After two days of comfortable days, Mr. Ren urgently notified Wang Lei to go to Longwei for an emergency meeting.

"Mr. Ren, what's going on?"

In the large conference room, the atmosphere was almost frozen, and everyone's face was not very good.

Mr. Ren signaled the general assistant to give Wang Lei a document.

The general assistant introduced:

"Mr. Wang, this is the latest quotation from several other foreign GSM suppliers!"

After seeing this quotation, Wang Lei instantly understood why Mr. Ren looked like he was facing a great enemy.

These foreign businessmen made the quotation so low, they were making trouble.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei couldn't help laughing out loud.

Everyone looked at him with doubtful eyes, and Ren asked:

"Boss Wang, what's so funny?"

"I laugh at these foreign compradors for seeking their own death. Our biggest advantage is low cost. All parts are made in China. We have taken advantage of low prices since our debut.

These foreign compradors want to fight a price war with us. Isn't that seeking their own death?"

Because the technology is monopolized by foreign powers, the information service fee of GSM has never been low.

It costs less than 5,000 yuan to buy a Motorola mobile phone, and the call fee starts at several hundred yuan, which is close to a month's salary for salaried workers.

Even if it is 80% cheaper, the fee is still not a small amount.

"We didn't take the initiative to fight a price war with them, but they started a war themselves. Don't you think they are looking for death?"

Everyone nodded repeatedly.

Ren knew that Wang Lei was boosting morale. If a price war really started, Longwei's newly started GSM project would not have much profit. Anyone who is willing to sell their products at a low price is forced to do so.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Lei finished his analysis, everyone smiled. The happiness of workers is often very simple.

"Let's just give them a hard blow. They want to fight a price war, right? Then fight. In the next five years, we will take market share as the goal, further reduce costs, target small cities and towns, gradually surround big cities and occupy the entire market, and sooner or later drive these foreign capitals out of Longguo!"

Everyone was excited when they heard this, and they wanted to do a big job immediately.

The head of the marketing department raised his hand weakly and said:

"Mr. Wang, lower the price, our profits can hardly support us to fight a protracted war."

"Don't forget, everyone, we still have the FreePass business, that is the real money-making business!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. FreePass has low technical investment and high output, and can be quickly rolled out across the country.

And their opponent is Xiaolingtong, which has just started. In terms of technical level, the other party is definitely not comparable to FreePass, which has been devoted to it for many years.

Moreover, their sales network is more mature, and they can achieve lower costs than the other party in the fields of parts processing and accessories.

Wuyin's Xiaolingtong Company is just a younger brother in front of Long Wei.

The head of the technical department also raised his hand and asked:

"Mr. Wang, the technology of Suixintong is actually an extension of fixed-line phones. It can only be said to be wireless fixed-line phones, not real mobile communication technology. I am worried..."

Wang Lei instantly saw the other party's worries and smiled:

"Are you worried that the competent authorities will not open this loophole?"

The other party nodded. The production of mobile phones requires a production license and a network access license. All industries in Longguo need licenses issued by relevant units, and the mobile communication industry is no exception.

"Haha, this is a very difficult thing for outsiders, but we are a regular national enterprise.

Besides, Xiaolingtong has the support of Longguo Telecom and their tacit consent, so it can be developed.

Our Suixintong is a technology independently developed by Longguo people. What reason do they have to exclude us from joining?

What can foreign-funded enterprises do, but our national enterprises cannot do it?

This is a serious monopoly hegemony. Unless it is killed with one stick, where will the free competition market come from?"

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Telecom and Post had just separated. At the stage of being poor and blank, they only had Xiaolingtong in their hands, hoping that it would open up the situation.

They must also hope that Longwei can join in.

No one wants a company to dominate a certain field.

Mr. Ren took the lead in applauding. He didn't think Wang Lei exceeded his authority. He called Wang Lei here just to let him lead Longwei to a more stable development.

"Okay, let's do this, let's adjourn the meeting."

It was not until the end of the meeting that Wang Lei realized that he had said too much, and President Ren barely got a word in.

"President Ren, I didn't mean to take power from you, I just felt angry and said a few more words."

President Ren smiled and said:

"It's okay, I really envy the drive of you young people, I really hope you can take over Longwei, but you are young.Mr. Wang is a famous hands-off boss, so I won't force him. "

Speaking of this, Wang Lei couldn't help asking:

"Vice President Li didn't come to the meeting today?"

"Oh, he was busy with GSM optimization testing."

Speaking of Li, Mr. Ren was full of pride, this was his most proud disciple.

There have been rumors within Longwei that he is the prince of Longwei and will definitely take over Mr. Ren's job in the future.

This Mr. Li is really awesome.

After joining Longwei for 2 days, he was promoted to engineer, and promoted to chief engineer in half a month. After joining Longwei for 2 years, he sat in the position of Longwei's chief engineer and served as the company's vice president!

He was just 27 years old at that time!

Mr. Ren's preference for Li is visible to the naked eye, but excessive promotion also brings hidden dangers to the future.

"He led the team to conquer GSM this time. How does Mr. Ren plan to reward him? "

Wang Lei asked meaningfully, which made Mr. Ren fall into deep thought.

Because Mr. Li is already the vice president of the technical department and the vice president of the group, he has made such great contributions but cannot be given any more credit.

Mr. Ren is only in his 50s, and it is not time for him to step down and let others take over.

Mr. Ren immediately knew the reason why Wang Lei brought this up, and he felt very embarrassed. Mr. Li was indeed the successor he had trained, but he was still young and could not handle such a big task.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

"This problem cannot be delayed, it must be solved as soon as possible. I guess Mr. Li is under a lot of pressure, and if he is not careful, he will have the idea of ​​starting his own business. "

Li Nan is Longwei's chief engineer and is familiar with Longwei's technology. If he starts a business, he will most likely copy Longwei's technology.

And Longwei's engineers were all promoted by him. Poaching people and gathering internal intelligence is like having an unguarded backyard. No matter how tolerant Mr. Ren is, there will be a time when both sides will come into direct contact.

"Mr. Ren, make a decision when necessary, otherwise you are also harming him."

Mr. Ren naturally understood this, and he became more worried: "How should I promote him after all?"

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