Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 313 Refining and Exploration

"The Li family seems to have only one late-stage foundation-building cultivator, who was their last family patriarch. If the old patriarch leaves, won't the Li family, a top foundation-building and immortal family, have no late-stage foundation-building cultivators? This seems a bit strange no matter how you think about it, right? "

"Uh... how long ago did you hear this news? Senior Li Qianqing has entered the late stage of foundation building."

"Really? When did it happen?"

"It seems...last year, yes, last year!"

"It's not surprising if this is the case. As the top foundation-building and immortal cultivating family, the Li family must be in the late stage of foundation-building."

"There are almost ten foundation-building monks in the Li family now. If we give them dozens or hundreds of years, it will be easy for the family to have many late-stage foundation-building monks, especially those with alien spiritual roots. It is certain that they will reach the peak of foundation-building, and then there will be more It is possible to break through to the pill-forming stage, and once that happens, the Li family will become a pill-forming immortal family!"

"Do you think it's possible...Senior Li Qianqing will form the elixir first?"

Many casual cultivators in Xiangshui County have a very good impression of Li Qianqing. Even if they discuss Li Qianqing behind his back, they still call him "senior".

The reason is that the Li family led by Li Qianqing can be said to be very good to casual cultivators like them. For example, after the Li family obtained the management rights of Xiushifang City, not only did the store rent drop, but more importantly, the Xiushifang City was safer. Even the monks in the foundation-building stage did not dare to cause trouble in the monks' square city.

A safe place where they can practice and do business, and only need to pay some spiritual stones every month, which is great for them.

It is precisely because of the Li family's strategy that the number of monks living in all the monks' towns in Xiangshui County is increasing, and they will soon reach their limit. After reaching the limit, if the Monk City wants to expand, it must increase its spiritual veins.

They didn't know what the Li family would do in the future, but it was difficult to change a person's character. As long as Li Qianqing was still leading the Li family, their lives would at least be the same as they are now.

At the beginning of this year, Li Qianqing became the head of the Li family, which was a hot topic in Xiangshui County.

These topics also add a lot of fun to the cultivation lives of many casual practitioners.

As for the Qi refining forces in Xiangshui County, more than 80% of them are still doing so, because they are all affiliated forces of the Li family.

According to their investigation, Li Qianqing is not yet over a hundred years old, which means that as the patriarch of the Li family, he can stay in this position for at least more than a hundred years. This time is enough for a family like Qi Refining and Immortal Cultivation to change several times. The clan leader.

As long as Li Qianqing is in this position, they can guarantee that the Li family will treat them the same as before.

In the history of the Immortal Cultivation World, the attitudes and policies of some foundation-building forces towards the affiliated Qi-refining forces have undergone great changes, all because of the change of clan leaders. When the old patriarch of the Li family was still in office, many of the opinions were put forward by Li Qianqing, so they These affiliated Qi refining forces want to develop more safely in the future.

The foundation-building forces in the neighboring counties of Xiangshui County did not care or were surprised that Li Qianqing became the head of the Li family.

What they care about is that Li Qianqing's cultivation has broken through to the late stage of foundation building!

They did not forget that Li Qianqing was a monk with three spiritual roots. When the news reached them, they could only judge that Li Qianqing had more opportunities than they expected when he was still in the Qi refining stage.

Some foundation-building forces also speculated that Li Qianqing might have secretly obtained some opportunities during these years, but they just had no information.

No matter what he thought or guessed, after Li Qianqing entered the late stage of foundation building, even if Li Cun and Liu Yuanshou were exhausted, the Li family would still have a late stage foundation building monk. Although the Li family's strength would be reduced, there were many foundation building monks in the Li family.

Maybe in the future, the Li family, the top foundation-building cultivator family, will break the record of the Zhao Kingdom's foundation-building force with the most foundation-building cultivators.

Historically, among the Zhao Kingdom's foundation-building forces, the most foundation-building monks were from the Feng family, which perished a thousand years ago. When the Feng family was at its strongest, there were as many as eleven foundation-building monks, including four in the late-stage foundation-building period.

But later on, the Feng family seemed to have a big conflict with the Zhao royal family. Even their sect, the Shuiyun Sect, undertook them, which also led to their destruction.

If the Feng family had possessed alchemy-forming monks at that time and became an alchemy-forming immortal cultivating family, perhaps the situation would have been different.

Being able to become a family that cultivates immortality by forming pills, the inheritance of the family will basically last for more than a thousand years.

