Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 299 Discussion

Several top foundation-building immortal cultivation families in Zhao State had a spiritual vein with nine micro-spiritual veins, and now the Li family has the same.

The extra micro-spiritual vein in Changqing Mountain is the micro-spiritual vein of the Zhang family, the closest Qi-refining immortal cultivation family.

Because it is close to Changqing Mountain, the Zhang family has long been a subsidiary of the Li family. Now the Zhang family has moved to the spiritual vein land offered to them by the Huang family, which is very close to the Huang family's ancestral land.

The family asked the Zhang family to move and also made corresponding promises.

When the Zhang family encountered danger, their family's support priority was the highest, and the Huang family would also support them as soon as possible. Such a promise is useful, but it is difficult to use it in Xiangshui County now. Of course, the Zhang family itself does not need to use this. Although it is good to have a guarantee, it is really bad when it is used.

When the Zhang family was asked to move, they agreed immediately. After all, the resources they provided to the Li family every year were still the same as at the beginning. The resources they provided were really few. If their family members were more capable, it would be easy to develop under the protection of the Li family. Unfortunately, the family members were not capable.

They were also affiliated forces, but they were treated differently as the superiors.

The Zhang family was happy to do such things for the Li family, which also meant that after the conflict between the two affiliated forces, the Li family would be more inclined to them. Generally, as long as the conflicts between the affiliated forces did not affect the stability of Daxiangshui County, the Li family would not easily intervene even if the conflicts were big.

The spiritual veins that Changqing Mountain now possessed could not be further improved before the Li family became a Jindan Xiuxian family.

If they wanted to improve it again, Qingfeng Valley should be the first to disagree.

After becoming a Jindan Xiuxian family, they would have the corresponding strength, and no force in Zhao State would have any objections at that time. If a Jindan-stage cultivator wants to practice stably, he must at least be in a place with a small spiritual vein. Only in such a spiritual vein can the concentration of spiritual energy in individual nodes be sufficient, and this is without any spiritual array attached.

If a Jindan-stage cultivator wants to practice in a spiritual vein without a small spiritual vein, he must use the gathering spirit array for a long time. Long-term use not only consumes spiritual stones, but also makes this spiritual vein land unable to produce resources well.

When Li Qianyin was about to leave the cave, he heard the family cultivator outside shouting.

"Thirteenth Grandpa, the senior of the Ma family wants to see you. He is in the reception room now."

With the current relationship between the Ma family and the Li family, the Ma family cultivators who come to the Li family's territory do not need to inform and confirm whether Li Qianqing wants to see people first, because basically they must see them, and there is no reason to refuse people.

"I know." Li Qianqing responded in the cave.

The family cultivators outside responded, and then went to do their own things.

"The cultivators of the Ma family are coming now..." As a core member of the family, Li Qianyin probably knew what the cultivators of the Ma family were going to do in Changqing Mountain. Most likely, they were going to destroy the Chang family. "Brother Qianqing, go ahead. I will also go back to the cave to absorb the experience of this failure."


The arrival of Ma Xuanzong stopped the conversation between the two siblings.

Seeking comfort from Li Qianqing and talking a lot, Li Qianyin's mood was much better than before.

The two left the cave at the same time, and Li Qianqing went directly to the reception room.


"Qianqing, you are here." Ma Xuanzong stood up immediately after seeing Li Qianqing.

After Li Qianqing motioned him to sit down, Ma Xuanzong directly talked about coming to the Li family today.

"Qianqing, let me tell you a piece of news you don't know. As early as the beginning of this year, one of our Ma family's foundation-building seeds had successfully built a foundation. Because we were afraid that these news would spread and cause the Chang family to be wary, we didn't tell you this news." Ma Xuanzong first briefly explained the situation, and then explained the reason.

"It's right to do so." Li Qianqing nodded and approved of the Ma family's approach.

He knew very well that the situation of the Ma family was very different from that of the Li family. For the Ma family, it was best to keep the news secret.

"When do you plan to take action against the Chang family?" Li Qianqing asked directly soon.

Ma Xuanzong said that their Ma family had already produced the third foundation-building cultivator, and half a year had passed. In half a year, as long as they mastered the lower-grade spiritual tools, they would have the combat power of ordinary foundation-building cultivators in the early stage. After thinking about the situation, he knew the purpose of Ma Xuanzong's visit to Changqing Mountain this time.

"We have tentatively set the time for one month later. Do you have any problems? If so, the time can be changed, but it is best to act within this year."

If Li Qianqing wanted to act next year, he might agree, but after he agreed, he would find his third uncle to talk about it.

"As for the time, as long as it is not September this year, we have no problem." Li Qianqing thought about it and answered.

September of every year is the day for the Li family to test their spiritual roots. Each family tests their spiritual roots in different months according to different situations. The Ma family tests in February every year.

The reason why the Li family tests their spiritual roots in September is because September is the month when the Li family was born.

"In this case, we will act on October 6th."

It is now July 18th, and in a month it will be August 18th.

This date is very close to September. If the operation goes smoothly, there should be no problem in eliminating the Chang family before September. Considering some individual factors, Ma Xuanzong is worried that if the Chang family is not eliminated before September, it will be bad for the Li family if something happens in September, so he decided to set the date in October.

Not on the first day of October, but on the sixth day of October. The extra five days are also time for the Li family to adjust.

"No problem." After Ma Xuanzong said the time, Li Qianqing quickly agreed, "By the way, Xuanzong, how many late-stage Qi Refining cultivators do you want for this operation?"

"We don't need late-stage and middle-stage Qi Refining cultivators. We only need three foundation-building cultivators."

In the initial discussion between Ma Xuanzong and Ma Tianxing, if the Ma family did not have foundation-building cultivators in the next few years, in the operation against the Chang family, they wanted the Li family to support some late-stage and middle-stage Qi Refining cultivators to help the operation be completed better.

Now their Ma family has a foundation-building cultivator. They sent out two foundation-building cultivators, a total of five foundation-building cultivators. This lineup faces the Chang family, which has only one foundation-building cultivator, and the Chang family has not recovered. Even if they ask the Tian family for help and the Tian family arrives in time, they can still destroy the Chang family, so there is no need for Qi-refining cultivators.

The alliance between their Ma family and the Li family generally does not give the Tian family cultivators a chance to arrive.

Thanks to [Xu Wei] for the reward of 600 starting coins! Thank you for your support!


Happy New Year! I wish you all the best in the new year and no worries!

I have a single-day-off job. I finally got two days off. I had some fun. It’s hard to calm down when I sit down to write. I used the saved draft yesterday. Today I barely wrote 2,000. I will make up the remaining 2,000 before the 10th.

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