Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 496: Dan Ji Sixteen

"Yes, ancestor!" The head of the Shen family responded immediately after hearing this.

The ancestor's idea also made him understand.

According to the ancestor, it is undoubtedly the best for the future of their Shen family.

"If Xingyuan could succeed in forming a pill at that time, our Shen family would also be summoned, and I would still go..." The ancestor of the Shen family said another situation. Although the result was the same, the purpose was completely different.

There were really two formations of the pill. He went to Fanyang Country to make the Shen family develop better, and there would be more room for development in the future. In the current situation, he just wanted to keep the current Shen family.

Soon, the head of the Shen family set off for Changqing Mountain, the ancestral land of the Li family.

Since Li Qianqing was not in seclusion, and he was a Shen family Jindan cultivator, it was easy for him to meet Li Qianqing.

"Hello, senior." After seeing Li Qianqing, the ancestor of the Shen family performed the etiquette that a younger generation should have when meeting a senior.

"Just call me Patriarch Li." Li Qianqing made a simple correction, and then asked, "Did you encounter any problems when you came here on behalf of the Shen family?"

Li Qianqing's attitude would be better for the forces that he had cooperated with before and had a pleasant cooperation.

"Thank you Patriarch Li for your concern." He knew that Li Qianqing was not a hypocritical person, and what he said was what he meant, so he naturally changed the address, "Our Shen family has not encountered any problems, but our Shen family is also willing to send a Jindan to Fanyang Country."

"You are the only Jindan cultivator left in the Shen family."


"In the struggle between Yuanying forces, although the Five Mountains Palace is now in an advantage, there are still risks." Li Qianqing reminded.

"I know, to be honest with Patriarch Li, if I have any accidents in Fanyang Country, I hope Patriarch Li can take care of the Shen family."

Li Qianqing knew that the ancestor of the Shen family went to Fanyang Country with the intention of fighting desperately, probably to kill a leader of Zishan City and gain more benefits for the current Shen family.

Li Qianqing would definitely not have too many Jindan cultivators going to Fanyang Kingdom, and even more so to Wuyue Palace. He would definitely do his best to get the extra half of the benefits.

"No problem." Li Qianqing nodded and agreed, but still said, "I still hope you can come back safely."

"Thank you, Patriarch Li!"

The ancestor of the Shen family thanked him. For him, the best situation would naturally be to make a lot of military achievements and come back intact. This would also be the greatest benefit to their Shen family, but he was still very uncertain.

The struggle between the two Yuanying forces, no matter how big the advantage we have, it is impossible for Jindan cultivators to participate in it without risk.

In the case of bad luck, encountering an ambush by the opponent's Yuanying cultivators is really over.

The ancestor of the Shen family has made psychological preparations for going without return. If he really dies, he must not die in vain, otherwise his trip to Fanyang Kingdom will be meaningless.

Not long after the matter was settled, the ancestor of the Shen family left.

The most important thing about this trip to the Li family was that Li Qianqing opened his mouth and promised him that the Li family could take care of their Shen family if there was an accident in the future.

His death will turn the Shen family from a Jindan cultivation family into a foundation cultivation family, but with the care of the Li family, the Shen family will definitely not be in a bad situation in the future, and this is the promise of Li Qianqing, a Yuanying cultivator. The key is that this Yuanying cultivator is still very young and less than 350 years old.

The Shen family is the only Jindan cultivation family with a single Jindan cultivator. Other Jindan cultivation families have not come to the Li family, so they should live their lives as they should.

After knowing the general news, they felt that the Li family’s decision not to ask them to come was too correct, otherwise they would be a little embarrassed.

Rejecting the Li family may cause some troubles in the future in the eyes of some Jindan cultivation families, including seeking help from the Li family, and the Li family also rejecting them.

Two months after the ancestor of the Shen family came to the Li family.

The Li family officially notified the Lu royal family to come to them, and the Yue royal family was notified later.

Their situations are different, so it is not appropriate to talk together. Because of the different situations, Li Qianqing’s description and the conditions he offered have changed a little.

The Jindan cultivators sent by the Lu royal family have already arrived at Changqing Mountain.

Just as Li Qianqing thought, the one sent by the Lu royal family was indeed Qi Dongqiang, whom he had met many times.

"Senior Li, what important matters are you discussing this time?"

The Lu royal family is a force in the Lu cultivation world, not in their Qing cultivation world. Li Qianqing did not ask him to change his name or anything. He should still call it what he should call it. Even in the three small countries, he treats the Jindan forces of different countries differently.

