"After we, Shanda, received the investment from Mr. Wang, we are naturally a member of the Sanshi system.

Sanshi and Longwei plan to officially promote 3G in China and are developing corresponding large-screen mobile phones!

With their joint efforts, it is estimated that 2G mobile phones and FreePass will soon become history.

Once the inexpensive and high-quality large-screen mobile phones are promoted, they will surely quickly occupy the mobile phone market."

The two were very excited when they learned the news.

The international community confirmed the 3G standard in 2000. Longwei and Sanshi were also participants in the 3G standard, but people's demand for mobile phones was not high. They could make calls, send text messages, and play some small games.

There was no need for a network speed as fast as 3G.

In addition to the financial crisis in Dongzhou and the Internet bubble in the United States, Longguo has not promoted 3G.

Mr. Wu, who has a business mind, thought of something and asked:

"With a large-screen mobile phone, can people use it to read our novels?"

The richest man Chen nodded and said:

"Yes, you guessed right, Boss Wang did reveal his thoughts in this regard. They plan to build a wireless reading software, and every 3G mobile phone will have this reading software built in!"

Their expressions became extremely exciting. If novels can be read on the mobile phone screen, it will usher in a new era for the promotion of online novels.

People can read their novels on the bus, on a long-distance bus, or even when squatting in the toilet. Online novels will enter a new era!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but get goose bumps all over their bodies.

The richest man Chen was very satisfied with the expressions of the two. When he heard Wang Lei talk about the layout of the novel industry, he probably had the same expression.

His ideas are sometimes ahead of the times, but lack feasibility, but Wang Lei is different. The other party is not only ahead of the times, but can also make the cup he blew round and realize the real commercial value. This is the gap between him as the richest man and the chaebol.

Thinking of this, Chen, the richest man, concluded:

"Therefore, it is crucial to make novels free. We must complete the layout of free novels before all our competitors, leaving no way for capital that also wants to enter the market!"

Chen, the richest man, was in a hurry to implement this matter, in large part because Qianlang and Sohu were preparing to layout novels.

Both of them began to think about this matter unconsciously along the boss's line of thought.

Mr. Wu said with great approval:

"Now other websites are also starting to turn to paid websites after seeing our profitability."

"We are now converting to free, and we can also harvest their users in reverse!"

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but laugh secretly.

The most critical reason why Mr. Wu and Editor-in-Chief Bao accepted the advertising system was that they heard some rumors that some pirated websites, after seeing how profitable it was to make original websites, also began to try to find authors at high prices to start making original novels.

Among them, 13k and Feilu are the most active.

The novel industry has never lacked latecomers. They can surpass the former overlord Huanjian Bookstore, and other websites can naturally surpass them with excellent systems.

The two sides talked for a long time about how to insert advertisements and which advertisers to introduce.

After hearing that Shanda Games and Penguin Games would both place advertisements, the two were full of confidence in this matter.

After preparing for half a year, the official website of Dianchi Novel Network released a new notice.

It announced that after careful consideration, Dianchi Network began to trial the model of replacing VIP paid reading with advertisements!

The first to be shocked were the great authors who settled in, and then a large number of backbone authors who earned a meager income by charging.

They were all attracted by the charging model of Dianchi. Many people are planning to give up their jobs and write full-time, turning their hobbies into jobs to make a living.

At this moment, Dianchi actually gave up paying? ? ?

Not only did the authors oppose and take out the contract to explain the matter, a group of novel websites that planned to switch to charging were also confused.

Are you kidding me? Everyone is learning from you to charge, so how can you be free?

The founding team of Dianchi Novel personally invited the great authors and some author representatives to Dianchi as guests and explained.

The masters and the author representatives all returned in disappointment. Although Mr. Wu's words sounded nice, they still decided to wait and see.

At the same time, a large number of pirated authors heard that the terminal novels were free to read and provided a better reading experience than pirated novels, so they gave up Shenquge and switched to genuine reading.

The masters and a group of middle-level authors found that their royalties had skyrocketed last month, and some masters even broke the 100,000 yuan mark in monthly royalties!

Some middle-level authors shed tears after their income exceeded 10,000 yuan.

In 2005, a royalty of over 10,000 yuan was enough to be called a master. They all wrote novice articles. I didn't expectMy income will increase several times.

Seeing a large number of authors at the end of the article revealing their royalties, the small authors in the author group all heard the news and moved.

One person spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and Huanjian Bookstore found that a large number of its authors had been lost.

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