Chapter 583

Xie Kai didn’t tell Zheng Yucheng what his purpose was, which made the old guy scratch his head in anxious manner.

But he couldn’t catch Xie Kai and beat him severely.

“Why don’t you talk to Mr. Huo and the others at night? Tell them about their current work and future work directions, so that they have a good idea?” Reluctantly, Zheng Yucheng changed his strategy.

Xie Kai looked at the old guy, laughing and crying, “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes!” Zheng Yucheng looked forward to it.

He wants to know Xie Kai’s next plan, so that he can understand Xie Kai’s psychological thoughts.

“I won’t tell you!” Seeing Zheng Yucheng’s face looking forward, Xie Kai said with pride, and then rushed forward.

“Little bunny, you stop for Lao Tzu, grab you, and if you don’t punch your shit out, I will punch out your own poop!” Zheng Yucheng was completely angry and chased after pulling his leg.

In 611, a young man with round face glasses was looking at Li Wenzheng and Song Wencong with an angry expression.

Because of the excitement, the whole person trembled a little.

“Comrade Xiao Yang, this is the decision of the institute. On their side, they are also engaged in the current job, and even the working place will not change…” Li Wenzheng looked at the young man and patiently persuaded.

This is the youngest graduate student in the institute, and his work attitude is also very likable.

Since he was a new professional researcher, he spent most of the time in the office, and in many cases he was unwilling to drive him away.

Such a person, who is willing to let go?

“Director, President Song, when I came, the leader of the Personnel Department asked me whether he would use this place as a springboard and leave after gilding, or he would have to work for a lifetime.” Yang Wei took a deep breath and calmed his excitement, “You all know me. Answer! But now I haven’t stayed here for long, and before I even have time to understand the situation in the place, you have to drive me away. Why?”

Speaking of the latter, Yang Wei became more excited and angry.

At the beginning, he was assigned to 601. After all, it was the best aviation research institute in China. It has existed since China had an aviation industry.

The best projects and the best talents are given priority to 601.

But Yang Wei did not go and tried every possible means to fight for it, and finally let the school allocate him to 611 schools again.

“Comrade Yang Wei, we all know. This matter was not discussed with you in advance. It was our fault, but the director was also very embarrassed. You are for Project No. 10, and you also know the situation encountered by Project No. 10… “Mr Song persuaded Yang Wei. “Super Seven has a plan that is used to verify some of the technologies of our No. 10 project…The four-degree research you are responsible for will also use that.”

“Yes, Xiao Yang, they agreed to continue developing that fighter.” Li Wenzheng said hurriedly.

“I don’t want to!” Yang Wei firmly opposed.

Li Wenzheng and the others couldn’t explain it. Yang Wei went there for a deal.

“They have been eyeing you for a long time. Comrade Yang Wei, from school to school, your awareness is very high. I hope that you will put the overall situation into consideration. The funding for the No. 10 project is tight. Cooperating with 404 can effectively solve this problem. …At the same time, being able to verify the technology through their projects is a very good thing for us.” Li Wenzheng said.

Yang Wei gritted his teeth and looked at Li Wenzheng, then looked at the Chief Master.

President Song was also aggrieved in his heart, and he dared not look at Yang Wei’s eyes.

Yang Wei came here for the No. 10 project.

He wants to make the most advanced fighter control system for his country.

But now…

“I won’t agree!” Yang Wei is still determined. “They are not a unit that really wants to engage in fighter jets at all.”

Even the 404 doesn’t even have the basic conditions to engage in fighter jets.

Yang Wei still has a certain understanding of the 404 he worked with them.

“How can this be done?” Li Wenzheng asked Mr. Song.

President Song didn’t know what to do.

I can’t tell the other party the truth, I can’t say that in order to raise funds for the No. 10 project, in order to make the development of the No. 10 project faster, let 404 bear part of the research and development funds and sell you?

“It really doesn’t work, let them talk to him on their own.” Mr. Song sighed. “They really don’t seem to really want to do this.”(Read more @

To both Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai, Mr. Song is very angry.

Li Wenzheng had no choice but to nod his head.

Find Huo Haiyuan, who hasn’t been away for long, and ask Huo Haiyuan to find Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai.

In the entire research institute, there are not many young people like Yang Wei, which is why Song and Li Wenzheng directly let him take charge of the new major of “Four Degrees and Reliability”.

“Yang Wei is unwilling to transfer the organizational relationship to 404?” Zheng Yucheng thought that Huo Haiyuan had something else to look for them.

The kid Xie Kai makes him worry, he has a fighter development team, and he doesn’t know what he will do in the future.

If nothing else, isn’t it a good situation now?

“You can solve it yourself. People are what you want, and he doesn’t want to follow us now.” Zheng Yucheng threw the matter to Xie Kai extremely irresponsibly.

Xie Kai just looked at him and didn’t say anything else.