The core area of ​​their Li family is still Qing.

The three small countries area belongs to a layer outside the core area, and the five countries area is an even outer layer, which can also be said to be the outermost layer.

The entire five countries area belongs to a large area, and there is no cross-regional force in the Fanmao world, even if there is a force with a cultivator in the early stage of the transformation of the spirit. The reason why a large area can be called a large area is that it is far away from other large areas and it is too troublesome to manage.

With Li Qianqing's cultivation, even if he flew from the Great Ming Kingdom to the Five Kingdoms at full speed, without any obstruction from the Ming Clan, it would still take several days.

"The matter I asked you to come here to discuss should be of interest to the Lu Kingdom royal family, about the Purple Mountain City of Fanyang Kingdom."

"Oh." Qi Dongqiang was surprised at first after hearing the news, and then immediately said, "Senior, tell me more about it."

If the Lu royal family spent a lot of effort to inquire about the Qing Kingdom's Dan formation forces, they should know by now that the Li family had summoned the Qing Kingdom's Dan formation forces once, but for them now, there is absolutely no need to do such a thing. Can't do it either.

They are already affiliated with the Li family's alchemy forces. It would be nice to have a little understanding of the situation in the Qing Kingdom. A detailed understanding would not only consume a lot of manpower and material resources, but would also not bring much real benefit to the Lu royal family.

Li Qianqing explained the specific situation.

After listening to this, Qi Dongqiang understood that for the Lu royal family, this was not just as simple as being able to ask for something from Zishan City, but it was also a big opportunity for the Lu royal family.

They wanted to influence the Qing Kingdom before, but they never thought about influencing the two major countries. If they are willing to get on the Li family's boat, they will have such an opportunity.

"You must know a lot about the situation in Fanyang Kingdom."

Qi Dongqiang nodded, "Yes, senior, we must know more, so that if Zishan City takes action against us, we can take precautions in time."

He also added in his mind that he would call the Li family for support in time.

After all, they are the Dan-forming affiliated force of the Li family, and the resources they provide each year are not in vain.

"In the confrontation between Zishan City and Wuyue Palace, the more Zishan City has the upper hand, the more at ease we will feel." After speaking, Qi Dongqiang also smiled. After Zishan City was restrained, he had no intention of taking care of them.

"How many pill formations can your Lu royal family produce? If you want to go to the foundation building stage, you can do it, but it is best to go to the later stage of foundation building." Li Qianqing reminded simply.

"Senior, forget about the foundation building stage. As for the pill forming stage... I'm not sure yet, but I can keep at least three pill forming stages!"

Qi Dongqiang believed that after the ancestor heard the news, he would definitely think that the more pill-forming monks he produced, the more likely they would be able to kill people at the leadership level of Zishan City, so that the more rewards they would get in the end.

They only want the spiritual vein land of Fanyang Kingdom, and the more spiritual veins in this spiritual vein land, the better.

If possible, it would be best to gather a small spiritual vein so that the pill-forming monks from the royal family of the Lu Kingdom can also guard the Fanyang Kingdom.

Dealing with Zishan City even if they participate in carving up a little bit of Zishan City's interests, it can be regarded as a promise that Zishan City has not fulfilled before. If they go and fulfill it in person, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief for the Lu royal family.

"What about the later stage of pill formation?"

"I should be able to go to one." Qi Dongqiang thought for a while and replied. This time the situation is quite special. The Lu royal family may have a large number of monks in the late stage of forming pills, and even the ancestor will personally take action, but he cannot guarantee it 100%.

He didn't dare to boast about Haikou in front of Li Qianqing.

Li Qianqing nodded when he heard this. Hearing this, the Lu royal family probably produced three pills, one of which was in the late stage of pill formation. If four pills were produced, Li Qianqing thought it was possible, but it should not exceed 30%.

"Senior, I have a request."


"Yes." Qi Dongqiang said immediately, "I hope that after Zishan City is destroyed, the senior's family can take care of us in Fanyang Kingdom."

Although they are affiliated to the Li family, they are limited to the three small kingdoms. When they go to other places, the situation is different. It is impossible for the Lu royal family to be in the extreme east of the Ming Dynasty or the extreme west of Fanyang. , purchased a small spiritual land, and the Lu royal family sent some monks there. After being influenced by the local Nascent Soul forces, the Li family had to take care of them.

It is different from the alchemy forces in Qingguo's immortal world.

Li Qianqing never told Qi Dongqiang that he could still take care of them after owning the spiritual land in Fanyang Kingdom.

