Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 566 Erased News

over time.

The news of the evil cultivators coming out of the misty rainforest, and the final results of the battle, also spread among the Ming Dynasty's immortal cultivators.

This is definitely not good news for the Ming Dynasty’s immortal world.

Although the evil cultivator also lost a Nascent Soul, one of the two who died on their side was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

"I heard that the evil cultivators from the late Nascent Soul stage of the Misty Rainforest have come here. I think we should leave here and go to the Three Small Kingdoms area first to avoid risks."

"With such an invasion by evil cultivators, if you are unlucky, you won't be able to get there even if you go there."

"I got news from my friends in the Three Small Kingdoms area. There have been no evil cultivators there for a long time. It's different from ours. It's undoubtedly better there than here."

"Speaking of the Three Small Kingdoms area, the Nascent Soul stage evil cultivator who fell this time seems to have been killed by the seniors of the Li family."

"It doesn't seem to be the case, but Senior Li Xunting of the Li family has killed the Nascent Soul Evil Cultivator. Counting this one evil cultivator, Senior Li has killed two Nascent Soul Evil Cultivators. Whether it's the Ming Dynasty royal family or the Tiandao Sect, there are obviously so many people supporting him. Even though they have great power, they haven’t killed a single Nascent Soul evil cultivator... I doubt whether they are the Nascent Soul forces in our Ming Kingdom or whether the Li family is the Nascent Soul forces here.”

"In my opinion, it should be the seniors from the Li family who are so powerful. Even the Ming royal family and the Tiandao sect are almost interested."

"If they want, they can also support the powerful Nascent Soul. Didn't the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty royal family have the late Nascent Soul stage? Even if the Tiandaomen does not have the late Nascent Soul stage, there is still the middle Nascent Soul stage..."

"Stop, stop, let's talk less about their support. Be careful of being overheard by the eyes and ears of the Ming Dynasty royal family, which will make you miserable. Let's talk about what happened this time, the evil cultivators in the misty rain forest, There are so many Nascent Souls coming.”

"There seem to be four Yuanying forces in the misty rainforest. All of them sent more than two Yuanyings over. Coincidentally, I heard that the evil cultivators of Yuanying killed by Senior Li all came from one family."

"Then this family is quite unlucky."

"You are talking about the Netherworld Palace. Two Nascent Souls have died here in succession. If I were one of theirs, I would go back honestly now. I have come to this place of the Five Kingdoms. The similarities between it and this place are too big. I'm very unlucky, this is not a suitable place..."

Whether a place is suitable to live in or not.

You can tell something about your luck by living here. If living here causes your luck to deteriorate, you should change places.

One of the Nascent Soul forces in the Misty Rainforest. If he is so unlucky in the Five Kingdoms, it would be better to go back as soon as possible.

The elders of Nether Palace have also thought about this problem before. Is it that the Five Kingdoms is not suitable for them? Otherwise, their two deputy palace masters would not die in the Five Kingdoms, and they would still die at the hands of the same Nascent Soul cultivator.

They started to attack the five affiliated alchemy forces in Falling Demon Valley. Why did they, the deputy master of Nether Palace, meet Li Xunting of the Li family, a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator?

From this point of view, the elder of Nether Palace thought for a long time and could only attribute it to luck.

At this moment, the deputy master of Netherworld Hall was sorting out the collected information.

Under the arrangement of the master of Chunfeng Pavilion, they, who do not have Nascent Soul monks in the Five Kingdoms, are now mainly responsible for collecting information and disseminating some information.

After what happened last time, the monks in their misty rainforest don't want to fight the monks from the Five Kingdoms for the time being, so they did not choose to take down the Devil's Valley immediately.

The tasks they were responsible for in Nether Palace were normally low-risk, but now they were high-risk.

Because after few battles, these evil cultivators who collect information have become the main targets of the monks in the Five Kingdoms. Especially, they have the task of disseminating information. This task is undoubtedly more dangerous.

The news they want to spread is naturally unfavorable to the Five Kingdoms. Spreading this news is easy to be discovered, and the consequences will be disastrous. For such evil cultivators, the monks in the Five Kingdoms would not prefer to kill them immediately, but would like to know something from their mouths.

"Elder Tian, ​​why don't we, Netherworld Palace, return to the Misty Rainforest?" suggested an elder from Netherworld Palace who was in the early stage of pill formation.

The Elder Tian he mentioned was the elder who was currently in charge of the Nether Palace in the Five Kingdoms. He was also in the late stage of pill formation.

