Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 427 Situation

Qi Dongqiang was a little confused when he received the news from Zhao Guoxianlin County.

He doesn't understand what Tianchuan Mountain, one of the three sects of the Zhao Kingdom, is doing? I feel that the senior monk leadership of Tianchuan Mountain should have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Tianchuan Mountain is going to openly oppose the Li family of Xiangshui..." Qi Dongqiang thought.

Although he didn't quite understand Tian Chuan Shan's intention of doing this, he still wanted to think carefully about the reasons.

What is the reason for Tianchuan Mountain to openly challenge the Li family?

It is understandable for Qi Dongqiang to secretly swallow these benefits, but Tianchuan Mountain does not even try to cover it up, and directly asks the affiliated Wang family to send foundation-building monks to act. Like the Lu royal family who secretly sent to the Zhao country, they are just The Qi Refining monk then acted secretly.

After a long time, Qi Dongqiang still didn't understand what Tian Chuanshan, one of the three sects of the Zhao Kingdom, did.

If I really have to think of a reason, I can only say that Tianchuan Mountain has expanded.

"...The Zhao royal family still has the energy to take precautions, and they had thought of it at the beginning..."

Qi Dongqiang lowered his head and murmured. According to the information passed to him, the Zhao royal family also sent people to prevent them from infiltrating the Zhao royal family. Because he had thought about it, he was not surprised. The only surprise was that Tianchuan Mountain also joined in. , and participate openly and openly.

"I hope the Li family can give some reaction."

In the end, Qi Dongqiang can only place his hope on the Li family. As long as the Li family warns Tianchuan Mountain, Tianchuan Mountain will definitely restrain itself. Even if it wants to participate in the future, it will only be done secretly and not openly like this. Take benefits.

A somewhat irritated Qi Dongqiang walked out of the cave, looked at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

He originally thought that the Zhao Kingdom was in chaos, and the task assigned to him by his family was a good job, and he could easily get a large amount of contribution points, but in the end, he killed a Tianchuan Mountain without any reason.

If the Li family doesn't respond later, it will be really difficult to complete this task.

Tianchuan Mountain will be the first wall for them to penetrate the Zhao Kingdom's immortal world.

Zhao State.

Huangmin County.

There are only three alchemy monks here now, and the fourth alchemy monk from the Zhao royal family has already left with some monks who want to leave.

At this moment, the three monks from the Zhao royal family were waiting for news in the main hall.

Waiting for news from the Li family.

Several days have passed as to what Tian Chuan Shan was doing in Xianlin County, and they got the news as soon as the incident happened.

Although they were very angry about Tianchuan Mountain's actions, they were powerless at this time.

Even if the Li family suddenly disappeared now, because the number of alchemy monks in the family was greatly reduced, they would not be able to respond to the actions of Tianchuan Mountain. What's more, the Li family is still there, and they would have no energy to deal with Tianchuan Mountain.

"It's impossible that the Li family doesn't know the news yet."

"It's been so long, but the Li family still hasn't made any move about Tianchuan Mountain's behavior. Are they not interested in us either?"

Normally speaking, if the Li family destroyed the Zhao royal family, their current territory would be the Li family's territory, and the strength shown by the Li family must be the ability to destroy them. Therefore, in their view, their current territory, The Li family must be concerned.

"I thought this was almost impossible before, but now it seems that it is a little bit possible, otherwise the Li family would not be indifferent until now."

"If the Li family is really not interested in our position, we now have no ability to stop the expansion of Tianchuan Mountain. We can only hope that their appetite will be smaller and they will not swallow up too much of our territory."

"How about we go to the Li family to confirm the situation?" Zhao Xiaoyang suggested. Judging from the current situation, he felt that it was necessary to send someone to Xiangshui County.

"Well, if we can negotiate, we will seek peace with the Li family."

When talking about this, the three of you look at me and I look at you.

The choice of people to go to Li's house is also a problem for them.

To discuss such matters, it would be best for the alchemy monks to go to the Li family, but they were all worried that they would never return.

One misjudgment and your sacrifice is in vain.

"How about letting the fake alchemy realm pass?" Zhao Xiaoyang suggested again. Now they really can't have fewer alchemy monks in the Zhao royal family. If there are any less, they will be like the Fengyong Yu family. There are only three alchemy-level monks in the family. monk.