One of the reasons is that they are not an alchemy force in Qing, but the bigger reason is that he feels that the Lu royal family will take over more and larger places, and may even have alchemy monks guarding Fanyang, and the alchemy forces in Qing are Pill formation is different. The power it exerts is not strong enough at first, and the benefits gained in the end are not many.

For the Qing Kingdom's core-forming forces, it would be great if they could get a piece of spiritual vein land from the Fanyang Kingdom that the foundation-building forces could use. They might not even have this, especially if there is a core-forming core. The Immortal Cultivation Family may not want the land of spiritual veins, but other things.

Regardless of their final results, the monks of the Lu royal family must definitely want the land of spiritual veins.

"Set your conditions." Li Qianqing looked at Qi Dongqiang and couldn't help but add, "Can you make a decision on this matter?"

According to Li Qianqing's understanding, there seem to be three major factions within the Lu royal family.

The more big factions there are, the harder it is to reach a consensus on many things.

There is currently no big faction in the Li family. If I had to say it, it would be him. As for the small factions, there are still many, but this is irrelevant. The small factions do not have high-ranking figures in the family, and the small factions must rely on the big factions. That is, within the big faction.

Rounding things off, the current Li family is equivalent to having no factions.

"Yes." Qi Dongqiang nodded. Being sent to the Li family still has a certain amount of power. "After Zishan City is destroyed, our Lu royal family is willing to provide 30% more resources every year."

Qi Dongqiang specifically added that Zishan City was destroyed.

This must be after carving up the interests of Zishan City, not now.

Moreover, Zishan City may not necessarily be destroyed. If the resources provided are changed now, it will be over later. Of course, Qi Dongqiang must hope that Zishan City will be destroyed so that the interests of Zishan City can be divided up, so that the Lu royal family can pay tribute to Fanyang. The country is expanding.

Li Qianqing thought about it and finally agreed, without asking the Lu royal family to pay more.


"Thank you, senior!" Qi Dongqiang thanked.

Watching Li Qianqing thinking, he wondered whether Li Qianqing would increase this 30% to 50%. If so, he would have to bargain. At most, he could only give 40%. 50% was too much.

After that, he discussed the details and determined the approximate time.

After all the things were discussed, Qi Dongqiang went back to report.

The Lu royal family must pay at least three Jiedan, so that at least 15 people will go to Fanyang.

He has already exceeded the amount that the Wuyue Palace wants Li Qianqing to do, and the extra half of the benefit is definitely not a loss.

After talking to the Lu royal family, he talked to the Yue royal family.

Compared with the former, the latter was talked very quickly, because the Yue royal family had no intention of going to Fanyang.

Such a situation did not occur beyond Li Qianqing's expectations.

First of all, the Yue Kingdom Royal Family had not reached any deal with Zishan City before, and the situation in Yue Kingdom's cultivation world was not something that Yue Kingdom's Royal Family could care about.

Yue Kingdom's Royal Family was a subordinate force of the Li family, but the Li family did not care about the fight between them and the Jindan forces, just like the foundation-building forces offered tribute to the Jindan forces to become their subordinate forces, but the Jindan forces did not care about the fights between the foundation-building forces. This has been a potential rule for a long time.

Like the situation here in the three small countries, as long as the Li family is a Yuanying force, the Jindan forces offer tribute to such Yuanying forces, and more hope that the Yuanying forces will not attack them.

The Jindan sect forces of Yue Kingdom inquired about the situation of Qing Kingdom and the Li family, and did not choose to be affiliated with the Li family and become the subordinate Jindan forces of the Li family. They were also betting that the Li family would not attack them, and they were at least 90% sure.

Compared with the Yue Kingdom royal family, which is also a royal family, it is different. Although they are royal families, they are from different countries. They are afraid that the Li family will directly annex them and turn the Yue Kingdom's cultivation world into the Qing Kingdom's cultivation world.

The Yue Kingdom royal family is unwilling to join, and Li Qianqing has no intention of forcing them.

Before the Yue Kingdom royal family's Jindan cultivators came to their Li family, the Lu Kingdom royal family had already discussed it and gave Li Qianqing specific information.

The Lu Kingdom royal family sent a total of four Jindan, one in the early stage of Jindan and one in the late stage of Jindan, and the remaining two were in the middle stage of Jindan.

Without the Yue Kingdom royal family, the number of Jindan cultivators going to Fanyang Kingdom has reached sixteen. (End of this chapter)

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