Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Family, go to Qingshi

  When Xia Shao arrived at the clubhouse, the client who eagerly asked her to see Feng Shui was already waiting anxiously. He was a middle-aged man with the surname Tian, ​​in his fifties, and he was already a little bit down. He opened a food processing factory in the suburbs of Dongshi. The efficiency of the processing plant was originally good. Boss Tian also has a wealth of more than three million yuan, and he is considered a wealthy businessman in Dongshi. He saw that the business was doing well the previous year, and he wanted to expand the scale. This idea finally began to be implemented at the beginning of last year. He built several rows of large processing workshops in the suburbs, which were completed in August. In addition to the old employees in the old factory, he recruited hundreds of workers. Boss Tian wanted to do a big job. But unexpectedly, since the construction of the new processing workshop, weird things would happen frequently.

  Not only the boss of Tian, ​​but also the workers in the processing plant often encounter strange things. In the beginning, people always had nightmares when they slept at night, and then some workers began to say that they saw unclean things near the factory at night. No one believed it at first, all thought it was those workers who were dazzled. But then I saw more and more people, the factories were panicked, haunted, and the feng shui was bad. There were various opinions. After that, people quit one after another and were afraid to come back to work. The workers who stayed also always had accidents in the workshop, either squeezing their hands or getting burned. Boss Tian also had a small car accident three months ago, which can be described as miserable.

  In order to expand his processing plant, Boss Tian spent all the money he had made in the past few years and repaid a lot of loans. I originally thought that I had regular customers, and when the supply was large in the future, I could still find new customers, and I would only make more money than before. Now let alone making money, since the new factory resumed production in August, the workers' medical "medicine" fees have almost lost the owner of Tian.

   When Xia Shao saw Boss Tian, ​​he could see that he was green in Yintang, and Feng Shui was commonly known as arousing the green qi of the green head. The so-called green head, of course, refers to some yin people who stay in the world because of obsession. Xia Shao simply asked a few words, and found that the place where Boss Tian built the factory building used to be a very ordinary suburb, not a cemetery. And Boss Tian himself does not have a hobby of collecting antiques, so he ruled out the possibility that the building site and objects of unknown origin around him may have "sex".

  Xia Shao then let Boss Tian lead the way and visit his factory. [

"Okay, okay! Xia Dong, please!" Boss Tian is very courteous, not only because Xia Shao is a Feng Shui master, but also because her deeds in the market are now legendary, and the wealth of Huaxia Group is beyond his imagination. .

   Boss Tian drove ahead and led the way, Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin followed. When getting in the car, Boss Tian glanced at Xu Tianyin, as if he was very interested in his identity.

The suburbs are more than half an hour away from the clubhouse. When the time came, Xia Shao was respectfully asked to get off the car by boss Tian, ​​but she didn't bring any feng shui artifacts. She just took a look and pointed to the back of a row of factories. What's behind that?"

  Boss Tian was taken aback, "Behind? Oh, there are a few workers' dormitories behind. The factory I built is a bit far from the city, and some workers live here."

   Although he answered truthfully, Boss Tian was surprised. The workers’ dormitories are behind the processing plant. Looking through the front entrance of the factory, they are completely blocked by the processing workshop. How does the girl in front of you know that something is built behind?

  Actually, Xia Shao didn't open her eyes at all. She felt the blue air spread behind the processing plant just when she got off the car, and it was serious enough that any fengshui master with cultivation skills could discern it only by perception.

   "Go and see." Xia Shao said.

  Boss Tian hurriedly took Xia Shao to the workers’ dormitory, although he didn’t know that he was in the processing workshop at the time of the accident and had anything to do with the workers’ dormitory. But he didn't dare to ask, he just kept paying attention to Xia Shao's expression. Xia Shao's expression remained as usual, and he didn't enter the dormitory at all. He just glanced at the door and looked up at Xu Tianyin beside him. Xu Tianyin nodded to her, Boss Tian changed his eyes and glanced at Xu Tianyin again.

