Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 108: True and false murals

The University of Cambridge still maintains the quaint style of the Middle Ages. After hundreds of years, experts have been meticulously repairing the ancient buildings of the school. Therefore, when the car parked in front of the school, the majestic and simple magnificent scene was just before your eyes. It shines, as if time and space are intertwined.

  But when Xia Shao got out of the car, the sense of time and space crisscrossing disappeared. The chest rushing towards the face blocked Xia Shao's scenery and made her avoid Xia Shao, but Hu Jiayi still hung on Xia Shao's neck, "Xiao Shao! I miss you!"

  Xia Shao helped her forehead, thinking that she could be more stable after experiencing the New Year, but in the end she still looked like she was happy.

   "I really didn't expect that you would come to the UK to see me! I am so touched!" Hu Jiayi held Xia Shao still.

  Xia Shao smiled and hit her, "I'm here to attend the World Auction Summit, so you just drop by."[

"Auction summit?" Hu Jiayi's inherently optimistic temperament was not affected at all. He immediately focused on the auction summit and slapped his forehead, "Why did I forget about this! I've been so busy lately, Ladis The group held an auction summit. I heard that it invited leading companies from auction houses around the world, and also invited entrepreneurs from all over the world. It was a grand event! Although our family has a little business in the UK, it is not enough to be invited. My dad wants to go in, and he's here to ask someone to get an invitation letter."

At this point, Hu Jiayi wrinkled her nose and smiled a little bitterly. "I said I can't go, let's not go. There are tens of billions of entrepreneurs in there. We can't climb it even if we go. It depends on people's faces. Xiao Shao, I really didn’t know before, it’s so difficult to do business. Seeing my dad begging for people for those connections and to open up the British market, I feel...very uncomfortable."

  It was a happy thing to meet the two people, but in a few words, it was heavy. Hu Jiayi’s eyes were a little red, and Xia Shao smiled and comforted her, “Don’t always look at those difficulties. It is inevitable to open up the market and hit nails. Without hard work, where can you succeed? Your Hu family’s life is already better than most of the world’s lives. You’ve been able to live a wealthy life since you were a kid. Now you can study in the UK. You should thank your father for marrying a spoiled wife and peach blossoms. Now that you see his difficulties, you’ll work hard, and there will be a lot in the future. Share the worry for him."

"Of course! I really feel more tired than going to high school in the past six months. I never knew that college courses would be so tiring." Hu Jiayi complained again, but her optimistic temperament soon cleared up, laughing. Said, "But you are here, I have to accompany you for two days of fun! There are many scenic spots here, I will be your tour guide!"

  As soon as these words were spoken, Wang Ying, Bi Fang, and Yingzhao who stood behind Xia Shao exchanged glances—just in the middle!

"I just said that there is no success from hard work, so you said you want to take me to play. How can I have time? This auction summit will be an auction conference for three days, and there must be a lot of good things. I also want to charge it. Learn more about the ancient western culture. It has been arranged to visit the British Museum for a few days. Are you a tour guide?" Xia Shao asked with a smile. She was telling the truth. Even without this mission, the first place she went to Britain must be a museum. The collections in there are from all over the world. Although most of them were looted, they are all genuine. It is a good opportunity to nurture your eyesight. Xia Shao has the idea of ​​opening auction houses and antique shops in the West in the future, so he has to know a little about Western antiques.

  Why would Hu Jiayi refuse? She suddenly said with excitement: "Go! I'll go with you! I've been to the British Museum a few times, but it's too big, even if it's not all open, I haven't seen it a few times. It’s okay to be your tour guide!"


  British Museum, located in Great Russell Square on the north side of New Oxford Street in London, England. Opened to the public in 1759, it is one of the oldest and largest museums in the world. It is said that his collection has reached seven million pieces! Most of these collections were plundered from various countries during the British expansion from the 18th to the middle of the 19th century. Among them, the worst-affected countries include China, Egypt, Greece, etc. It is said that a large number of cultural relics were shipped to London at that time and dedicated to the Queen. The British Museum could not accommodate them in such a large amount that they could only be collected in various museums.

