Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 165: Decline the invitation, the secret room!

   In late October, the weather became rare.

   But it is even colder.

  Harry hasn't been there since he took the first black magic defense class...that is, skipping class.

  Colohat didn't seem to care.

   And Hermione went a few times, holding the idea that he couldn't be a fool.

   Finally after another magic defense get out of class, Hermione threw the book angrily on the library table.

   "Harry, I think you are right, this is a waste of life!"

   "Compared to the black magic defense class, I'd rather listen to Professor Binns's boring history of magic that makes people sleepy."

"what happened?"

   "It's been almost a few weeks since he started school. He hasn't taught anything he should teach. Every time he starts a class, he opens his book and follows the plot in the classroom to practice how he subdues magical creatures."

   "Today he asked Neville to play a ghoul, I bet this is the weakest ghoul in history."

   "He has been pointing at Neville's forehead fiercely with his wand, and he turned to smile and tell us what to do, I never thought there would be such a teacher."

   "Arrogance, arrogance, ignorance, vanity, self-righteousness... Almost all human shortcomings can be found in him." Hermione was very angry.

   "I'm really curious how Dumbledore agreed to let him teach us."

Harry said: “It’s not that Dumbledore had to choose him, but that he was the only person, only he had a wizard applied for the Black Magic Defense Class teacher. Dumbledore had no other choice, but Dumbledore did not expect Lockhart is so bad, haha."


   Recently, a fat and fat ghost dressed in the aristocratic costume of centuries ago is looking for people in the college.

   He was almost headless Nick.

   I heard that a well-known ghost named Patrick wanted to form a club, and only people without a head could join.

   and Nick, who was almost headless, was not qualified, but Patrick wrote that if Nick was scary enough, he might reconsider.

   On the eve of Halloween this year, it is Nick’s 500th anniversary anniversary, and he will hold a party. At that time Patrick will also come to evaluate him.

  Nick invited his classmates to attend his party, just to prove to Patrick that Nick was scary.

   Most people found by Nick refused, but a few students found it interesting to attend the ghost party.


   "...Look, that's it." Nick stood pitifully in front of Harry.

  If Harry could speak for him, then he would be sure to join the headless club.

   Harry smiled apologetically: "Sorry Nick, I promised my friend to attend the Halloween party at school." At the same time, she secretly kicked Hermione who was about to open her mouth.

   "Ah." Nick sighed and walked away as expected, with a lonely back.

   His pleading eyes were printed in Hermione’s head, and Hermione said unbearably: “Why not help him? After all, it’s just a party.”

   "And...Jinchen party, there should be no living people participated in it." Hermione said with interest.

   "That's a world of undead, not suitable for us living people, do you think it's normal to celebrate the day of your death? If you go, you will regret it." Harry advised.


   Two days before Halloween.

   Harry heard the sound of the snake in the stairwell. It was a subtle and trivial voice, faintly, as if the trachea had been cut open, husky and depressed.

   Harry knew that the basilisk hidden in the Chamber of Secrets had been awakened by Voldemort.

   So at night, Harry came to a place.

   This is a deserted corridor, the corridor is dim, the ground is covered with water stains, and garbage is piled on the ground.

   A white wooden door, shabby and dirty, with a few pieces of wood dropped, and a sign hung on the door that read "Fault".

   This is a girl's bathroom, which was no longer used decades ago.

   Harry pushed open the door and walked in.

   Here is dark and dull, under a large mirror with stains and mottled cracks, there is a row of stone pools with peeling surfaces. The floor was wet, and several candle heads burned low on the bracket, emitting a dim light, which shone on the floor. The paint on the wooden doors of each single room was peeling off and covered with scratches. The hinge of one of the doors was disengaged and hung there swayingly.


   The innermost single room door was suddenly pushed open, and a sharp laugh came out, echoing in the empty room.

   "Hee hee..."

   Other students may be scared away if they come here inadvertently.

   "Myrtle." Harry shouted towards the door.

The scary laughter in    disappeared at once, and a transparent shadow came out.

   It was a girl-like ghost, unable to see clearly because she was covered by long hair and eyes.

   "You are, Harry Potter. This is the girl's bathroom, not where you should come." She said courageously when she saw the person.

   "I want to ask you if anyone has come in here recently," Harry said.

   Myrtle was inexplicably poked in tears, and suddenly burst into tears: "People? No one at all, I have been a lonely person...No, I am dead, I should be a lonely ghost, stay here."

   The ghost is so strange, Harry saw transparent tears flow out of her eyes, rolled down to the ground, and disappeared again.

   It turns out that the ghost can also cry.

She is still chattering and talking non-stop: "Everyone loves to bully me, especially Pippi. It always throws garbage on my head, pulls my hair, and calls me dirty and ugly. Niang... bang bang, cry hoo... but it suddenly disappeared, woo woo... great."

   "Enough." Harry shouted unbearably.

  She sobbed violently, but immediately cried louder again: "Even Harry Potter, also, bullied me."

   But she couldn't cry anymore and a blue light hit her.

   She couldn't move anymore.

  Harry came to her and took off her glasses curiously.

   was held in the hand, and it didn't disappear, the feel was soft.

   Harry said to himself: "Is the eye the body?"

" I will ask you questions, and you will answer me honestly, otherwise, I will just..." Harry thought of how to threaten and saw the glasses he took off, "I will take your clothes Take it off and throw it on the school sports ground."

   Myrtle looked at Harry in horror, and could not imagine that there was such a horrible person in the world. In her heart, Harry was crowned as the devil.

   Seeing that Myrtle was scared like this, Harry nodded in satisfaction: "Has anyone been here recently?"

   Myrtle nodded obediently and whispered, "Although I haven't seen him, I have stayed here for decades. No one is more familiar with this place than me. I can feel the trace of someone coming in."

   "Can you know how many times he has been here?"

   "Of course, there are three times."

   Three times, it seems that Voldemort was just looking for the way ahead, and today the snake was really awakened.

   In fact, Harry’s strangest thing is why Voldemort didn’t kill Myrtle, otherwise I wouldn’t have to wait for Myrtle to leave before entering the Chamber of Secrets.

   Soon, Harry thought of a good explanation, because Myrtle was killed by him fifty years ago, and he regarded it as one of his works, which is a proof of him.

   Well, it fits Voldemort's perverted idea.

   Harry knocked a stick of Myrtle and she fainted.

  Why do ghosts faint? This is for future generations to study.

  Harry has Voldemort's memory and naturally knows where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

   At a pool, a water tap marked with a snake.

  Ha said in snake language: "Sesame opens the door."


   The pool fell, and a huge hole appeared.



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