  Is this man also a Feng Shui master?

  Next, Xia Shao did not ask to enter other dormitories. She just walked around the dormitory, and when she came back, she pointed to the front direction, “That’s your office building. Go to your resting room and talk.”

  Boss Tian opened her eyes suddenly. How did she know that it was his office building, and how did she know that there was a room for him to rest in the building?

  This, this is really amazing!

  But Boss Tian still didn't dare to ask, and hurriedly took Xia Shao to his office building. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, there was only a person on duty in the factory. When the man saw Boss Tian coming in, he wanted to say hello, but when he saw Xia Shao, the employee opened his mouth and his eyes were a bit dull as Boss Tian went to the building. On, I even forgot to say hello.

  Now in Dongshi, there is no one who does not know Xia Shao. Their boss is really capable! Can anyone please come!

  The employee stretched his neck and feet, and when he looked again, he could no longer see a group of people.

  At this time, Xia Shao, Xu Tianyin, and Boss Tian were already in his lounge.

   "Boss Tian, ​​live here?" Xia Shao asked.

Boss Tian rubbed his hands, paying attention to Xia Shao's expression, and said nervously: "Yes. The food processed by our factory has low and peak seasons every year. During peak seasons, we rush orders. Workers work overtime, and I also work overtime. I live here often. Uh... Xia, Xia Dong, is there any problem with this?"

   "There is a problem." Xia Shao nodded, "Fortunately your factory has low and peak seasons. You don't sleep here every day, otherwise the time has been almost half a year. You are by no means as simple as a small car accident."[

   "Huh?" Boss Tian's face changed drastically, and she brushed it white.

  Xia Shao went on to say, “All the workers who had an accident in your factory stayed overnight in the dormitory.”

Xia Shao's tone was determined, and Boss Tian stared straight, thought about it, and nodded, "Yes! Xiao Zhou, Xiao Liu, and Lao Wu all live in the staff dormitory! Xia Dong, what is this? What's going on?"

  “The location of your factory, the distribution of the workshops, and the orientation of the seats are all auspicious, no problem. The problem is the staff dormitory and your room in your factory. To be precise, the problem is the bed you sleep in.”

   "Bed?" Boss Tian stared at him for a long time.

   "Yes. You sleep on a corpse bed." Xia Shao nodded.

  "The corpse...the corpse..." Boss Tian suddenly exploded his hair, and his face was so pale that he was obviously frightened, "What, what do you mean? Me, my bed...dead, dead person slept?"

“Although the bed left by the deceased is called Feng Shui, I think the bed bought in Boss Tian’s factory should have been purchased from a certain factory. For such a large amount, I think it should be. The problem with wood. These woods should be cut down trees near the graveyard. They are nourished by the yin air all the year round. No one even dares to use them as coffins, let alone sleep for the living?"

   Boss Tian’s face is pale, and he only feels his scalp is tingling. A bed made of trees near the grave? And I have slept on this kind of bed in the past six months? Just think about it and make him feel cold behind his back! But listening to Xia Shao's words, he still nodded admiringly, "Yes! Xia Dong is right! These beds are the full text of the prostitutes I bought from the Dongshi branch of a big company in Beijing! Good! , They just cheated me! See if I don't look for them!"

Xia Shao nodded, and said: "Such a bed has a great influence on the balance of Yin and Yang of the human body. If your employees see unclean things, it is the hallucinations caused by excessive Yin Qi. The accident was caused by nightmares at night and mentality. It's caused by trance. I suggest burning all these wooden beds and replacing them with new ones."

"Can't be burned! My losses are caused by their beds. I have to ask them for an explanation! In the past six months, my losses have been lost for nothing?" Boss Tian was already angry at this time, and he raised his voice and became furious. , But after the fire was over, he realized that Xia Shao was there. Then he quickly thanked her, "Thank you Xia Dong. If you were not willing to come and have a look, I really don’t know that the problem is going to be in bed! Don’t worry, I’ll be in bed. Replace them all. I want to take these replaced beds to the shop to reason with them and ask them to compensate for my losses."

