It has been several months since the zombie outbreak. Many roads in the city have grass growing in the gaps, messy streets, and no one cleans them.

A dilapidated scene.

Li Yu and others drove slowly on the streets of the city. The speed of the vehicle was slow and the sound was very low.

The city was silent, as if there were no human beings in the entire city.

The vehicle was heading towards the Lotus Building, and at this moment, a loud whistle sounded!

Li Yu and the others looked at each other, not knowing what happened, but they were accompanied by the sound of a whistle.

The houses on both sides of the road suddenly poured out many zombies, running towards the direction of the sound.

Li Yu and others stopped the car at once and stopped making any noise.

But as more and more zombies came out, some zombies still found them.

"Drive! Run! You will be in trouble if you get entangled!" Li Yu made a decisive decision and asked Li Tie, who was sitting in the driver's seat, to drive.


The vehicle suddenly accelerated like a wild horse running wild.

But because of the sound, more and more zombies gathered around here.

Boom! boom!

The moving vehicle hit several zombies one after another, and the accelerating vehicle quickly escaped from the place just now.

But a lot of zombies slowly gathered behind, like a small river flowing into the sea, more and more zombies.

Yang Tianlong looked back from the car window and saw the zombies chasing behind him. He couldn't help complaining: "Who is it! Why are you making such a loud noise? You are looking for trouble!"

Li Yu didn't speak, but stared straight ahead.

According to the previous plan, Li Yu and others wanted to avoid passing by places with many zombies, so they started by passing through roads with fewer people on the edge of the city.

But with the sound of the whistle just now, all the zombies lurking in the dark were attracted, forcing Li Yu and others to drive towards the center of the county.

Xincheng is a city built on the riverside. It is divided into two areas: the old city and the new city. There is a river of about 100 meters in the middle. The center of the county is surrounded by both sides of the river, including the people's hospital and government units. There is also Tianhua Building, which is also here.

But the location of Lotus Commercial Building is in Xincheng District. Although the Lotus Commercial Building is not remote, it is still some distance from the current county center.

The sudden sound of the horn just now caused the surrounding zombies to suddenly riot, which also caused their original plan to change. You can only risk passing through the county center.

In addition, there are occasionally some broken down cars on the road, which prevents them from driving too fast.

The closer we get to the center of the county, the more zombies there are, and since the car can't drive too fast, there are more and more zombies following behind.

When Li Yu saw this, he immediately felt troubled.

Suddenly, looking through the window glass, I saw that I was almost reaching the cross-river bridge ahead, and I made a mental assessment.

Two kilometers behind the cross-river bridge is the Lotus Commercial Building.

An idea suddenly came to my mind.

"Tiezi, drive slowly so that the zombies can keep up with us." Li Yu said.

Li Tie didn't understand why Li Yu said that, but he still slowed down the car so that the zombies could keep up with the speed of the car.

Soon, the two cars crossed the bridge.

And there are more and more zombies following behind.

The vehicle drove for a while, and looking from a distance, the 12-story Lotus Commercial Building could already be seen.

Li Yu asked Yang Tianlong to take out the big speaker he brought out today.

Yang Tianlong seemed to understand Li Yu's thoughts at this time, and said with a mean smile: "Hahaha, this is a good method. Treat the person's body in his own way."

Li Yu looked at a few people, and then said: "The speaker will be placed at the entrance of the Lotus Commercial Building later. Let's evacuate to the back of the Lotus Commercial Building to enjoy this good show."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

Downstairs of the Lotus Commercial Building, outside the lifting rail of the guard room, a huge truck was parked. In front of the truck, some spiked objects were placed to block the footsteps of the zombies.

In the guard room, there are two people guarding the door.

As the loudspeaker sounded louder and louder, the two people on duty also looked in the direction of Li Yu and the others.

After a while, they saw two cars. In one of the cars, a man reached out and held a huge horn, making a loud noise.

One of them shouted from a distance: "Hey! What are you doing? If you make such a loud noise, what will happen if the zombies are attracted later!"

But this life stopped as it went on.

He stared dumbfoundedly at the dense group of zombies behind Li Yu, following closely behind the two cars.

Li Yu ignored him and instead asked the car to speed up.

In a blink of an eye, the car arrived at the door and stopped.

The two people in the duty room were about to curse when Yang Tianlong immediately got out of the car and flicked the horn.

It slipped under the tire of a large truck.


The loudspeaker continued to make a loud noise.

Yang Tianlong ducked out of the way and quickly got into the car.

The car never turned off. After Yang Tianlong got in the car, Li Tie drove the car to the maximum speed and fled from here.

The two people in the guard room still couldn't figure out what was happening now, but the zombies rushing towards them made them so scared that they almost went to heaven!

There are so many, like a tide, they keep coming.

The Lotus Building did not have good protection. It only blocked the entrance with a large truck and some debris. If there were only a small number of zombies, it could still be blocked.

But facing so many zombies, it is absolutely impossible to resist.

The two people in the guard room saw that because there were too many zombies, some zombies had already climbed up from the truck.

Suddenly I couldn't sit still and immediately ran to the Lotus Commercial Building.

Close the glass door and hold the armrest tightly to prevent zombies from entering.

The first floor of the Lotus Commercial Building is made of transparent glass, so standing inside, you can see the zombies clearly.

Through the glass, the two of them could clearly see the bloody zombie's face, with its mouth growing and roaring.

At this moment, the door handle seemed unable to withstand such a large squeeze and suddenly broke.

The zombies poured in like a river, and one of the staff on duty was instantly swallowed up by the zombies.

In less than a few minutes, there was a scream, then the sound of chewing, and finally some teeth-piercing sounds of gnawing bones.

There are fewer people but more zombies. The zombies eat this person clean like locusts.

Nothing was left.

The other person was smarter and ran upstairs when he saw that he was about to lose his strength.

While shouting: "The zombies are coming! The zombies are coming! Help!"

On the top floor of Lotus Commercial Building, a group of people are having an ugly party!

Although they are also short of food, they are very rich in other aspects.


Some people's expressions are already numb, and some people's eyes are full of hatred.

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