Among 611 institutes, Xie Kai is most familiar with this genius known as the wizard of the world aviation industry. He served as the chief designer of Xiaolong fighter at a young age, and later assumed the most advanced domestic designer of the J-20.

For such a person, can Xie Kai let it go?

If they hadn’t picked up the J-9 and fooled the Pakistanis, even when Pakistan was unwilling to invest, they would still continue to invest in the FC-1 foreign trade aircraft. The Super VII’s chief engineer would still be Yang Wei.

The J-20 successfully solved the problem of stealth, aerial combat, and supersonic cruise. With the first in air combat ability, second in stealth, and third in supersonic cruise, the J-20’s balance ability in these aspects is comparable to flying. The resistance encountered in the process was much better than that of the American F-22.

If Xie Kai wants to build a stealth fighter, it is inseparable from Yang Wei, the chief designer of the J-20.

“Xie Kai, Yang Wei is young and a bit hard to speak. If there is something wrong with his words…” Huo Haiyuan said to Xie Kai on the way.

Yang Wei is young and has little social experience.

Not long after I got out of school.

Xie Kai looked at Huo Haiyuan with a weird heart, “Are you familiar with him?”

“They are all colleagues of the same institute. He is one of the few graduate students in the institute, and he is also a key young backbone…plus the projects he is responsible for, it is almost related to the success or failure of the overall design of the Super Seven Project.” Huo Haiyuan said.

The new subject of redundancy and reliability is not for the Super Seven Project, but for the J-10 of the Ten Project.

But now, Super Seven is needed to verify the technology.

“You can tell me about his situation.” Xie Kai’s heart moved, and first listened to what they said about Yang Wei, a young and undeveloped master, from Huo Haiyuan’s mouth.

“He is the youngest graduate student in the institute and the youngest core cadre. He has a high political consciousness and works hard…” Huo Haiyuan said as he walked.

From his mouth, Yang Wei has no shortcomings.

At least, in terms of work.

When Xie Kai followed Huo Haiyuan to Yang Wei’s office, Yang Wei was sitting in the office in a daze, thinking about his future.

In the entire quartet and reliability project team, the expressions of other people are not very good.

They worked very enthusiastically before, and new subjects, whether it was pressure or whatever, made them more passionate about their work.

The institute also attaches great importance to the entire project team. Now that it has changed its owner, it is still a unit that does not even understand fighters. Who has any hope for their project prospects?

“Group leader, or else, let’s contact 601 and go to 601, how is the future better than the present!” asked Yang Wei, a skinny spectacle who was not a few years older than Yang.

The eye sockets are sunken, the dark circles are serious, and the face is haggard. At first glance, I don’t have enough sleep.

“Oh, it’s all here.” Huo Haiyuan heard the words inside, afraid that Xie Kai would get angry, and hurried into the office.

More than a dozen people in the office looked up at Huo Haiyuan, and some even had a sneer on their faces, and then ignored him.


A female voice sounded that was not big, but could definitely reach the ears of the two of them.

Huo Haiyuan smiled bitterly, not at all.

The subject of this project is difficult and it is a brand-new major. The entire laboratory is filled with young people who have just graduated.

When Xie Kai heard this, he looked at Huo Haiyuan with a smile, “Huo, you are not very popular.”

Instead of getting angry because of the bad attitude of the project team, and without waiting for Huo Haiyuan to explain, Xie Kai introduced herself to the people in the office with a smile on his face, “Hello everyone, my name is Xie Kai, I just graduated from high school this year. If you are willing to stay in the future, you will have more time to deal with.”

“You are not welcome here.” The girl who began to scold Huo Haiyuan stood up and said to Xie Kai with a cold face.

Unreasonable science girl!

Xie Kai patted his forehead, nodding his head big.

“You are like this, in Hulu’s novels, you can live up to three or two sentences.” Xie Kai despised in his heart.

But there was no discomfort on his face, “Miss sister, why don’t you welcome me? I don’t have any hatred with you…”

“Aren’t you with the old guy Zheng Yucheng?” The girl was a little confused.

Xie Kai patted his head again.

No wonder not many people like girls in science and engineering.

In addition to professionalism, the head is a muscle.

Yang Wei had heard of Xie Kai, but he didn’t expect Xie Kai to come out at this time, fearing that his subordinates would continue and give Xie Kai a reason for the attack.

According to the identity introduced by Xie Kai himself, it is impossible to appear here.

“Luo Ting, don’t you still have a test report to write?” Yang Wei was about to take Luo Ting away.

“Team leader, our project team is going to be demolished. What test report do we have to write? Who should I show it to?” Luo Ting asked Yang Wei.

Xie Kai finally knew what they were resisting.

It won’t work if you don’t speak.

“Everyone, I know why everyone feels upset. If I stand on your side, I have to scold Zheng Yucheng, that bastard, I don’t understand my fart, and I want to intervene in any project because I have a small amount of money in my unit… Xie Kai scolded Zheng Yucheng, the 404 supreme leader, and immediately stunned everyone.

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