  Xia Shao smiled slightly. This is the business of Boss Tian’s factory. He has the right to deal with it according to his own ideas. She can't or don't care about this. Anyway, she has provided a solution.

  Since the matter is resolved, Xia Shao will naturally not stay longer. She left the account of the China Charity Fund to Boss Tian and asked him to transfer the money to the account. "I know Boss Tian has a tight hand. This money can be allowed some time. When your factory resumes production, it will be able to make a profit. Pay when you come. But don’t forget."

  Boss Tian immediately thanked him with gratitude. To be honest, asking Xia Shao to watch Feng Shui is notoriously expensive. If it weren't for him, there would be nothing he could do, and he wouldn't dare to invite her out of the mountain if he didn't have such wealth. Just now he was thinking about borrowing money from a friend to pay for the reward, but she didn't expect that she would offer to allow some more days, and then pay after she became more comfortable. It's all about debt collection. It's the first time I met this kind of person who has helped a lot but is not in a hurry to ask for your money. How could Boss Tian not be moved? He gratefully sent Xia Shao downstairs and thanked him again and again.

  As for the remuneration, Boss Tian would not forget it without Xia Shao mentioning it. In Dongshi, who doesn't know who Xia Shao is now? Who dares to forget her reward?

   "Boss Tian doesn't need to deliver it, let's just busy with your factory." Xia Shao walked to the door and smiled, then put Xu Tianyin's arm around, and the two got into the car together.

The boss of   Tian wanted to send Xia Shao into the car, but when she took Xu Tianyin's arm, he was stunned, staring straight at the back of the two! When he saw Xu Tianyin in the clubhouse before, he saw that he was extraordinary, but he had never been able to figure out who it was. Seeing him driving Xia Shao, he thought it was Xia Shao's driver or someone like a Feng Shui master, but it was not until he saw the two of them holding their arms that he was struck by lightning and remembered the recent rumors in Dongshi!

  Difficult, impossible, will be...

   "Oh!" Boss Tian patted his forehead, and couldn't believe that he actually saw Xu's grandson! The youngest general in the Republic!

  He, he came to Dongshi?


  Xu Tianyin came to Dongshi, only the high-level people in Dongshi, such as the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor Liu Jingquan, knew about it. The rest of the people were not very clear about it. Although the family went to the hotel for dinner last night, the hotel manager and waiter had seen Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin both in and out, but even if it was passed from their mouths, things could not be passed so quickly in one night. Some people don't know yet. [

   Although Xia’s family can maintain some temporary calm because of this, in fact, the family is still very lively. When Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin returned home, the three families of Xia Zhimei, Xia Zhiqin, and Xia Zhitao were all here again, and they gathered in the living room to discuss the engagement, and the discussions were in full swing.

  Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin came back exactly at noon. As soon as the two entered the door, Li Juan asked about warmth, asking where they had gone in the morning, whether they were cold or hungry, etc., and then they opened the meal without waiting for the two of them to answer. Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin looked at each other with a bitter smile and a soft gaze. The two of them held hands and sat at the dining table, seeing the Xia family staring at each other, smiling and staring at their hands.

  The atmosphere for lunch this day was not as warm as yesterday, but it was very warm. Snow is floating outside, food and rice are warmed in the house, eating and chatting are full of fun.

  It was only when eating, Xia Zhitao seemed most absent-minded, often raising his eyes to look at Xia Shao, hesitating several times, after all, did not dare to spoil the atmosphere of the meal. He waited until the meal was over and the family was drinking tea around the dining table before he opened his mouth. It's just that he didn't say anything to Xia Shao first. Instead, he asked Xia Guoxi, "Dad, I heard that someone went to the village to rehabilitate you as a veteran. You beat them out?"

  Xia Guoxi was drinking tea, frowned when he heard this, and lowered his face, "Ask what this matter is doing!"

  Xia’s family was also stunned, right? Has this matter? They are all people who have jobs. They were busy with a lot of things years ago. Not everyone has heard of it.