When Xia Shao and his party arrived at the British Museum, they naturally went straight to the Chinese showroom. They are not afraid to raise doubts. They are originally Chinese, and what they care about most in museums is their national collections.

The Chinese exhibition hall of later generations is now still a Chinese showroom, but the rich collections in it have ranged from ancient stoneware, Shang and Zhou bronzes, Wei and Jin stone Buddhist scriptures, to Tang and Song paintings, Ming and Qing porcelains, marking the peaks of various cultures in Chinese history. National treasures, everything! Of the more than 23,000 looted cultural relics, only 2,000 can be viewed by tourists. Nine-tenths of the rare and precious treasures are tightly stored in the storage room, and ordinary tourists can see it without special permission.

  But even the antiques that are allowed to be viewed by tourists are considered rare treasures.

  According to the statistics of UNESCO, China lost as many as 1.64 million cultural relics during the war. This heavy figure has never let go of the expressions of most Chinese who came to the exhibition hall.

  Wang Yu, Bi Fang, and Yingzhao are worthy of qualified agents, with first-class acting skills. Wang Yu and Bi Fang followed Xu Tianyin and walked behind Xia Shao, guarding the surrounding tourists, looking like a bodyguard throughout the process. Yingzhao helped Xia Shao and Hu Jiayi hold coats and bags, with professional smiles on their faces, very competent assistants.

  Hu Jiayi didn't realize that Xia Shao had taken a bodyguard on this trip, and even made fun of her. After all, in Hu Jiayi's eyes, Xia Shao, a feng shui master with unpredictable abilities, does he need a bodyguard? She didn't recognize Xu Tianyin, so she guessed at the end whether these bodyguards were arranged by the Xu family to protect her. Xia Shao just smiled and didn't tell her too much about this matter.

  Today, Xia Shao and others are traveling freely and did not hire a tour guide, but many of the visiting teams passing by are with tour guides. Seeing this, Wang Yu and Bi Fang took the opportunity to block the flow of people for Xia Shao and took her to the tour guide, deliberately following the tour guide's team. You know, the two thousand exhibits in the Chinese showroom are not easy to visit, and there may be gains with a guide.

  At this moment, I listened to a tour guide saying: “Recently, the number of tourists in our British Museum has increased sharply. It has increased by several percent compared with the peak passenger flow of the museum every year. Do you know why?”

  The tour guide is a British woman. She speaks Chinese very well, but she still understands it.

  Xia Shao raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, guessing that it was probably because of the World Auction Summit that he returned to the latest chapter of Xianlu. On the day before they came to the UK, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement to the British side, condemning the auction of Dunhuang murals by the Ladis Group and requesting that the murals be friends with the British Ministry of Culture, and the two countries will discuss disputes. This matter, when the statement was made, had already aroused the attention of all sectors of society in China, and there was a lot of indignation and condemnation on the Internet. Many non-governmental organizations said they would organize delegations to protest at the auction summit in the UK! [

  This incident has greatly increased the reputation of the World Auction Conference, and it is certain that the number of tourists has skyrocketed. It is estimated that in addition to many collectors from various countries who come to watch the event, there are also many Chinese patriotic groups.

Sure enough, a sentence from the tour guide made some people in the crowd ridicule, saying: "I heard that the British Museum has always been financially tight. We are here to travel to give you some more financial income in the UK, so that we can have the money to replace the cultural relics in the museum. Every time we come, we see the same thing."

  This can be said to be detrimental, but it is true. The exhibits in the museum have to be changed frequently to attract repeat visitors. However, since 1992, the cultural relics in the China Hall have rarely been replaced. The reason is that the British government has reduced funding, fewer tourists, and financial constraints, resulting in fewer jobs, and even for the sake of no money to hire employees.

