Chapter 522

“Yes, get out!”

“This is our territory!”

“If we want to gain our territory, unless we kill us…”

The four tribal chiefs stood up excitedly, and roared at Xie Kai with distorted faces.

In the corner near the door, the two chiefs just looked at Xie Kai silently.

However, they all spoke Swahili, and Xie Kai couldn’t understand it at all. Only after asking the translator did he know what he was talking about.

“Chief Harmonado, is this what you mean by inviting us to express?” Xie Kai didn’t care about the noise of the other chiefs.

Before coming in, Varu had told Xie Kai about the other tribes.

The two tribes who agreed to relocate have very small populations, and they add up to just over a hundred.

The other four tribes are not much different in strength, all of which are one to two hundred people, and together there are nearly 800 people.

“This is what you asked, so that everyone can ask for it.” Harmonado has been looking at Xie Kai. Xie Kai is very young, younger than his favorite son Varuu.

The sound is like Hong Zhong.

At the same time, he also raised his hand to signal to quiet the other tribe chiefs.

“What do you mean? If you mean the same thing, then our negotiation is over.” Xie Kai is now not as scared as before.

The damn ball is in full swing, and you can celebrate the new year without dying.

These are no longer pure primitive tribes.

“This is the place where we have survived and multiplied for generations. We are not willing to relocate.” Harmonado said.

“Chief, we are here to help your country solve the food problem. Our farm has been opened up, and even if there is a drought again, you don’t have to go hungry… Moreover, we can provide jobs for the people of your tribe… …” Lu Yang said, again emphasizing the words he had said many times.

Ran and egg.

These indigenous people don’t care what the rest of their country is like.

“What does the starvation of other tribes have to do with us? Even if there is a drought and there is no harvest, we still have cattle and sheep, and we can go to the lake to fish…” Hamonado said calmly. “You can choose to go to other places.”

“Chief, take the liberty to ask, why hasn’t the population of your tribe grown?” Xie Kai stopped Lu Yang.

It’s useless to talk to them about the righteousness of the country.

Indigenous tribes have no concept of a country at all.

“Because our territory can only support so many people.” Hamonado said.

“If you rent these territories to us and provide enough food every year, you can increase the population of your tribe. At the same time, we can provide medical assistance to ensure that newborn babies and those little children will not die…” Xie Kai Directly open the conditions, “You can do it if you don’t leave, we can cooperate, you will get the land, we will get the technology and seeds, and we will produce according to our technology…”

If even such a plan is rejected, then there is no need to talk about it.

“Our people don’t want to farm!” Hamonado should have reached an alliance agreement with several other tribes. When he talked with Xie Kai, the other tribe chiefs didn’t have any words.

“They don’t need to farm! We are all machine production!” Xie Kai said calmly.

Harmonado couldn’t figure out what the young Chinese was thinking, “You turn the land into farmland, what about our cattle and sheep? Where do we go hunting? Where do we go to gather food?”

Very realistic, very simple idea.

After all, several tribes have their own cattle and sheep, have their own food-gathering territories, and also have hunting areas.(Read more @

“You can become collaborators. Check the number of cattle and sheep, and hand them over to our farm to feed them in the form of equity participation…” Xie Kai said.

He already had an idea when he said that the other party did not need to relocate.

In that way, the pressure on funds will be reduced a lot, and the population of these tribes can also become labor.

“You want to deceive our cattle and sheep?” Suddenly, the other chiefs couldn’t sit still.

“As far as you are, he doesn’t like it at all!” Varou said, “Everyone, let’s listen to his opinion.”

Xie Kai listened to Varu’s translated words and gave him a grateful look.

“Our purpose is not only to help you develop, but also to make profits. We can provide food to feed everyone in your tribe, so that you don’t have to go hunting, gathering…your cattle and sheep, count the quantity, and give it to us Management, if you don’t rest assured, you can take your cattle and sheep back at any time, but once you bring them back, don’t expect to distribute more cattle and sheep in the future…”

This model is estimated to rarely appear in Africa.

There is no such cooperative breeding model in China.

“You mean you help us raise them, and then give us more cattle and sheep?” Hamonado asked.

“Yes, or we can exchange food for the cattle and sheep in your hands…or we can provide the feed for you to raise cattle and sheep…” Xie Kai will not follow the domestic model of uniform breeding by the company. It is then distributed to various cooperative households, and when they are raised, they are purchased by the cooperative, and the two parties share the money.

