Chapter 265

“This kind of sniper rifle is provided to special combat troops, not to be deployed by the entire army. For troops, if they are on the battlefield, the existing sniper rifles are enough. It is also impossible for domestic firearms to fail to respond to the troops. The defects will not be dealt with.” Xie Kai said.

It was originally a high-precision sniper rifle intended to be provided to special forces.

This kind of sniper rifle, it is impossible to equip too much in China.

Therefore, no matter how high the unit price is, as long as it can achieve a high enough accuracy, a small amount of equipment in the army is acceptable.

“So, we don’t need to think about the cost. Accuracy and range are what we need to consider. Including the research of special sniper shells, they are all to provide accuracy and range!” Xie Kai said. “What we need to guarantee is quality and reliability! Just don’t have a 63-type automatic rifle.”

When the others heard the Type 63 automatic rifle, they all looked at Xiao Manzhi.

Xiao Manzhi looked calm.

He has participated in the design of that thing, and he is not the chief designer. Besides, the problem with the Type 63 rifle is not in the design, but in the production process.

The quality problems caused by the production link forced the troops to disassemble, replace them with 56 semi-automatic rifles and urgently develop automatic rifles.

“That’s OK, according to your request, we will improve as soon as possible, and provide an improved sample gun as soon as possible.” Han Weidong said.

Xie Kai nodded, and said nothing more.

The supporting facilities in the Gun Research Institute are all available. As the mission begins, everyone in the yard over there will also go to work here.

Xie Kai didn’t bother to deal with how to do it.

Anyway, Wang Guilin is in charge.

The school started the next day, and Xie Kai went to school rarely.

Even if he was mentally prepared, he felt a headache for Chen Yixin, who suddenly appeared in the classroom and asked to sit next to him.

Xie Kai was firmly opposed to it, and people around him were not allowed to change positions with Chen Yixin, lest the woman pester herself every day.

He didn’t have time to deal with such a woman, and similarly, he didn’t want Mozi to misunderstand himself.

“Starting tomorrow, I will write you a study plan, some sample questions, you do it yourself first, and ask me during the lunch break if you don’t understand.” Xie Kai clearly remembered that Mo Qi had said that Xie Kai would help him make up lessons.

Therefore, after school at noon when Chen Yixin came to his side, he took the initiative to run next to Mo Qi and said to her.

“Do you often miss class this semester?” Mo Qi scanned the surrounding circle, blushing, and lowered his head to face Xie Kai and asked in a low voice.

“Well, these are not clear, I have a headache myself.” Xie Kai said, “Go, eat.”

Mo Qi blushed and nodded without saying a word, waiting for Xie Kai to walk outside, silently following behind.

“Xie Kai, what do you mean?” Chen Yixin stopped Xie Kai at the door of the classroom.

“What’s wrong?” Xie Kai pretended to be puzzled.

“You promised to help me take care of me. I am new to everything in the whole school. You don’t take me to know it…” Chen Yixin didn’t have the slightest hint.

He was very dissatisfied with Mo Qi, who was one or two meters behind Xie Kai.

“When did I agree? Miss, can we not make such a fuss?” Xie Kai turned to look at Mo Qi, he was afraid that Mo Qi had an idea, but he didn’t expect that Mo Qi gave him a smile.

I don’t seem to mind what’s in front of me at all.

“I don’t know where the cafeteria is…” Chen Yixin gritted her teeth and looked at Xie Kai, “I’m going to complain to Aunt Liu and tell her you bullied me!”

“Chen Yixin, let’s go and eat together!” Sun Juan finally came to rescue her.

Chen Yixin knew that Sun Juan had a good relationship with Xie Kai. She gritted her teeth and looked at Xie Kai. Xie Kai looked innocent.

Mo Qi didn’t respond, and couldn’t help being a little discouraged.

She doesn’t like Xie Kai, but when she first entered school, she heard about Xie Kai’s bad things a year ago. She knew that Xie Kai liked Mo Qi, so she felt a little unhappy.

Feeling awkward looking for Moqi?(Read more @

Chen Yixin can’t do it yet.

“Go eat, I’m in the classroom!” Xie Kai didn’t want to mess around with a woman like Chen Yixin. Chen Yixin said before that the two are not in the same world.

The meaning of saying that is to make Xie Kai give up.

Xie Kai also told her that it was obvious that he could not go abroad, nor would he go abroad.

This woman is completely unaware of her presence.

This semester, not only Xie Kai and his class have transfer students, but also several other classes, which makes Xie Kai very confused. It seems that this situation did not happen in the previous life?

Regarding the woman Chen Yixin, Xie Kai doesn’t want to deal with her, but because this woman is more aggressive than Sun Juan, Xie Kai really has a headache.

He was lying on the desk in the classroom thinking about how to explain to Mo Qi. What he didn’t expect was that Mo Qi would actually serve him back to the classroom.

“Why? Do you only eat food from Sun Juan?” Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai’s surprised expression and blushed slightly.

“Are you not going to eat with them?” Xie Kai was happy, and Mo Qi’s behavior was what he liked to see.