Ironically, the British Museum’s position is to "understand and recognize art, natural history, and science on a global scale, and show the world to the world." However, due to financial constraints, the so-called cultural exchange activities are mainly concentrated in In developed countries, it is only with the improvement of China's national strength in recent years that Britain's attention to China has become stronger day by day, and cultural exchanges with China have shown unprecedented momentum. But even so, the later permanent exhibition hall in China was built with a donation of two million pounds from a Hong Kong businessman.

  Lattice Group held the World Auction Summit this time. I don’t know if it is intentional or intentional. Because a Dunhuang mural has aroused great indignation among the Chinese, it has caused a surge in the number of tourists, which can be regarded as a contribution to the local tourism industry and fiscal revenue.

   "Since we can't treat our cultural relics properly, it's better to return the stolen cultural relics to us!" someone continued to anger.

  This is of course impossible. In fact, not only China, but also Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria and other countries have asked the British Museum to return the national cultural relics looted during the war. This makes the British Museum face increasing international pressure, but it still insists on bringing these cultural relics back. Keep it in your own hands, the reason is that these cultural relics can be better protected. What a shame!

  "Do you still dare to auction our Dunhuang murals?"

   "I heard that you have dozens of Dunhuang murals here, they are displayed in the exhibition hall, take us to see!"

  Sure enough, the Chinese tourists in this line quickly turned the topic to the mural. The tour guide is still very calm. Obviously, this kind of thing has been played out before the auction summit when the Chinese visited the exhibition hall. Therefore, she should be old-fashioned, and the professional smile on her face will not change. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country is already discussing with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country, and I believe that the country will make a decision. Since all tourists are visiting cultural relics, let me lead you to visit them. I just asked you if you know of the recent increase in the number of tourists The reason, in fact, everyone guessed wrong. Our museum has always been responsible for cultural exchanges. The Dunhuang murals at the World Auction Summit have always attracted attention. Therefore, the Ladis Group commissioned our museum to display the murals in the museum for a week. If you are here to watch the murals, please follow me."

  As soon as the words came out, the Chinese in this team were stunned!

  Some people are angry, but they are more surprised, puzzled and eager to verify with their own eyes.

   Xu Tianyin stood behind Xia Shao, his breath remained unchanged. And the three of Wang Yu were also experienced, and the three of them didn't even move when the intelligence came out. But this doesn't mean that the three of them didn't think that the information was credible, but they didn't expect it to be true! The Ladis family is too arrogant!

  In Xia Shao's view, this is nothing more than the hype of the Ladis family. If there are sufficient security conditions, the more attention it arouses, the more rewarding the auction summit will be. It's nothing more than a merchant's means.

In fact, Xia Shao originally planned to open his eyes to the Dunhuang mural after coming in. The information was untrue, but he didn't expect to hear it when he first came in. Instead, he ignored her. Now I saw those tourists who followed the tour guide. When she walked toward the center, she followed along all the way. Xu Tianyin’s team followed Xia Shao. Hu Jiayi walked beside Xia Shao. The group of people was extremely natural. They looked at the exhibits on both sides as they walked. After turning a few turns, they heard the tourists in front marvel at the sunspot and Liang Ran. Read the full text !

  Xia Shao and his group immediately raised their heads, and saw a corner in front of them, and dozens of square meters of Dunhuang murals were displayed impressively in the showcase! The murals painted the portraits of three Bodhisattvas, the image is rich and plump, the colors are still fresh after thousands of years! According to reports, there are tens of thousands of Dunhuang frescoes in the British Museum that are national treasures, but only this one is on display.

  And today, beside this mural, there is another mural!

  This mural is exhibited in the form of a closet. The closet is against the wall and surrounded by tempered glass to create a vacuum space of about 20 square meters. The space is also cordoned off and guarded by guards. It can be said that sufficient safeguard measures have been taken. All the people could only stand outside the cordon and watch from a distance. When Xia Shao and his party walked over, they could only stand on the outside. But the group of people standing on the periphery can only look up to see the full picture of this mural!