In Africa, if you dare to do this and invest as much cattle and sheep, they will eventually be eaten up by the blacks of these tribes.

Because it is not their own property.

“If this is the case, I can cooperate. I have 200 cows. If they are given to you, how many cows can you return to me after the two dry seasons?” Hamonado asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai shook his head, “Chief, that’s not what I mean. Maybe Varou can explain to you, it will be more clear.”

Varu should be able to understand the issue of the shareholding system.

After receiving Xie Kai’s instruction, Varou explained it for a while before letting his father fully understand what the shareholding system is.

“We don’t have to do anything, so we can get cattle, sheep, and food from your hands?”

“No!” Xie Kai is a bit big, and communicating with the indigenous people is too painful. “Your territory needs to be invested in, and at the same time, your cattle and sheep must also be invested in… In addition, we also need your people to provide Labor force, and your soldiers supervise their work…”

Don’t invest in anything, just sit there and divide the money, isn’t that a joke.

Of course, people’s land is investment.

Anyway, Xie Kai will not let the people of these tribes idle, or it will be troublesome.

Once the cattle and sheep are out of control, the crops they grow will definitely be eaten by the cattle and sheep of these tribes.

“If so, you can agree to let you grow food here, but the cattle and sheep must be kept where we can see!” After some discussion, the opposing tribes stopped making noise.

Varu has made the matter very obvious, and the deterrence of the two armored vehicles coming outside is strong enough. Varu scared his father and other tribal chiefs. Once the negotiation fails and war breaks out, the two armored vehicles even If they are killed, the Chinese and the government will send more heavy weapons and equipment.

Allowing his son to go to college means that Chief Hamonado is enlightened enough and has exposure to the outside world.

Ever since, things have become easier.

“Varu, you tell them that the warriors of several tribes are united together, and our people provide training to protect our farm from being robbed by other tribes…” Xie Kai started the idea of ​​these tribe warriors.

Regardless of women and children and the elderly, there must be four to five hundred people in these tribes that can be used for combat.

When it’s okay, you’ll train. When you’re almost done, you can learn from the domestic army and engage in military and civilian fisheries, isn’t it?

“Is that easy to get it done?” Lu Yang didn’t believe it when he went out.

Because several tribal leaders agreed to Xie Kai’s proposal, and they became their collaborators.

When they came, the atmosphere on both sides was tense. Now, several tribal chiefs have jointly invited Xie Kai and others to dinner together in the evening, and even allowed them to drive in the armored vehicles and cars.

Xie Kai asked Liao Dong to inform, and the chiefs ordered their men to kill cattle and sheep to entertain the guests.

“How about it?” Xie Kai said with a smile, “We must formulate practical solutions according to their needs. They don’t need to pay much, they can get rewards, and they don’t even have to worry about being hungry… The land, cattle and sheep have given us , You don’t have to do anything every day, you can get more food, cattle and sheep…”

“It’s so easy?” Lu Yang didn’t believe it.

It’s not that he had never thought of such a method before, and people simply didn’t want to offer food or something.

“Almost. You didn’t get it done. On the one hand, you don’t have an armored vehicle, and on the other hand, you have bad luck…” Xie Kai said, “Sometimes force deterrence is necessary.”

Lu Yang was speechless.

“What are you doing over there?” Xie Kai suddenly heard a noise not far away.

Following the sound, I saw countless indigenous warriors gathered around them, waving their weapons while shouting, three floors inside and three floors outside.

Xie Kai squeezed in, and the aboriginal warriors surrounding him didn’t care. When he got inside, he found that Liao Dongjing was naked and fighting with Bahloe in the circle. Neither of them used weapons. Liao Dong’s mouth was swollen high, and there were blood stains, but Baloye was even more miserable. The decorations on his neck were scattered all over the place, and both eyes became panda eyes…

“You won’t stop him?” Lu Yang worried that something went wrong.

“Why stop? For the people of these primitive tribes, once they are subdued, they basically won’t betray, they only advocate strength…” Xie Kai said.

I watched the two hunks fist to the flesh…

This will be the best source of troops for mercenaries.

It wasn’t until noon that Liao Dong was able to defeat Baloye. The latter had no strength to get up, but Liao Dong was not much better. The whole body was green and purple…

In the end, Baloye got up from the ground, knelt in front of Liao Dong on one knee, and put one of Liao Dong’s feet on top of his head…

“Oh…” Although Liao Dong didn’t understand what he meant, he was very cooperative and raised his arms to the quiet tribal warriors around him, and roared…

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