This also shows that compared with the Pill-forming Immortal Cultivation Family, no matter how powerful the Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivation Family is, it is just that.

In almost two months, many of the foundation-building forces in the Zhao Kingdom knew that the Xiangshui Li family had changed its patriarch, and the current patriarch was Li Qianqing.

The top foundation-building and immortal-cultivating families are more likely to attract attention. If the Li family is just an ordinary foundation-building and immortal-cultivating family, the most important thing to know about the change of family patriarch is the foundation-building forces in neighboring counties. Other foundation-building forces that are further away have no interest in them. interest.

After becoming the family patriarch, Li Qianqing no longer lived in Changqing Mountain, but in Changqing Mountain.

The place where Li Cunliu lived was the cave of the successive heads of the Li family. The cave now belongs to Li Qianqing.

Although the layout of the miniature spirit gathering array and the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave are not very different from the places where other Foundation Establishment tribesmen live, this is regarded as a kind of inheritance.

Living in the ancestral land of Changqing Mountain is just right for Li Qianqing. This year, in the second-level middle-grade spiritual field in Changqing Mountain, a large number of heavy spiritual fruits are ready to be harvested.

This year he will allocate part of his time to refine the second-level mid-grade spiritual elixir.

In April of the same year.

Li Qianqing began to refine the second-grade medium-grade Shengling Pill.

The last time this grade of Shengling Pill was refined in large quantities, it was when the heavy spiritual fruit in the second-grade medium-grade spiritual field of Changqing Mountain matured.

During this period, there were three foundation-building forces who asked him to refine the second-grade medium-grade Shengling Pill. Although the refining needs of these three foundation-building forces were not much, in the eyes of the core leaders of the family, it undoubtedly increased his proficiency in refining this Shengling Pill.

In the past few decades, more foundation-building forces have been able to ask him to refine pills. In addition to the fact that he generally receives fewer pills, there is also a friendly relationship between these foundation-building forces and their Li family.

With such a relationship, as long as the other party has any problems and begins to be hostile to them, the relationship can be maintained normally.

He accepts more alchemy affairs from the foundation-building forces, and the Qingfeng Valley alchemy elders accept less. When Yan Xuewei was still a senior elder, the Qingfeng Valley alchemy elders would not embarrass him with this problem. Now that Yan Xuewei is a Jindan elder, naturally there will be no such problem.

It was mainly the forces that were familiar with him who asked him to refine pills. If all the foundation-building forces within the influence of Qingfeng Valley asked him to refine pills, Yan Xuewei, who was a Jindan elder, would also cause protests from the Qingfeng Valley alchemy elders. Of course, such a situation was almost impossible to happen.

After they became a Jindan cultivation family, even if they contacted all the affiliated foundation-building forces of Qingfeng Valley, it was impossible for all forces to be friendly with them. Some were not interested in them at all, and some were hostile to them.

‘Start refining.’

Li Qianqing thought in his heart, and soon he started to refine the second-level middle-grade Shengling Pill.

Now in the eyes of the core senior leaders of the family, his success rate in refining this grade of Shengling Pill has reached more than 80%, so most of the pills refined this time can be put into the family library, and he will keep at least 30 pills for himself.

Now he has 76 second-level middle-grade Shengling Pills left. After refining the pills this time, the number of second-level middle-grade Shengling Pills will reach three digits again.

After entering the late stage of foundation building, he no longer used the second-level middle-grade spirit-raising pill to improve his cultivation. Now he used the second-level upper-grade spirit-raising pill. However, he didn't have much of this grade of spirit-raising pill left, and it would be gone in about five or six years.

According to his current plan, when the second-level upper-grade spirit-raising pills were used up and the "Zhongyuan Gong" was almost cultivated to a certain level, he could go to the Ming Kingdom to look for his second opportunity. It was actually just looking for it, because he knew the location of the opportunity.


In the same year.


Bi Bo Lake.

Li Xingsheng appeared on the lakeside, with a special gold-eating rat standing on his shoulder.

After the rat chirped to Li Xingsheng twice, it came down to his feet and looked at the lake with him.

After entering the second level, the rat was naturally more sensitive to the metal spirit mines underground and explored more deeply.

After careful exploration over the years, it discovered two more metal spirit mines for the Li family, one of which can be mined, and the other is deep underground. According to Shushu's description, this metal spirit mine is particularly large. If the Li family wants to occupy it alone, it may become a Jindan cultivation family, and it cannot be done when the family only has one Jindan stage cultivator.