  This mural is more than three meters high, and it is seven or eight meters wide. The mural is painted with three portraits of Bodhisattva in vertical direction. The colors are a bit old, but the portraits are still lifelike. These three portraits of Bodhisattvas, a person who studies Buddhism can tell at a glance that they are the three Buddhas!

  The third Buddha is divided into the horizontal third Buddha and the vertical third Buddha. The image displayed in front of the third Buddha is the old Buddha burning the lamp, the current Buddha Sakyamuni, and the future Buddha Maitreya.

  The beauty of this mural is just beside the third Buddha, and it also draws a magnificent and beautiful scene. The painting next to the burning lamp is a scene prophesing that Sakyamuni will become a Buddha in the future, and the painting around Sakyamuni Buddha is a picture of Bodhisattvas such as Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and other Bodhisattvas using the Buddha's method to save all living beings in the world of Sakyamuni. Maitreya Surrounding the Buddha is the scene of the Buddhas who save all sentient beings and transcend reincarnation to become Buddhas and ascend to heaven.

  These three pictures are simply the classic interpretation of the Three Buddhas! The composition of the picture is full, the characters are lifelike, and the scene is magnificent. Standing in front of this huge mural, the dignified appearance of the three Buddhas seems to shine in the light! [

  There are still cut marks around the murals. Everyone is heartbroken and regretful, but at the same time, they are shocked by the majesty and majesty of the murals and their faces are pale. This is definitely a national treasure!

  "This is really a national treasure..." I don't know who murmured, and the tone was emotionally vicissitudes. Some Buddhists have already paid their respects on the spot.

   And more people are indignant, "You want to auction such a national treasure mural?"

   "Hold the cultural relics snatched from someone else and put money in your pocket, do you want to be shameless?"

  "Return our treasure!" At this time, someone yelled at this moment, and someone shouted a slogan behind him!

  Some people have taken out their cameras and started taking pictures of the murals. Although the people present were emotionally upset, they still understood the situation. People who knew that they couldn't shake anything at all, so I took the photos and planned to post them on the Internet. Today, this mural should be on display for the first day, because before in China, I only heard of murals being auctioned, but I don't know what it looks like. Now that the picture is spread out, maybe it can put a little pressure on the Lattice Group.

  But some people are very emotional, shouting slogans, jumping into the cordon without saying anything, and rushing to the tempered glass outside the mural display cabinet! The alarm sounded suddenly, and the scene suddenly became chaotic!

  The tour guide was shocked. Although she knew that it was impossible to damage the glass with human power, she kept shouting: "Tourists, please don't cross the cordon, you are against the British law and you are going to be arrested!"

  But her voice was drowned in the shouts of the angry crowd. The security personnel guarding the mural immediately screamed and entered the cordon. The batons on her body were taken out, and the angry tourists were beaten at the scene. At this time, a large number of security personnel also came in at the entrance of the exhibition hall, and the scene was once chaotic.

  Hu Jiayi also did not expect to bring Xia Shao to the museum for a visit. Such a thing would happen. Seeing this chaotic scene, she turned her head and asked loudly, "Xiao Shao, what should I do?"

   "Go back first!" Xia Shao backed back while protecting Hu Jiayi, looking into the cordon while retreating, and seeing those Chinese tourists being knocked to the ground with electric batons, with painful expressions, she couldn't help but squinted and her eyes were cold! According to her temperament, this matter will definitely be dealt with. But today, she didn't move. This time she came out with a mission, for the return of the Dunhuang frescoes. If she can't bear it, she will make big plans!

Thinking like this, when Xia Shao was backing, his gaze swept to Yingzhao and nodded to Wang Yu and Bi Fang. Bi Fang's eyes flashed, and Wang Yu and Wang Yu seemed to be protecting Xia Shao away, but they were actually wiping. On the side of the cordon, when passing by a security guard who was standing in the cordon continuously swinging at the Chinese, Bi Fang cleverly touched the ancient ink fairy language on the side of the person's clothes.

