Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1422: Ten Thousand Swords

"My Sky Profound Sword Sect has been founded for more than 5,000 years, and I have never been bullied like this. Young man, you deceived my mountain gate and insulted my suzerain. You can only apologize with death. I will explain it here today." Old Jian's hands are like playing a pipa, drawing a mysterious trajectory, motivating the peerless killing array, and killing Ye Tian.

At this moment, he became extremely terrifying, and his slender figure waved with terrifying murderous intent. The whole person was connected with the peerless killing array, as if merged into one, even the sound was like a wave of clank swords, the potential could penetrate the golden cracked stone and vibrate. The sky makes ear drums tingling.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The sword shook the sky, the icy sword aura, and the biting killing intent swept the entire world in an instant, and there seemed to be a big prison invisibly trapping Ye Tian in it.

This is a horrible scene, as if the sky and the earth are overturned, the mountains are shaking, and you can see a sword formation like a forest under the sky. The sky is densely packed with thousands and tens of thousands of handles, like a volcanic eruption, endless. The killing mans rushed into the sky.

"You haven't been bullied by others, but you are going to bully others. Your Sky Profound Sword Sect bullies the weak, bullying the big with the big, the law is clear, and the retribution is unhappy, and you are destined to have the mountain gate broken one day."

"Boy, a big fist is the last word, let's talk about it if you survive. This is my sect's Zhenshan Great Formation, named Wan Jian Gui Zong, also called Wan Jian Gui Yuan Great Formation, but you can kill Dacheng Dixian. The little divine realm is destined to be here today."

"Hehe, Wan Jian is back to the sect? It's so familiar."

Looking at the dense blades above his head and around his body, Ye Tian chuckled.

He suddenly thought of what happened to the Sword Fairy Valley in Burma two years ago, where he also encountered a similar sword formation, which was left by the King of Ten Thousand Swords. The formation eye was a sword mound with many swords densely inserted on it. True Monarch Wan Jian also incorporated his sword world Tao fruit into the sword formation.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Formation of the Sky Profound Sword Sect is so similar to the Ten Thousand Swords Formation of True Lord Wan Jian.

According to the rumors, the Sky Profound Sword Sect and the Sun Moon Sword Palace have a very close relationship. It was created by a widow after the Sun Moon Sword Palace was destroyed, and all the inheritance is closely related to the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

Judging from the two similar Wanjian Guizong formations, the rumors are true.

"I thought it would take some twists and turns to fool you here. I didn't expect that as soon as the sky and earth nets were laid, you could not wait to throw yourself into the net." Xiao Tianshu's voice came over, full of mockery.

With his hands on his back, he was standing outside the killing formation with a group of elders under his sect. He just knocked out two great pills that can replenish his vitality, and he was still refining, and his vitality was slowly recovering.

"Boy, if you hand over the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, tell me all the sword tricks and martial arts you know, and self-defeating cultivation base, I might not be able to save your life." Xiao Tianshu continued. The ugly face is undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as he said this, Old Jian's expression was obviously startled.

"You said the Sun and Moon Divine Sword is in his hands?" Senior Jian asked.

"Yes, in his hands. Otherwise, how could I lose?" Xiao Tianshu looked savage, and found a shameless excuse for his defeat.

"Good good!" Old Jian's eyes brightened immediately, very excited.

Old Jian was obsessed with making swords all his life and was a sword idiot. As the first sword in Kunxu, the Sun Moon Divine Sword is the goal of his life's hard work, hoping to cast a sword comparable to it in his lifetime.

The Heavenly Profound Sword is a benchmark against the Sun and Moon Divine Sword. In 1981, Fang Chengyi was a sword. I thought it had reached the height of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, but the reality gave him a very loud slap in the face. .

If you get the Sun and Moon Divine Sword and study it with great concentration, his sword-making technique will definitely make great progress.

"You dog slave, who is unfaithful to your servant, dare to frame your master and rebellious, do you know the consequences?" Ye Tian shouted angrily.

"Hmph, ignorant kid, I don't know it when I die!" Xiao Tianshu snorted coldly, almost jumping into a rage.

No matter what, he just promised to be Ye Tian's servant, it was a stain that could not be erased in his life. If the rumors go out, he will have nowhere to put his old face, and it will become the laughing stock of the entire Kunxu.

"Winning the king and defeating the invaders, now it is you who kneel down, begging to be my master's slave, it is too late." Gu Hanyu said coldly, unconcealed his killing intent, wishing to slash Ye Tian with a thousand swords.

Then he said to Old Jian: "Old Jian, killing him like this is too cheap for him. Can he imprison his soul? Put it in the fire of the lungs and burn it for ten thousand years, making him unable to survive. I can't die."

As soon as he said this, a group of elders nodded and agreed with him very much.

"You are a kid, do you score points here? You cut off one of your arms last time, it seems that you didn't learn your lesson!" Ye Tian yelled, and there were wisps of killing light in his eyes, facing Gu Hanyu's The direction suddenly pointed out.


This finger is golden and translucent, like a **** of gold cast, the moment UU read www.uukanshu. Com was unremarkable, but in the middle of it, it suddenly exploded with golden light, which was as bright as a Shenyang, and it grew rapidly and became thicker.

In the end, Ye Tian's fingers, which were originally no more than two inches long, became as thick as a high-voltage electric pole, shaking the earth and giving out a vast and immortal aura. As if this was a finger pointed out by the giant spirit god, one finger shattered the sky.

Chaos Destroy God Finger!

The chaotic golden body is cultivated to a certain level, a magical power that automatically awakens, just like the chaotic golden light palm.

The Chaos Destroying God Finger, one finger can destroy the God, cultivate to the extreme, and the other point to break the stars and explode the sun, all easily.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Sword Array was only energized, forming a sword domain cage, and did not really start strangling Ye Tian.

The Chaos Destroying Finger travels through the sword domain, looking like a mountain of coercion like nothing, destroying the dryness and decay, and breaking through the bamboo, breaking through the sword domain cage in an instant and hitting the ancient Hanyu.

Gu Hanyu was shocked, and his whole person was shocked, his face pale.

How can he resist Ye Tian's peak divine realm attack?

Even though he has a variety of magic weapons, it is difficult to protect him comprehensively.

Xiao Tianshu was exhausted and wanted to make a move, but he was powerless.

The other sect elders who stood together were too late.


Just as Gu Hanyu’s life was hanging by a thread, a sword rang through the sky, and the old sword squeezed out a sword art like lightning. A strong sword aura fell from the sky, condensed into a huge killing sword thicker than a water tank, and crushed it with one blow. He lost Ye Tian's Chaos Destroying God Finger.

Everyone was falsely alarmed, and they didn't expect Ye Tian to be trapped in the sword domain, yet he could resist.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan, cut!"

The old sword screamed loudly, and the Wan Jian Guizong formation broke out.


Thousands of swords came out, slashing the sky, like a rain of swords, pouring down, and Ye Tian was immediately submerged.

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