"Now calm down, the tasks we are responsible for are still heavy. If this continues, our losses in the Five Kingdoms will only become larger and larger, and the benefits gained in the Five Kingdoms will not make up for our losses at all."

Their Nether Palace's losses in the Five Kingdoms were already huge. The other Nascent Soul forces had not yet fallen to the Nascent Soul Evil Cultivator, but they were the only ones to fall, and there were still two of them.

"Elder Yan, I have also told the palace master about what you said."

"What's the palace master's reply?"

"According to the wishes of the palace master, we can't go back now, we still have to stay here."

"Huh?" Elder Yan of the Netherworld Palace didn't quite understand what the palace master was thinking. The Netherworld Palace was already like this, and there was little point in continuing to stay in the land of the Five Kingdoms. The Misty Rainforest would not continue to send the deputy palace master to take charge of the overall situation. And as their losses continue to increase, the number of living souls is completely enough. "Is the palace master going to give up on us?"

"Of course not." Elder Tian of Nether Palace shook his head, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, "They have their tasks, and we also have ours."

Elder Yan was so confused that he didn't quite understand.

Looking at Elder Tian's expression, he could tell that the Hall Master had told him something in his reply.

"Elder Yan, didn't they mainly give us the task of collecting and spreading information?"

"Yes, at this time, this will undoubtedly increase our losses."

"In terms of collecting information, we can do something. What information is collected and what is not collected is still up to us."

Elder Yan heard this and understood what the Hall Master had told Elder Tian to do. In terms of information collection, they selectively told the other three Yuanying forces about the information. If the information is changed, this will not be done. Such behavior is very risky.

And if the information is not collected, it is not collected. The other three Yuanying forces can't do anything about them.

"Among the five countries, our Netherworld Hall has suffered such a huge loss. Do you think it is fair?"

"Of course it is not fair. We also lost two deputy hall masters."

"The Hall Master also thinks it is unfair." Elder Tian expressed the meaning of the Hall Master of the Netherworld Hall.

Everyone came to the land of the Five Kingdoms, and if they were to suffer, they should suffer together. The Lord of the Netherworld Hall felt that it was not their Netherworld Hall that suffered, unless the Yuanying of the other three major forces were willing to avenge the deputy Lord of their Netherworld Hall.

Obviously, the other three major forces did not have such an idea, not even the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

If the Spring Breeze Pavilion had it, it would not be quiet now, but would continue to take the Fallen Demon Valley. At present, Li Xunting is probably in the Fallen Demon Valley. The moment the Fallen Demon Valley is captured, the Lord of the Spring Breeze Pavilion can immediately attack Li Xunting.

If things really happened like this, the Lord of the Netherworld Hall would not have such an idea, so if something happened later, it could not be blamed on the Netherworld Hall.

Who said that this task is now mainly on their heads.

The other three major forces are only assisting in the collection, and the information they collect will not come to them.

"In this case, it is indeed worth staying." After listening, Elder Yan nodded with satisfaction.

They felt that there was nothing wrong with the Lord's decision, and he supported it very much.

If some information is not delivered in time, it may cause the other three major forces to be "unlucky".

They cannot predict whether such a situation will occur in the future. Anyway, they must hope that it will occur, so that the high-level cultivators of the Nether Palace will feel better.

Without the presence of the Yuanying cultivator, the Nether Palace will not plan to attack the city in the future. The spiritual veins and lands are just what they have now.

Because they did not take down the Fang family, a Jindan cultivator family, the total spiritual veins and lands of their Nether Palace are pitifully small, and have been far surpassed by the other three major forces.

The evil cultivators in the misty rain forest slowly became silent, and three years passed.

During these three years, the information collected by the Nether Palace was reported, and no information was concealed.

Such a situation naturally occurred because there was nothing worth concealing about the information collected in these three years.

This day.

Elder Tian of the Nether Palace, who was in the late Jindan stage, received a very important message.

It seems that Li Xunting of the Li family has not been in the Falling Demon Valley for a long time. The Li family cultivator who is now in the Falling Demon Valley is likely to be Li Qianqing, the head of the Li family.

"Li Qianqing..." Elder Tian looked at the information and pondered for a long time.

Although the information that came to him could not be 100% true, it was more than 80% possible.

The strength of Li Qianqing, the current patriarch of the Li family, was comparable to that of a late Nascent Soul.

It would definitely not work to deal with Li Qianqing with the plan to deal with Li Xunting, but what does it matter?