  His technique is very fast, and his angle is clever, he can be called a thief. If it weren't for Xia Shao's good eyesight, she wouldn't be able to see it at such a speed. But the moment she glanced over, her fingertips snapped, and when Bi Fang, who had never missed a hand, touched the waist of the man, she suddenly felt a dark energy and blocked his hand! At this time, Bi Fang had already passed by the security guard, and it would be too strange to return. He has never lost his hand, and it is strange that Xia Shao said: "Go! Go out and talk about it!"

  Ying was anxious when he saw that Bi Fang had failed. When he heard Xia Shao's words, she frowned, but in line with the chaotic scene in the exhibition hall, her expression was not suspicious. But seeing that there was no chance to start again, the group had no choice but to protect Xia Shao out of the exhibition hall.

  After arriving outside, the situation in the exhibition hall has attracted the attention of tourists from other countries. Taking advantage of the riots at the door, Xia Shao and his party quickly left the museum.

  The group went for lunch first. Xia Shao said that she was a little tired, and took Hu Jiayi back to the hotel where she stayed last night. After arranging the hotel to open a suite for Hu Jiayi, Xia Shao led Xu Tianyin's team into the presidential suite.

As soon as    entered the room, Yingzhao asked: "Bi Fang, what happened just now? Why did you miss it?"

Bi Fang condensed his grinning expression, his face serious, "I don't know. Just now...I encountered inexplicable resistance." He recalled that time, his expression was puzzled, but he couldn't explain what happened at that moment, so he treated Xu Tianyin. Said, "I'm sorry, boss! This is my mistake! I will find a way to make up for it. After the task is over, I will also write a report and accept punishment!"

   "It's okay, think of a solution." Xu Tianyin is not a comforting person, but he patted his teammate on the shoulder, and Bi Fang suddenly looked guilty.

Yingzhao frowned and looked at Xia Shao with a serious expression, "Miss Xia, please explain why you let us leave just now! That security guard has what we want on his body, which is of great help to us in obtaining the mural. Bi Fang Although we missed it, the scene was very chaotic. As long as we were in the exhibition hall, we must have the opportunity to start again. But because of your decision to leave immediately, we missed the opportunity to obtain important things. There was a riot in the exhibition hall today, and the murals are on display. It may stop, do you know how difficult your decision has added to our task?"

  Wang Ying and Bi Fang were stunned when they heard it, and looked at Yingzhao. They have been comrades-in-arms with Yingzhao for many years, and they know her temperament. She is a very good agent with a strong sense of responsibility and can't tolerate mission failure. Although she has some personal feelings for the boss, in the face of Xia Shao, she has always put tasks first and has not been affected by personal feelings. But Xia Shao's decision today might make her feel angry.

   "Forget it, a brilliant move. We just think of a way." Wang Ying, the most loyal of the three, began to persuade him to make peace. Although Yingzhao’s accusation is reasonable, it will make it difficult for the captain to handle it. Moreover, to be fair, the requirements of the heroic move are a bit high. Xia Shao is not a professional agent, and helping them this time puts herself in danger. She has not received professional training. In that moment, where can she be required to make professional judgments? Moreover, it is the first time for them to cooperate, and it is normal for them to lack understanding.

   "Yes, unexpected situations in the task are common, and we haven't encountered it before. Just think of a way." Bi Fang also persuaded.

Unexpectedly, the words of the two made Yingzhao more angry, "Do you think it is easy to get a huge mural that is three meters high and seven meters wide? When you said these words, did you already have a way to make up for it? Don't make it so easy if you don't!"

  Yingzhao thinks that he will not be bothered by personal emotions during the mission, but now Wang Ying and Bi Fang have spoken kind words to Xia Shao. The two of them are clearly looking at the captain’s face and favoring Xia Shao! It is not her who has lost the level of secret agents, but the two of them!

   "I have a way." Xu Tianyin said with an expression on his face, making the three people who were arguing startled and all looked at him.

   "Captain." The tone of the heroic move was obviously slowed down, "You have seen the mission target this time. It is difficult to reach the target location with only the four of us."