"It's not that I said you, Dad. When people didn't give you treatment before, you were so angry at home, why are you still so angry now that people have restored you treatment?" Xia Zhitao said, looking at Xia Shao. Xiao Shao, tell me, is your grandpa okay to find qi?"

  Xia Shao raised her eyebrows lightly, glanced at Xia Zhitao, and smiled without saying a word. Could it be that those three people asked Xia Zhitao to stuff money for this? She knew about it the night she came back to the East City, but she didn't care about a lot of things later. She didn't like the behavior of those people, but now it has developed into a situation of giving gifts to the Xia family. It seems that she should be concerned about it.

  Xia Guo was pleased to see Xia Zhitao asking her granddaughter, so she also glanced at her granddaughter, not knowing why, and a little guilty. At the time, he was worried about those people who robbed him of his treatment, and even went to letters and visits, but after the results, he understood what it means to be an official. From then on, he hated those officials who worked for personal gain and fawned. Now that the Xia family is well, those talents remembered to pay him back the treatment, of course he didn't want it! On the one hand, he looks down on the way these people are, and on the other hand, he also knows the reason. If it weren't for the achievements of his granddaughter, would he have seen these people nodding and bowing in front of him in his entire life?

   Thinking of her granddaughter, Xia Guoxi wanted to sigh. The most wrong thing he did in his life was to give preference to sons and daughters. Even if the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law were filial, he would have been indifferent to the two for many years because he was dissatisfied with the marriage.

  Until the granddaughter is a blockbuster, until the Xia family is separated.

  The roles of Lao Xia’s family are interchanged. He used to be in charge of the family, and all the children and grandchildren in the family have to look at his face. Now the Xia family is headed by a granddaughter, and the elders have to look at her face and listen to her meaning. The eldest daughter and the younger son cannot do business without the help of the granddaughter. He had no granddaughter to pay, so he had to live in the old house. There are many things in the world, and only when the positions are exchanged, can you experience that mood.

  It’s not easy to see the "color" of a person's face. This is what Xia Guoxi has experienced the most in the past few years of separation.

   Originally thought that the eldest son’s family had complaints against him, and that he would be given a taste of the taste of these years after he developed. But unexpectedly, the eldest son and daughter-in-law are still the same as before, going home once a week, carrying big and small bags. When the granddaughter came back during the New Year holidays, she still took him to the family reunion. Although he could see that his granddaughter was not very close to him, at least he respected him as an elder.

  Human hearts are grown. After experiencing the big changes in the family, Xia Guoxi, who thought he would be suppressed, was treated like this, and he was still moved in his heart.

  When he was moved, he inevitably looked at his mistakes in the past. However, Xia Guoxi's life-long stubborn temper couldn't be changed. He knew that he was wrong, but he couldn't apologize. What can be done is to prevent those **** officials from getting close to their granddaughter. Those who are not treated, even if the Xia family returns to the beginning, Xia Guoxi feels that he may not value it that much.

The family didn’t know what Xia Guoxi was thinking in his heart, he didn’t say anything, he just bluffed his little son, “I’m in my 70s and 80s, and now I think about giving me treatment? It’s too late! Don’t! Who do you give to whom? go with!"

  "Xiao Shao, look at your grandpa, is it unreasonable?" Xia Zhitao asked Xia Shao again.

  Xia Shao held the tea cup and smiled, "Don't, don't, now Xia's family doesn't lack these."

  When she said so, the family nodded, indeed.

Xia Zhitao was taken aback, and had no choice but to sigh and murmur, "That’s what I said, but it’s hard to be human...Before I came this morning, I met Director Song halfway, so I asked me to go to the hotel for a meal. That's it."

  Xia’s family members were all taken aback. It turned out that he brought up this matter because of this?

Xia Shao raised his eyes when he heard the words, and glanced at Xia Zhitao faintly, smiling inexplicably, "Uncle, you won't get any benefits, are you? Now in the eyes of those outside, we Xia Family is going to have a meal. Can I help people with rice? What benefit did Director Song give you?"

