Hearing Li Qilin's question, Wang Lei smiled:

"Others will naturally not let me succeed easily, but that guy is the Heisei demon."

A guy with excessive foresight.

Wang Lei is still very confident in persuading Sanye Shigeyasu.

Even if the Bank of Japan and the government do not open this loophole now, in a few years, the banks in Sakura Island will go bankrupt one after another.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei instructed Li Qilin:

"In my name, send an invitation to Sanye Shigeyasu and invite him to dinner at the club.

I have prepared a vintage Wuliangye to entertain him."

Sanye Shigeyasu is a wine lover. Since he drank the wine prepared by Wang Lei once, he can no longer get used to the sake of his hometown.

"President, do you want us to prepare some new tea?"

"Sure enough, just according to Sanye Shigeyasu's preferences."

Sure enough, after hearing that Wang Lei prepared good wine, Sanye Shigeyasu did not think much and happily accepted the appointment.

"Wang Lei-san, you are too polite. You have prepared good wine and food, and there are beauties waiting by your side. You must have something important to discuss with me."

Wang Lei dismissed the beautiful girls who were waiting for him.

"Mr. Sanye, has Hyogo Bank defaulted on a lot of loans from the Bank of Japan?

Is it even unable to repay on time?"

The Bank of Japan raised the interest rate by raising the interbank lending rate, which is the interest rate when other financial institutions borrow money from the Bank of Japan.

The life and death of Hyogo Bank is completely in the hands of Sanye Shigeyasu.

Sanye Shigeyasu immediately lost the desire to drink:

"Yes, the impact of the bubble is still expanding. This year, even banks have a large-scale deficit. The situation of Hyogo Bank is the most grim. If the Bank of Japan stops supporting it, I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

Sanye Shigeyasu found it difficult to say the word bankruptcy.

He is a very foresighted person. He can't hide his ears and steal the bell. He said it because he wanted Wang Lei to help him with ideas.

Under the influence of alcohol, Sanye Shigeyasu did not hide his worries.

"Mr. Sanye, in my opinion, your country's banking industry has reached a very critical moment!"

Hearing Wang Lei's words, Sanye Shigeyasu was shocked:

"You are a bit alarmist."

Seeing that the other party was still stubborn, Wang Lei said bluntly:

"Even if you continue to transfuse blood to Hyogo Bank, if there is no accident, it will still end in bankruptcy.

This is just the beginning. Once a domino falls, it will cause a series of avalanches.

You know the current situation of Sakurajima Bank better than me. Sooner or later, 174 banks across the country will have large-scale deficits!"

Sanye Shigeyasu nodded without comment.

According to their estimates, by the end of this year, at least half of the top 20 banks, which account for 74% of total assets, will have deficits.

The days of the top banks will become so difficult, and the days of small banks will be even more difficult.

By that time, even if they tried their best to give blood transfusion, they would not be able to stop the bankruptcies.

"What do you mean?"

"It is only a matter of time before they go bankrupt. It is better to focus on the big banks that can still be saved.

My suggestion is that the Bank of Japan intervenes in bankrupt banks and reshuffles the entire industry!"

Sanye Shigeyasu was slightly shocked, and he also felt that what Wang Lei said made sense.

It is better to cut the Gordian knot and pin all hopes on the living force than to let him watch one bank after another fall.

That's what he said, but if he really did it, it would cause a major earthquake in the entire financial world of Sakura!

He could watch the real estate industry fall, but it was still difficult to make up his mind immediately if it really involved himself.

Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly came to his senses and discovered Wang Lei's little thoughts.

"Do you want to take over the business of Hyogo Bank?"

Sanye Shigeyasu was secretly delighted. If you want to say who has the most financial resources in the whole Sakura Island, it must be the White Dragon Consortium led by Wang Lei!

Others don't know where Wang Lei's money comes from, but he does.

The White Dragon Group has found a new way out in the crisis and has three major sources of income.

One is the entertainment programs created around Tokyo TV. The girl groups under its umbrella have become the cash cow of the White Dragon Agency. In the economic downturn, idols have become the spiritual sustenance of many people.

For this reason, Wang Lei has created an idol industry chain. From online auditions to offline theaters, to various commercial performances and endorsements, female idols have injected vitality into the entertainment industry.

The second is the increasingly popular action film production. Because the real estate bubble has caused countless companies to go bankrupt, the employment rate and unemployment rate remain high, and many girls with good looks have been discovered and entered the entertainment industry as amateurs.

It has become the main source of income for the Black Dragon Society. The key is to shootThe production of action movies is still a legal industry in Sakura Island, and even many idols have been lost in the temptation of money and have entered the industry one by one.

The third one is Bailong Credit Finance!

After buying the bad debts of major banks, everyone is waiting to see Wang Lei's joke.

But what surprised them was that Bailong Credit Finance was very efficient in handling bad debts.

A large number of people who were bankrupt in credit found new jobs with the help of this financial institution.

Although these jobs are not up to standard and may require working day and night to pay off debts, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have completely become slaves of Bailong, but it is undeniable that Bailong Finance gave them hope to survive.

After securitization through loans, Bailong Finance is full of infinite vitality.

Through financial means, Bailong Credit Finance is making a fortune every day, and now it is the most active financial institution in Sakura Island.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh that Wang Lei is worthy of being the son of finance.

With these three unconventional businesses, the White Dragon Group has completely established a foothold in Sakura Island and is known as the sixth largest group.

Even the Mitsubishi Group and the Mitsui Group have to admit that the White Dragon Group is the most dynamic group.

If these banks, which are like hot potatoes, are handed over to the White Dragon Group, perhaps all the problems that bother him will be solved!

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to propose:

"Sir, are you interested in taking over Hyogo Bank and Hanwa Bank?"

"No interest, unless..."

"Unless what, we are all family, just say it directly."

Wang Lei no longer played dumb and said directly:

"Unless these two banks declare bankruptcy on the spot, I will be interested in taking over."

After bankruptcy, all the inheritance will be collected and auctioned to pay off the debts, and then it will be time for Wang Lei to take action.

Now to acquire Hyogo and Hanwa, you have to take over all the debts of the other party.

Wang Lei is not a philanthropist and has no obligation to do so.

If he really does this one day, there must be greater interests waiting for him behind the scenes.

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