“No, I’m also eating in the classroom.” Moqi carried the lunch box in his other hand, the one with a pit bag on it was obviously the one that she fell several times last year.

Xie Kai hurriedly stuffed the books on the desk in the drawer, expecting Mo Qi to sit in front and eat with him face to face.

As a result, Mo Qi went to the side instead of taking Sun Juan’s position.

It was the first time that Mo Qi served him personally. Xie Kai’s appetite suddenly improved. Mo Qi sat next to him without talking. He slowly ate a lot less food in the lunch box than in the Xie Kai bowl. .

“Chen Yixin came to our school because we got extra points in the college entrance examination. Her plan is to enter a certain university through our school, and then get a quota for public study abroad.” Xie Kai finished eating quickly and sat sideways. Looking at Mo Qi who was eating slowly, Mo Qi was embarrassed and could only speed up.

When Mo Qi finished eating and took out his handkerchief to wipe his mouth, Xie Kai spoke.

He felt that it was necessary to tell Mo Qi about this matter.

Even if things like Mo Qi didn’t care.

“I know, there are more in other classes than in our class, and only she chooses our class with the worst grades…” Mo Qi nodded, indicating that he knew.

“The evening that the base fired the gun, she and her mother were at my house…”

“You went to the grove with her.” Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai with a trace of joking in his eyes.

The corners of Xie Kai’s mouth twitched. What this girl said of herself seemed too evil.

Go to the grove…

But this matter cannot be denied. Since Mo Qi brought it up, he must have an explanation.

“Go, I took her to see the playground where we grew up and told her that someone had killed her own son for this base. She didn’t believe it…” Xie Kai completed the conversation with Chen Yixin that day Said it.

“Do you hate her?” Mo Qi asked with his elbow on the desk and his chin, tilting his head to look at Xie Kai.

“It’s not a nuisance, I just can’t understand such a person who uses the base as a springboard.” Xie Kai replied seriously.

Mo Qi’s actions tell her that she is now starting to care about her attitude towards Chen Yixin.

“Maybe I am the same as her.” Mo Qi said quietly.

“It’s not like what you said.” Xie Kai curled his lips, Mo Qi’s character, that is in his bones, even if he is not mature now, it is still that Mo Qi, but he is not the Xie Kai.

Mo Qi did not speak, but stared at Xie Kai with wide eyes.

“Chen Yixin and us are not in the same world. We have been educated by our parents since we were young to be the successors of the base.” Xie Kai said calmly, “Don’t say that you are also an outsider, you are completely different from her.”

Xie Kai did not explain why Mo Qi is different from Chen Yixin, and Mo Qi did not ask.

This woman is smarter than anyone else.

“You really didn’t feel anything for her when you went on a blind date with her?” Mo Qi’s quiet words made Xie Kai jump up, especially in the latter words, “She is much more beautiful than me.”

Xie Kai stared at Mo Qi in a daze, never felt Mo Qi was so strange at this moment.

This is not the girl he is familiar with.

Before he could answer, there was a voice outside, and Mo Qi quickly stood up and walked to his place with his lunch box.

Chen Yixin, Sun Juan and others appeared outside the classroom.

“Brother, how did you manage the defense team? Tell us about it. Those instructors are really inhumane. They are training us desperately. They still feel pain all over the body…” Chen Yixin came in, just looking for Xie Kai, Luo Feng and Fatty When people waited, Xie Kai was surrounded. Various problems prevented Chen Yixin from approaching.

Several people have grown up together, and only need a look at each other to understand each other’s thoughts.

Sun Juan has been dragging Chen Yixin. For this woman, even if she is not happy, she has to make false claims because Xie Kai doesn’t want to touch her.

Xie Kai was confused by Mo Qi’s changes, and on the surface he answered Fatty Qian’s questions indifferently, but in his heart he wondered whether Mo Qi would accept him.

With his understanding of Mo Qi, it was impossible.

Especially in this era when early love is as fierce as a tiger, and Mo Qi came to the base only when he escaped from marriage.

But Mo Qi’s last words made Xie Kai puzzled. With his knowledge of Mo Qi, it was impossible for Mo Qi to say that.

Is it because of his own rebirth that his cabbage is no longer the original cabbage?

Xie Kai was thinking about this all afternoon. After every get out of class, Chen Yixin wanted to get in touch. She was blocked by Qian Fatty and others around Xie Kai, which made this girl very upset.

After the third get out of class in the afternoon, Xie Kai packed up and ran away.

If Mo Qi had accepted him, Chen Yixin would be a potentially huge threat.

This woman was just playing for fun, it was impossible to return to the base at all, let alone the feelings for the military system and the base.

If Mo Qi did not accept him, Chen Yixin would be a huge obstacle.

Chen Yixin wants to find herself all the time, but Xie Kai doesn’t want to face her. She has already made a decision in her heart. She simply goes to the gun research institute to hide for a while. Even if you don’t know about guns, you can learn by yourself .

Before I understood Mo Qi’s mind, I couldn’t go to this school.

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