  The Xia family frowned as soon as they heard it, and Xian wanted to read the full text. Indeed, Xia Shao made a lot of sense! Jiang Qiulin's face changed drastically, and she pinched Xia Zhitao severely, "You said you are! Why don't you remember "sex" for a long time!"

  Xia Zhitao was pinched, clutching his arms, and vehemently denied, "No no! Absolutely no!" His head shook like a rattle, and his back sweated heavily! The secret way is too amazing! In the morning, Director Song still stuffed him with money, but fortunately he confiscated it! Look, Xiao Shao can see it just as soon as I said it today!

  Huh! Fortunately, he slipped an excuse and confiscated it!

   But as soon as he turned his head, everyone in the family stared at him, obviously not convinced.

  Xia Shao put the tea cup gently on the table, "Ka."

  The light and short sound made people tremble in the quiet living room!

Xia Zhitao was the one who shivered the most. He got up from the chair with a scream and waved his hand, "No, no! I really don't! Why don't you believe me? Xiao Shao, you have to believe me! Your uncle, I am. There is a criminal record... Oh, it’s not right. Although your uncle is not guilty of troubles, he still doesn’t allow me to clear my mind! Director Song did stuff me a bag. I saw that there was 100,000 yuan in it. Just give it to him! I found an excuse and I ran away... Uh, no, I patted the table with outrage, and I said that you wanted to bribe me, but there was no door! Director Song scolded me dumbfounded, I I walked out swaggering! You haven't seen it, I was so majestic at the time..."

  The Xia family heard this, shaking their heads, sighing, smiling, rolling their eyes, and all expressions. But Xia Zhiyuan and Li Juan glanced at each other, and the family has been around for so many years, do they still know Xia Zhitao's "sexuality"? He said that, it should have been confiscated.

  Xia Shao heard it, her eyes were smiling, but her face was faint, "Since my uncle said that, I will believe you once."

  Xia Zhitao took a sigh of relief when he heard it. He felt as if he had walked on the edge of the catastrophe just now, and felt more fortunate that the confiscation was right.

Xia Shao raised her eyes and glanced at her relatives, and then said: "I know that my marriage and family are very happy for me. This is a happy event, but I still want to say something. Although I will marry someday People, but the elderly in the family, my parents are here, my surname is Xia forever! Because my surname is Xia, I don’t want my family to be flattered and scolded behind their backs when they go out. I rarely admire people in my life. Old man Xu is one of them. Old man has been a country throughout his life and is loved by the people. I don’t want his old man to be stabbed in the backbone for his grandson and daughter-in-law’s family in his later years. Daughter who went out, splashed water out."

  No one could not understand this.

  This is Xia Shao’s warning. She doesn’t want the Xia family to inflate and run wild because of her marriage to Xu’s family. If they cause trouble because of their own misbehaving in the future, they don't have to come to her because she is the one who got married. They don't care about relatives, and she won't care about it.

  But if they care about her, she will always have her surname Xia!

  It was quiet at the table, no one was talking, and the atmosphere was like a leader talking.

But after saying this, Xia Shao smiled, looked at the family members one by one, and said in a slow tone, "I haven't even said this to my parents. These years, presumably. My aunts and uncles don’t think of me as a junior, and my work in the company really didn’t make the elders "fuck". But sometimes, you can really treat me as a junior. Marriage, I haven't experienced it. It is not for me to run a business. I can’t avoid the problems you have encountered in marriage. In recent years, the Huaxia Group has become bigger and bigger, and the company has more and more things. Career, school, family, I'll be tired if I deal with it too much. I never want my elders to "worry" for me, but in the future I really want the aunts, uncles and aunts present here to "fuck" for me and let me deal with less things. It will get better and better, and I hope this home will get better and better."

  ------Off topic------

  I said that this chapter will be written to Qingshi, but I didn’t write it, so I went to continue writing. Make it up at eight tomorrow morning.

  Fiction Network

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