When Li Xingsheng told Li Cunliu about this news, Li Cunliu meant to follow Li Qianqing's suggestion and wait until the family can develop enough to swallow this metal spirit mine before mining it. Anyway, this metal spirit mine will not disappear underground.

This is the case in the cognition of Li Xingsheng and Li Cunliu. Li Qianqing knows that this is not the case, but the time dimension from the appearance to the disappearance of the metal spirit mine is too long. In the previous life, Li Qianqing also knew some general concepts of the world's rotation in an ancient book. If you want to know the deeper content, you should not find it in the spirit world, and you must go to the uppermost fairy world.

Since Shushu entered the second stage, Li Xingsheng took it to carefully explore the entire Xiangshui County, so these two metal spirit mines are far away from the Li family's spiritual veins.

If it were the Li family in the past, it would be very troublesome to dig and mine these metal spirit mines that are far away, and other foundation-building forces in Xiangshui County would definitely get involved, but now it is no longer the same. As long as it is found in Xiangshui County and is not enough to make Qingfeng Valley interested, the Li family can monopolize it.

Li Xingsheng stood for about two breaths, and several bubbles appeared on the lake.

Soon, the iron carp bubble showed its head from the center of the lake and swam towards Li Xingsheng.

"Come to Bubble, eat this fish spirit grass." Li Xingsheng took out a small grass with fish-shaped roots and tender green leaves from the storage bag.

Fish Spirit Grass is a second-level lower-grade spiritual medicine, which is very suitable for stimulating the blood of the first-level peak fish-type monsters, allowing them to more easily touch the threshold of the second level. There is also a prerequisite that the blood of this fish-type monster can support it to break through to the second level, and it cannot be like the gold-eating rat, where the upper limit of the first-level blood is locked.

The iron carp spit out a few bubbles happily, and then swallowed the fish spirit grass given to it by Li Xingsheng.

At the same time, Li Xingsheng's palm also pressed on the slippery head of the iron carp, and began to activate the beast control technique to baptize it.

This process has been carried out once before.

If the iron carp bubble still shows no signs of breakthrough after five times, it is meaningless to continue to cultivate it, and it will waste his resources and energy.

After about two hours, Li Xingsheng also stopped activating the beast control technique.

"That's all for this time. You can go down and rest."

After Li Xingsheng finished speaking, the iron carp spit out a few bubbles at him. Li Xingsheng, who wanted to leave, stopped just as he turned around.

He turned around and looked at the iron carp in surprise.

"I have touched the threshold of the second level..." Just now, through the connection of the beast control technique, he sensed that the iron carp's bubbles could break through.

He used the beast control technique to not only cleanse the monsters, but also accelerate their absorption of spiritual medicine.

Compared with the finished elixir, the absorption of the medicinal power of the spiritual medicine directly taken is poor, and there are still many negative impurities. Compared with human cultivators, monsters are very good at eliminating the latter, but they absorb the medicinal power only better.

Li Xingsheng's method can maximize the iron carp's absorption of the fish spiritual grass. The medicinal power of the fish spiritual grass has been absorbed just now.

At present, the iron carp has digested about half of it, and the other half can be digested slowly later.

As a result, it can break through at this time.

"If you want to break through, Bubble, wait... After you absorb the remaining power of the fish spirit grass, you can start to break through. I will come over at that time." Li Xingsheng said to the iron carp.

Just now, the iron carp asked him, which probably meant that it could break through. Should it start to break through now?

Iron carp is a kind of magical beast. Normally, the probability of them breaking through to the second level is not as good as that of the wind and cloud horse, but their bloodline limit is the late second level, while the bloodline limit of the wind and cloud horse is only the early second level.

This iron carp is a little special. As early as when it was at the peak of the first level, Li Xingsheng sensed through the beast control technique that it had a higher probability of breaking through to the second level than the normal wind and cloud horse.

For a monster with a bloodline limit of the second level, when it feels that it has touched the threshold of the second level, the probability of breaking through directly is very high, unlike the monster with a locked bloodline limit that needs to break through the bloodline limit. Shushu is in this category. Even when he feels that he can break through, the success rate of the breakthrough is not high.

After hearing this, the iron carp blew a few bubbles at Li Xingsheng, then flipped its tail and dived down.

"Shushu, let's go."

As soon as Li Xingsheng said this, Shushu immediately appeared on his shoulder.

While Bubble continued to digest the power of the fish spirit herb, he needed to do something (end of this chapter)

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