Anyway, the current Nascent Soul cultivators do not need to be dealt with by the Netherworld Palace. The evil cultivators of the Netherworld Palace in the Five Kingdoms do not have such strength. Not to mention Li Qianqing, the patriarch of the Li family, even if any early Nascent Soul cultivator came, they might be destroyed.

"This news does not need to be reported."

Elder Tian of the Netherworld Palace directly erased the news he had just received. This was the first news they had hidden.

If this news was known to other forces later, they could say that they did not collect this information.

Not long after he erased the news, a sound transmission note appeared in front of him.

This was a sound transmission note from the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

When such a sound transmission note appears, he is usually asked to attend a meeting.

There was no deputy hall master at the Nascent Soul level. At this level of meeting, he was the only Jindan cultivator, and the others were all Nascent Soul cultivators. The most he could do at the meeting was to nod his head. It was almost impossible for him to express his own opinions.

Shortly after receiving the sound transmission note from the Spring Breeze Pavilion, Elder Tian of the Netherworld Hall left here and went to the designated location to attend the meeting.

He arrived at the destination early.

Now, besides him, there was the Pavilion Master of the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Then the Nascent Soul of the Blood Shadow Sect and the Supreme Elder of the Corpse Yin Sect arrived here.

The representatives of the four major Nascent Soul forces can come. Except when the Pavilion Master of the Spring Breeze Pavilion just came here, if there is any information to be communicated at other times, there are usually only four cultivators present.

When the Pavilion Master of the Spring Breeze Pavilion saw that everyone was here, he directly said: "I fought with the ancestor of the Daming Royal Family."

The ancestor of the Daming Royal Family is a late Nascent Soul cultivator, at the same level as the Pavilion Master of the Spring Breeze Pavilion. The three people present undoubtedly knew this.

When they heard the news, the three were very surprised.

As for when the ancestor of the Ming royal family will take action, they have no information at all.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Ming royal family fought with the Pavilion Master of Chunfeng Pavilion, not with other people among them. The Yuanying of the Blood Shadow Sect and the Supreme Elder of the Corpse Yin Sect were thinking this at this moment, but Elder Tian of the Nether Palace did not have such an idea.

Here they did not even have a cultivator at the Yuanying level, and it was impossible for them to meet the ancestor of the Ming royal family. When their ancestors took action, it was impossible for them to target cultivators below the Yuanying level, and they must target those above the Yuanying level.

"What is the specific situation?" The first to ask was the Supreme Elder of the Corpse Yin Sect.

"The strength of the ancestor of the Ming royal family is average. When he fought with him, he was slightly injured and then ran away."

The Pavilion Master of Chunfeng Pavilion roughly described that the strength of the ancestor of the Ming royal family she referred to was generally among the cultivators in the late Yuanying period. If it was an ordinary cultivator in the middle Yuanying period, it would be difficult to escape from her hands, just like the demon-slayer Taoist in the Fallen Demon Valley.

"This is good news!"

Hearing this news, the Supreme Elder of Corpse Yin Sect and Yuanying of Blood Shadow Sect were quite happy.

The victory of the Pavilion Master of Spring Breeze Pavilion is also their victory.

"We injured him this time, and the resistance of the Ming Dynasty royal family to us will probably be much smaller in the future."

"So what is your plan, Pavilion Master?"

"It's almost time to attack the Falling Demon Valley." The Pavilion Master of Spring Breeze Pavilion decided.

The period when the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty royal family was injured is a good time for them to take down the Falling Demon Valley.

At this time, they can generally not get much support to attack the Falling Demon Valley, so they can take down the Falling Demon Valley more easily.

"Well, I have no objection."

"I have no objection either."

The Yuanying of Blood Shadow Sect and the Supreme Elder of Corpse Yin Sect both expressed their opinions, and no one cared about the opinion of Elder Tian of Nether Palace.

The main force to attack the Falling Demon Valley must be a cultivator at the Yuanying level. The Nether Palace has no Yuanying cultivators in the Five Kingdoms, and cannot become the main force to take down the Falling Demon Valley.

There is only a slight difference between a battle like this with them or without them, and the difference lies in the contribution of the Jindan cultivators.

"After you go back, you immediately give orders to spread this news quickly." The head of the Chunfeng Pavilion looked at Elder Tian of the Netherworld Hall.

Elder Tian nodded, he knew what news the Chunfeng Pavilion wanted them to spread in the Netherworld Hall. (End of this chapter)

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