Chapter 624

“He really said to go to the South?” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai and asked with a worried look, “But he should go to school now.”

Zheng Yucheng was smoking a cigarette silently, even in the ward, the doctor had already checked the room at this time, and no one reported it. It would be fine if the nurse caught him.

Although Wang Hao’s behavior is understood, it is not too supportive.

He shot and killed his son himself. He has been living in pain for more than ten years, and Wang Hao is still so young.

“Being a boss, you may have to go to school, as long as you are willing to learn, there is no big problem.” Xie Kai said.

With Wang Hao’s ability, there is no problem in breaking out into a world.

“He didn’t ask for anything? Or, what can we do to help him?” Wang Guilin felt that something should be done.


Footsteps sounded outside the door.

Zheng Yucheng heard the footsteps, and the whole person recovered from the state of thinking. He rushed to put out the cigarette butt on the bedside and hid it in the bed sheet. Then he wiped the bedside with his hand, and the soot was invisible. .

Xie Kai was dumbfounded.

Wang Guilin smiled bitterly and hurriedly got up to the door, “Comrade nurse, let’s discuss something confidential.”

“Old Zheng is smoking secretly again?” The nurse frowned and wanted to come in, but Wang Guilin blocked it.

“No! You don’t believe you can see it.” Wang Guilin lied solemnly, “Something happened in our unit, and we are reporting to him now…”

The nurse looked in through the glass on the door and saw Zheng Yucheng sitting on the hospital bed, looking at Xie Kai, no doubt about him, “Can’t let him smoke anymore.”

“Understand!” Wang Guilin nodded, like a pupil facing the teacher.

Xie Kai didn’t understand if these two old guys were too boring, “You guys…”

“The nurses here are amazing! The leaders of those troops are usually under their control.” Wang Guilin said helplessly, “Lao Zheng is also unruly here.”

Zheng Yucheng was not embarrassed, and changed the subject directly, “He really doesn’t want to go back to the base?”

“Under such circumstances, coming back is not a good thing for him.” Xie Kai said, “He didn’t ask for anything either.”

Simply tell everything.

Wang Hao gave Xie Kai a great shock. He even wanted to give Wang Hao a direction for development. Nowadays, as long as he works hard, finds a direction, and develops, it is very easy.

In the end, he didn’t say.

Wang Hao doesn’t need it.

“Let people stare at him. If he encounters any difficulties, help out secretly. Anyway, we owe him.” Zheng Yucheng said, “What do you think about those people who want to join in?”

“I want to ask your opinions.” Xie Kai suddenly felt that it would be more appropriate to ask Zheng Yucheng and the others.

“I think it’s good for the plan to get them involved,” Zheng Yucheng said, “They have a better relationship than us, and they don’t need to come forward directly.”

“Yes, I think too.” Wang Guilin nodded in agreement with Zheng Yucheng’s statement.

“I think it’s not only the Soviet Union, but also Africa…” Xie Kai said his thoughts.

There are many countries in Africa, and there are more undeveloped mines.

In the past, mining operations required infrastructure construction. When domestic demand for minerals and other products increased, the prices of ore in Australia, South America, etc., monopolized by foreign mining giants, increased, and European and American mining companies used price increases to blackmail China. Play a big role.

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t want to go to Australia or Brazil to purchase mines, but those big mines require funds that are not supported by 404 now.

International iron ore prices have not grown wildly yet.

China’s foreign exchange reserves are mainly used to introduce technology and equipment. The acquisition of mines requires huge capital, and infrastructure construction requires more capital.

In addition, China is still at the stage of exchanging resources for foreign exchange. Most people think that China is vast and rich in resources, and will not import much ore. Even if it is imported, it is only a supplement to the terms of some trade agreements.

The African layout is the most suitable.(Read more @

“These plans, you can make your own decisions. Anyway, it is not the official plan of the base.” Zheng Yucheng said.

“Go to Africa to mine?” The old party was stunned at Xie Kai’s proposal.

Sister Tao also looked at Xie Kai incredible.

Zheng Quan smiled bitterly and shook his head. Unexpectedly, Xie Kai didn’t talk about the Soviet Union, but instead told him about mining in Africa. They were not interested in this kind of old party.

“Yes, diamond mine, gold mine…” Xie Kai nodded and said.

“We are not interested in investing in mines.” The smile that had been on Ms. Tao’s face disappeared, and she said to Xie Kai with a serious look. “The funds needed to invest in mines are too huge, especially foreign exchange. We don’t have it. In addition, Africa is too turbulent…”

“Yeah, it costs too much to dig it out and ship it back! Our domestic mines can’t be digged.” The old party didn’t know why Xie Kai mentioned this. He knew it was not easy to refuse, but still refused.