   "I have a way." Xu Tianyin still said these words, his voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were like eagles.

  Wang Yin and Bi Fang looked at each other, their eyes dazzled. Although they didn't speak, they all looked at Xu Tianyin's eyes, hoping to dominate the bedside wife of monogamy and dual purpose. They know the boss' temperament, and he never speaks big words. His words are pitiful, but as long as he speaks, he will do what he says!

  Not once, it is unsuccessful!

  Although this mission is difficult, the boss must have a way!

  At this moment, a light laugh suddenly came from the room. The four of them froze for a moment, turned their heads and looked, and saw that Xia Shao had already sat down on the sofa at some point, still holding a tea cup in her hand, and the elegant and indifferent aroma of black tea permeated. She took a sip and smiled leisurely.

  This gesture made Yingzhao's eyes angry again. It was this woman who made things complicated. She could still laugh? I really thought that the captain was protecting her, so she wouldn't dare to beat people?

  "If you want to obtain this mural, the first thing you have to consider is not how to obtain it, but first to determine whether it is genuine." Xia Shao ignored the heroic tricks at all, and threw a heavy bomb without hurries.

  Wang Ying and Bi Fang were both taken aback, but the heroic move laughed mockingly, "Miss Xia, what do you mean by this? You mean the murals on display at the British Museum today are fake?"

  It’s no surprise that it’s fake. After all, the diplomatic relations between China and Britain are strained because of this mural. It is indeed possible for the Ladis Group to take precautions and get a high-fake fake to confuse some people. After all, the people who are staring at this mural are not only China, but also the famous thieves of other countries. How can you not understand these things as an experienced agent? What jokingly is that she is also an expert on antique appraisal.

  Although secret agents are not three hundred and sixty proficient in everything, but at least a team, everyone is good at things. In terms of antique appraisal, the country has specially trained her, and she has a unique vision of antiques from all countries in the world. To be honest, although Xia Shao started as an antique, her appraisal vision may not be as comprehensive as hers.

   "Captain, that mural is authentic!" Yingzhao said to Xu Tianyin. Upon hearing this, Wang Yu and Bi Fang breathed a sigh of relief. They were very convinced by their superior judgment.

  Xu Tianyin only took a look at Yingzhao, then looked at Xia Shao and asked, "Fake?"

   "Captain?!" Yingzhao looked at Xu Tianyin incredulously. What he said just now was suspected of questioning her ability, "Captain, we have performed so many tasks together, you should trust my ability!"

  Did the captain fail to judge because of this woman?

   Xu Tianyin turned his head to look at Yingzhao again, this time not just looking at her, but staring at her all the time. Facial expression, no emotion in his eyes. But Yingzhao was shocked, instantly like a cold murderous intent piercing her chest with a sharp blade, making her face pale, and she had to close her mouth and dare not speak again. Until she slowly lowered her head, Xu Tianyin said coldly: "In my eyes, this mission is the only thing."

  In my eyes, only this mission...

   Yingzhao Huo Ran raised his head, fixedly looking at Xu Tianyin, his eyes shaking. Wang Yu and Bi Fang also lowered their heads in shame. They all made a mistake that agents shouldn't make, relying too much on their previous record and trusting their own judgment too much.

  On how many missions they have completed before, it used to be before, this is this time. Each task is different, and their attitude towards the task should be like performing the first task, and should not be swayed by previous experience.

  "I'm sorry, Captain. This time I am down!" Yingzhao's face was hot and consciously embarrassing, but she had her own pride and was unwilling to deny mistakes, so she immediately bowed her head to apologize.

   Xu Tianyin then retracted his gaze, looked at Xia Shao, and asked, "Fake?"

  Xia Shao smiled, put down the tea cup, raised her eyes, and nodded, "It's definitely a fake."

  ------Off topic------

  There are still a few red envelopes left, and they will be sent out today. Any girl who left a message on the twelfth, can log in and enter the control panel consumption record and my award record can be checked.

  Look again at night, it should be all over.

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