"The Internet has changed our lives. Online shopping is on the rise. People are...

It can be said that the Internet is full of opportunities and chances. Some people even set up a pet website to sell dogs online, but I hope you can calm down and think about whether the benefits are proportional to the investment.

Especially those friends who are planning to give up their studies."

Wang Lei's remarks made the students think deeply.

Originally, they thought Wang Lei would enthusiastically encourage them to start a business, but unexpectedly, Wang Lei unusually asked them to stay calm.

Wang Lei did not care about their thoughts and continued:

"People are numb to investment, and they also took the pet website as an example. In my opinion, judging from the current situation, their project is unlikely to succeed. They have not thought through how to make a profit from the beginning."

As soon as he finished speaking, the following people started to chatter.

Because the pet website is a very famous website nowadays, they sell pet supplies and pet food online.

In order to attract people to consume on their website, they invested a lot of money in advertising. As far as Wang Lei knows, its annual advertising fee is 20 times the sales!

But in the eyes of Stanford students, PetNet is the most shining star in Silicon Valley today. They have obtained $80 million in financing, merged competitors, and even heard that they have started the countdown to listing.

Some students wanted to refute Wang Lei, but it was Wang Lei who was standing on the podium, and they lacked the courage to argue with him.

Page, who was sitting in his seat, was very distressed. Every word Wang Lei said seemed to be directed at him.

He couldn't help but stand up and refute:

"But they have obtained 80 million in financing and have tens of millions of users. Sooner or later, the investment will pay off, right?"

"Student, you asked a good question. Let's analyze carefully whether they can make profits in the future."

"Suppose I buy a bag of cat food now. It will take me several days or even half a month to receive the canned food from Australia. Why don't I buy it directly in the supermarket?

From the company's perspective, Pet.com needs a large number of warehouses to store the materials they think will be sold, which will increase their unnecessary costs. In order to gain customers, they even proposed free delivery, trying to use shipping costs in exchange for sales.

Think about it, a company with such a single business scope, but using Amazon's strategy, can it succeed in the end?"

Page fell into silence. He knew that Wang Lei was right. Pet food and pet toys are not necessities. The demand is very unstable. Perhaps it is a false proposition that Pet.com can make profits from the beginning.

Stanford's top students are all high-IQ people. They are also about to figure out the joints.

Comprehensive online shopping websites such as Amazon and eBay may be profitable, but pet websites are definitely not.

"Everyone, before starting a business, you must understand one thing: you must make more money than you spend in order to continue for a long time. If you violate this premise, I advise you to stop as soon as possible."

Page nodded, and he understood Wang Lei's good intentions.

Just as Wang Lei was about to get up and leave, Page caught up with Wang Lei:

"Senior Wang Lei, can I delay you for a few minutes?"

"Of course, your question just now is very sharp and courageous."

Page and Sergey smiled happily.

"We have made an intelligent search engine that can search for web pages people need through keywords, filter out irrelevant information, and provide the most suitable content for users."

As Page demonstrated, Wang Lei couldn't help but widen his eyes. He was very familiar with this interface, which was exactly the search interface of Google.

Compared with the fine products on the market, the biggest advantage of Google's search engine is that it can identify which websites will be valuable to users and optimize the search results options through algorithms.

This screening is fast and accurate, and it is a big hit in the industry.

What does this mean? Google can use precise algorithms to deliver relevant advertising products. For advertisers, what they need is precise delivery users, which can reduce delivery costs and increase customer acquisition rates.

"Page and Sergey, how much financing do you want?"

Hearing Wang Lei's question, Page himself was a little surprised. You know, there are more than just Yahoo search engine products on the market now. They originally just wanted to become a subsidiary of Yahoo.

"We want a 1 million startup fund."

Wang Lei nodded. In the original history, Principal Hannes was the angel investor of the two and gave them a sum of start-up funds.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally got ahead.

Google's early entrepreneurship was not very smooth. It relied on Yahoo's shares toThe two wanted to sell Google to Yahoo for one million US dollars.

Perhaps Yahoo looked down on their "advanced algorithms" and decisively rejected the proposal.

Four years later, Yahoo's market value plummeted in the Internet bubble, while Google's valuation continued to rise, and its commercial value began to emerge.

Yahoo also realized the strength of its younger brother and took the initiative to propose the acquisition of Google.

However, Yahoo was still a little short-sighted and only offered a bid of 3 billion, while Google wanted a mere 5 billion US dollars.

The funny thing is that fourteen years later, Yahoo was acquired for less than 5 billion US dollars and disappeared from the public eye.

And Google's market value reached 1 trillion US dollars in 2020, becoming the fourth largest technology company.

Perhaps one night, Yahoo's decision makers will deeply regret their original decision.

"But I want 50% of your company's shares, can you accept it?"

Page and Sergey didn't think so much. They just wanted to get investment, expand the company, and really run it.

They didn't realize that this project would make more money in the future, and it seemed reasonable for Wang Lei to pay one million US dollars to take 50% of the shares.

"Thank you for your trust, senior. We won't let you down."

Page and Sergey are well-known model workers in Internet companies. In order to keep themselves in the company, they even moved the cafeteria into the park.

Wang Lei was relieved to hand over the company to the two.

What he didn't know was that his speech at Stanford had caused an uproar through the publicity of newspapers, the Internet, TV stations and other media.

Pet Network is a new star in Silicon Valley. Wang Lei's public criticism has made Animal Network a hot topic.

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