“Gold mines and diamond mines are the most profitable in the world.” Xie Kai said, “Gold is mined and shipped back. The cost is much lower than domestic mining. Moreover, the country has always wanted to increase gold reserves. .”

The country does not have much gold reserves.

After the reform and opening up, the country urgently needs foreign exchange and gold reserves.

The country cannot mine much gold for a year.

Ever since, in 1979, China established a gold army dedicated to prospecting and mining gold mines.

“This is indeed the case. They haven’t found many gold mines until now.” Tao Jie and others naturally knew the most mysterious troops in the country. “If you can get some large gold mines, it’s okay…”

National needs are also a major criterion for them to consider issues.

“Aren’t all the gold mines over there controlled by Europe and the United States?” The Lao Fang glanced at Ms. Tao. Seeing her smile, he also knew Ms. Tao’s thoughts. “We can’t get the mine at all.”

“The mine is not a problem.” Xie Kai grinned, “In the early stage, we can introduce some of our relationships to you, and we can even provide gold mines.”

In Africa, it is easy to get a mine.

Both Lao Fang and Tao Jie looked at Xie Kai, and even Zheng Quan was a little weird.

Gold mine, but money is dug out from it.

“On the African side, we currently have relatively good relations with Tanzania and other countries, but the gold mines, the gold mines in the Republic of Zaire and Tanzania are enough…” Xie Kai said.

He didn’t say that he would let Lao Fang and them mine iron ore at the beginning.

If so, Lao Fang and others would never go.

Start with high-value gold and diamond mines, and later, gradually develop rare metal minerals, and then slowly extend to the field of ordinary metal minerals.

These people will never be idle.

In that way, someone will definitely go to other countries to seek mining rights.

“The Republic of Zaire?” The old party frowned and looked at Xie Kai.

“If you are interested, let’s talk more about it.” Xie Kai didn’t directly mention the deal with Africa.

On the side of justice, that cannot be said.

Lao Fang looked at Xie Kai with a surprised smile on his face. He already knew what Xie Kai was involved in in Africa.

“Africa is full of wars. If we go there, we will give people with ulterior motives some excuses to criticize the country.” Sister Tao said, “Plus there is no guarantee of security there.”

“Let’s talk about security first. The River Crab Mercenary Corps can provide the best security services in the world. Their slogan is that as long as you give enough money, you can help customers build a country…” Xie Kai said.

Sister Tao chuckles and laughs, watching Xie Kai happily.

This kid brags too much.

“What kind of weapon does the mercenary group have?” The Lao Fang didn’t laugh, nor did he think Xie Kai was joking.

This kid is deliberate and started selling mines, which shows his ambition is not small.

To achieve ambitions in Africa, armed forces are necessary.

“J-6, strong -5, this will be the main force of the air force, and perhaps new fighters will be purchased in the future; Type 59 main battle tanks, Type 63 armored personnel carriers, and some modified high-maneuverability and strong firepower equipment. To support ground combat troops…” Xie Kai said in general terms.

Airplanes and everything are sold second-hand goods.

Lao Fang’s eyes sharpened.

“Are you going to be a warlord over there?” Tao sister frowned and twisted together, feeling Xie Kai more and more dangerous.

Zheng Quan’s face is also a little weird, he really doesn’t know what Xie Kai has done in Africa.

“How come! Sister Tao, you have wronged me. The crab mercenary group, the boss is Iraqi Ibrahim, and the backbone of the entire mercenary group is currently based on retired soldiers from Iraq, Tanzania, and even the Soviet Union. An international mercenary group…”

Xie Kai said innocently.

Anyway, the mercenary regiment has nothing to do with China, except for the Chinese veterans in it.

Even with Xie Kai, there is no direct relationship.

“Can we hire them directly for security work?” The old side was a little moved. “What if we lack funds?”

“Security issues, naturally you talk to them, or you can form a security team directly. In Africa, if you don’t deserve weapons, you are embarrassed to go to the streets…” Xie Kai said, “As for the funding requirements, it is not a problem. , China CITIC Bank can take a loan…”

“Do you really want to go?” Seeing that Lao Fang wanted to speak, Sister Tao asked with an unhappy expression.

Africa is too messy.

Xie Kai is too dangerous.

“I think we can go to Africa and take a look at it.” Lao Fang said, licking his lips. “I heard they taught Africans to grow vegetables over there.”

Sister Tao was exasperated.

Turning his head away from Lao Fang, sulking there alone.

“It’s true. I have a million acres of land in Tanzania that I use to grow vegetables. If you are interested, I can also take you to grow vegetables in Africa.” Xie Kai said with a smile.

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