The person closest to forming an elixir is the fake elixir monk.

Sending a monk in the fake elixir realm can barely represent their willingness to negotiate for peace on behalf of the Zhao royal family.

"I think it's okay."

"Fake elixir... well, let's just use fake elixir. As of now, there is no other better choice."

The plan to go to Xiangshui County again was confirmed among the three of them.

Xiangshui County.

In all the monks' towns here, the most popular topic of discussion is still about the Li family and the Zhao royal family.

As time goes by, the monks here have already acquiesced that the Li family will be the next royal family, and the topics they discuss are also leaning towards this aspect.

Some Qi refining forces that have been attached to the Li family for a long time are already thinking about how their status will change when the Li family becomes the new royal family.

The Li family has risen very quickly. Although they have not been with the Li family for a long time, they are still considered old people. Normally, such an affiliated force will receive the respect of more forces.

On the Li family's side, the discussion about the Zhao royal family has basically ended.

The patriarch did not issue corresponding orders. They only had to do their daily affairs and did not spend energy thinking about other things, because before the corresponding orders were issued, it was useless to think too much. However, the monks of the Li family basically After tacitly taking care of the royal family, he will fall into the hands of their patriarch Li Qianqing.

"Who are you?"

An old man in white robes with a long beard fell from the sky. The monk guarding the mountain gate of the Li family's ancestral land today looked at him and asked immediately.

The aura displayed by the other party is that of the fake elixir realm.

"Zhao Wulong, please see Senior Li Qianqing." Zhao Wulong first reported his name, and then quickly said that he wanted to see the head of the Li family.

"Your surname is Zhao? From the Zhao royal family?" asked the Li family monk who was guarding the mountain gate.

Zhao Wulong nodded, "Yes."

"People from the Zhao royal family dare to come here... The patriarch will not see you. I suggest you go back quickly."

The monks guarding the mountain gate have long received orders. If the Zhao royal family comes and they have a soft attitude, just drive them back. If they have a slightly tougher attitude, just ask someone to deal with it.

They felt that their patriarch was really too generous. If they were the patriarch of the family now, if anyone from the Zhao royal family came to their Li family's ancestral land, even if they stepped into Xiangshui County, they would be eliminated immediately after finding out.

"This little brother, please inform me that I really have something important to see Senior Li Qianqing."

"Who is your little brother! I said that our clan leader will not see you. If you don't leave, just like the seven pill-forming monks, stay here forever." The Li family monk guarding the mountain gate It is important to issue a warning.

If it were normal, if a junior Qi refiner dared to talk to him like this, Zhao Wulong, he would have killed him long ago.

But these days are different.

No matter how weak the Qi Refining cultivator in front of him is, he is still a Li family cultivator.

When the family alchemy monk handed over the task to him, to be honest, Zhao Wulong was very reluctant because he didn't know if he could come back to Xiangshui County alive.

From the current point of view, at least it is not the worst outcome, and you can still go back alive, but the tone of the Li family monk's words does not sound like he is joking.

"Okay, I know, thank you for letting me know."

Zhao Wulong had no intention of continuing to fight for it. He had already fought for it.

He felt that he had completed this task very well. Normally, if the Li family monks would not let him go up, he could just leave without saying a word.

When he left, he was very fast.

When he confirmed that there was no Li family monk following him, he officially breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the Li family monks really won't take action. If I can go to the Li family's ancestral land and come back alive, I can also represent the attitude of the Li family."

Next, he only needs to return to Huangmin County and truthfully explain everything that happened to him in Xiangshui County.

Just when Zhao Wulong left.

The news about his arrival came to Li Qianqing.

The monks from Zhao's royal family have not returned. As long as the news of their arrival in Xiangshui County is heard, it is best to reach him as soon as possible.

Regarding the Zhao royal family sending a fake elixir monk to Changqing Mountain, Li Qianqing could easily guess what they wanted to do.

"Tianchuan Mountain's movements are really fast. Qingfeng Valley and Shuiyun Gate have not made any explicit moves yet." Li Qianqing couldn't help but shook his head.

