also became the third telecommunications giant in Eagle Country, invested in two major oil energy companies, and now bought Paramount. Is he going to buy half of the earth?

Some media even began to praise Wang Lei, saying that Buffett was not the world's richest man this year, but Wang Lei was.

Wang Lei had the urge to laugh out loud when he saw this news.

Buffett's public wealth this year is about 62 billion US dollars, and his public wealth is at most around 20 billion to 30 billion. As long as Forbes does not distort the facts, he will be ranked at most around eleventh. How can he be the world's richest man?

There is no shortage of angry young people in the United States, and there is no shortage of people who hate the rich in this world.

Wang Lei was warned by his friends that he must do something.

Otherwise, public opinion will be very unfavorable to Wang Lei.

Who made Wang Lei buy the core industrial chains of various countries?

As a veteran, Wang Lei naturally knows how shameless these capitalist countries are and never hesitate to cut leeks.

The next day, the news appeared that Wang Lei and Hollywood beauties had a big party on a private yacht.

Wang Lei's previous scandals with many female stars were also exposed.

These gossip news portrayed him as a prodigal son.

Since ancient times, princes have always pretended to be crazy and stupid, and Wang Lei has reached the point of using all means to blacken himself.

The effect can be said to be immediate, and his image as a playboy has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In addition, the spokesperson of the White Dragon Group came out to do emergency public relations. Wang Lei is only a major shareholder of the company, and behind him is a large private equity fund in Dongzhou.

Mr. Wang's wealth can barely rank among the top 100 in the world, and he is not even the richest man in Dongzhou. Some media are deliberately exaggerating.

The threat theory of Wang Lei compiled by Western media suddenly lost its market space. They are more concerned about the gossip between Wang Lei and the actress.

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