Regarding the actions of Tianchuan Mountain, the remaining high-level monks of the Zhao royal family must have made a wrong judgment, so they sent monks to their ancestral land, Changqing Mountain.

From the perspective of the alchemy monks of the Zhao royal family, it is normal to make such a judgment, and with such a judgment, the Zhao family has reached this point.

Only after your horizons are opened can you correctly judge why the Li family didn't react at all to Tianchuan Mountain's actions.

"...the best time to take action is to pull out or subdue the power of all the counties of the Zhao royal family except Huangmin County." The Zhao royal family will be eliminated sooner or later. When the time is right, it will save a lot of trouble. Trouble.

Now the Zhao royal family can think whatever they like.

As long as the Li family does not express any attitude now, all the forces in the Zhao royal family can only cower.

Everything that happens now is still under Li Qianqing's control.

The thing that concerned him more was not the power of Zhao State, but the power of Lu State.

According to the news from Yan Xuewei, when the Tianchuan Mountain was operating, there was also a force from the Lu State. This force was probably the royal family of the Lu State.

"If Tianchuan Mountain comes over there, it will be difficult for the Lu royal family to do anything. If Tianchuan Mountain is not given some benefits, it will be more troublesome to deal with it when the Lu royal family has greater influence here. …”

Li Qianqing knew very well that after the Zhao royal family was eliminated and the Li family became the new royal family, the power of both the Lu and Yue states would not disappear in a short time.

No matter what situation you face in the future, the most important thing is to develop yourself and make your family stronger.

This will take time.

After the family's mortal fertility policy changes, it will take ten years for the family's monks to experience faster growth.

Only when the family's monk base grows, can there be more monks with true spiritual roots and above. Of course, the more monks with special physiques, the better.

Spring passes and autumn comes.

It has been two full years since the death of seven alchemy monks from the Zhao royal family.

In the past two years, the Li family has not taken any action publicly, which has also made many casual cultivators and small-power cultivators wonder what the Li family is thinking.

Do they really just want to guard their own little piece of land? Have they no interest in destroying the Zhao royal family?

No one knows the specific answer. It is precisely because of this that many cultivators are still discussing how the Li family will deal with the Zhao royal family. Some cultivators even set up bets on when the Li family will take action against the Zhao royal family. The maximum time scale is twenty years.

The Li family's inaction does not mean that the current Zhao cultivation world is peaceful.

Because of the three sects, the current Zhao cultivation world is not peaceful at all. The Li family, who is quiet and inactive, also makes the Zhao royal family indifferent to many things.

"Have you heard? Shuiyunmen has completely taken control of Qianghe County in the north. Most of the forces there belonged to the Zhao royal family before."

"Hahaha, the Zhao royal family, the Zhao royal family now is a big turtle, and a turtle with its head shrunken. Its power has been eroded little by little, and it has not made any moves until now."

"If the Li family does not move, do they dare to move? But then again, if the Li family destroys the Zhao royal family, those places should belong to the Li family."

"You are not unaware of the strength of the Li family. The three major sects may not be the opponents of the Li family now. What's more, the Li family now has a Tianlinggen cultivator. It won't be long before they have more than four Jindan cultivators, but five... Facing such strength, Li It is not difficult for the Li family to really want these territories, but the Li family has not made any move yet. I can only say that the Li family is not interested in these. "

"No, no, no, I think the Li family is holding back a big one. Now is not the time to act. Maybe when the time is right, they will not only destroy the Zhao royal family, but also the three sects!"

"Your idea is a bit outrageous."

"Why is it outrageous? Think about it, the Li family is now letting the three sects do whatever they want, isn't it just a reason for them to destroy the three sects later?"

"This... you really said that there is a certain possibility that this is the case."

The silence of the Xiangshui Li family and the lack of important information sources have led to more and more versions of everyone's speculation about the Li family's future actions.

The Li family's elimination of the Zhao royal family and replacement of the Zhao royal family is a major event for the entire Zhao Xiuxian world. As a member of the Xiuxian world, they are also very concerned about this situation.

I thought that the history of the royal family replacement should have been seen two years ago, but the Li family is still like this now.

It gives the three sects an opportunity to grow and develop.

During these two years, the three major sects have absorbed a lot of monks. (End of this chapter)

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