Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1490: Strike up a conversation

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"Have you heard? Just a few days ago, the dark jail of Jiuli God Sect was robbed. Many executed prisoners and felons escaped. They were killed in the Jiuli God Sect and many died. people."

"Black Prison Sky Prison was robbed? No? Who is so courageous to go to Jiuli Divine Sect to rob prison? Moreover, Hei Prison Sky Prison is the first day of our Kunxu prison, purgatory on earth, we have always entered Nothing."

"That's still false. For this matter, the leader of the Jiuli Divine Sect and several elders rushed back without waiting for the nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill to be released."

"The Jiuli Sacred Sect seems to be in a bad time. The younger brother of the **** child on the front foot, a fairy seedling was killed, and the jail on the back foot was robbed."

"Hey, frankly speaking, I really want to offer this hero a glass. It's so kind, I dare to pull my teeth out of the tiger's mouth."

"Hush, don't dare to say that, be careful that the wall has ears."


Just as Ye Tian condensed his ears, he overheard the discussion from Zuixianlou, and the protagonist of the story turned out to be him.

There were many death row prisoners and severe prisoners who escaped. It was obviously fictional, because at that time, apart from a few of them, only one eight-armed bull demon escaped.

Ye Tian's heart suddenly stunned. If Jiuli God Sect really killed a lot of people, it could only be caused by the Eight-Armed Bull Demon.

The eight-armed bull demon is a vampire demon, able to draw power from human blood, kill and drink blood, and eventually it is impossible to escape.

And once he escaped, it would be a great disaster for the entire Kunxu, and even a disaster.

Of course, it is not up to Ye Tian to worry about it. With the strength of Kunxu, it should be no problem to surrender a big demon.

"The day after tomorrow will be the day of the Tianjiao Grand Competition. Can you tell me who can advance to the top three and get the Nineth Rank Wan Ling Great Pill reward?"

"Xiao Yifei, the **** son of the Nine Li Divine Sect, must be counted as one, and he is undoubtedly the number one. This person is not an earth immortal, and he must be infinitely close to the earth immortal. No one can stand up to the front. Then it is Zhao Zixu of Ten Thousand Fas He is the only Tianjiao who can be compared with Xiao Yifei. Unfortunately, he is always on the same level as Xiao Yifei. He is called the second in the millennium. It’s hard to say that the third place is the Faxiang monk of Nanwu Temple, the Jianzi of Qingyun Jianmen Lichen, asking for affection. Gu’s saint Bai Wushuang, and so on, are likely to get a spot."

"It's not just those on the Tianjiao list, there is no suspense."

"I don't know if that person will appear! If he does, then this year's Tianjiao Competition will be lively, and a dark horse will surely emerge, and even Xiao Yifei may be compared."


"The one who killed Xiao Yifei's younger brother. According to legend, this person is the same as the boy who overturned the Southern Territory."

"I don't believe it anymore. It's too unreasonable for a young man to be so powerful. It is ten Xiao Yifei who dare not say that he can overthrow the Southern Territory. It must be an error and exaggeration."

"Not necessarily. I don't know the young man who overturned the Southern Territory, but I have seen the young man who killed Xiao Yifei's brother. I was also on the boat. The young man was really incredible and powerful. Not to mention the death of a divine realm, even the old man Jiang Yang Jiujie was beaten to abandon his armor and armor. At that time, it was also thanks to the boy who stopped the old man's Lei Wan, otherwise I would not be able to sit here today."

"You said, wouldn't it be the same boy who robbed the Jiuli God Sect Black Prison?"


The restaurant is really a good place to get news. There are many Dao monks here, and the story of the world spread from here.

Ye Tian listened attentively, and news came to his ears.

"Tianjiao Competition, do you know what kind of talent is eligible to participate?" Ye Tian suddenly asked Lan Meng.

The maid brought a pot of tea, a pot of Shenquan tea with eight hundred spirit stones, Ye Tian sipped it, fragrant, and the taste was really good.

"Under thirty years old, and must have a spiritual cultivation base. Why, are you interested? Want to participate?" Lan Meng was startled, her beautiful eyes widened.

Kunxu is no better than the secular world. People's life span is generally very high, and ordinary people can easily live to a hundred years old.

Thirty years old is a young man in the secular world, and counted as a teenager in Kunxu. Divine realms under thirty years old are all called the young Tianjiao, the young Tianren.

"What about the identity? Are there any restrictions?" Ye Tian asked again.

"Regardless of identity, casual cultivators can also participate. As long as the age and cultivation level meet the standards."

This year's young Tianjiao will be rewarded with the Nine Ranks Great Pill compared to the top three, which is very tempting.

The Nine Ranks All Souls Great Pill is useful for Ye Tian's Divine Soul Dao Injury. If the Divine Soul Great Pill's prescriptions are not complete, it might not be an option to participate in the competition to win a Nine Ranks Wan Ling Great Pill.

The palace is hazy, as if it is enveloped by a layer of moonlight, the mist is like smoke, and it is misty and uncertain, which will make people mistakenly think that they are in the fairy palace.

In addition to the beautiful scenery, there is also a beautiful maid playing the strings, which is like a sound of nature, which is pleasing to the ears.

"Hello, miss, my son wants to invite you to have a couple of drinks, and I hope you can show your face."

Suddenly, a boy walked up to Lan Meng and said in her ear, completely ignoring the existence of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian sneered and looked at a table not far away. A young man in white clothes was sitting alone. He was slender and strong, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. He looked very elegant, with a gentle smile on his face, handsome and extraordinary. not bad.

Seeing Ye Tian looking away, the white-clothed youth raised a toast to Ye Tian and smiled lightly.

Frankly speaking, Ye Tian was not surprised at all when someone came to talk to Lan Meng.

The girl was originally like a flower, with a graceful posture and ice muscles and bones. After Ye Tian's spells cast her face to cover her face, she added a kind of ethereal beauty, which made people instinctively have a strange psychology, and wanted to lift Open the veil and get a glimpse of the truth.

"Go away, your son is in charge of me." Lan Meng refused mercilessly.

"My son is the sword of Qingyun Jianmen Lichen, don't you really think about it?" The boy continued without being discouraged.

When he said this, Lan Meng was shocked and looked at the white-clothed youth.

The boy straightened his waist and smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth, thinking that Lan Meng would be eaten up.

You know, the sword of Qingyun Sword Gate, Lichen, is not only one of the top ten young talents in Kunxu, but also a famous beautiful man, and there are many women who are admired.

Lichen is as the name suggests, with handsome features, white clothes out of the dust, and a natural and elegant atmosphere, especially for girls.

Seeing Lan Mengwang, he raised his glass again and smiled brightly.

"I don't know what Jianzi Lichen. Let's go, I am not interested."

Lan Meng shook his face after just one glance. What she really likes is the **** son of Jiuli Sect.

The boy's face turned black immediately, and he scolded, "Huh, rejecting my son's kindness, you are too ignorant that the sky is thick. You know, this kind of opportunity is what many goddess and saints of the church can't ask for."

"Let you go, can't you hear it?" Ye Tian said with a soft sigh, impatiently.

"Shut up, did I let you talk?" The boy shouted loudly, not taking Ye Tian seriously. UU reading

Ye Tian got a little hairy all of a sudden, he opened a big slap, and he was about to exhale.

At this moment, I heard Li Chen scolded: "Tonger, don't be rude, come back."

"But, son, this woman is too ignorant to praise." The boy still persisted. He has traced Jianzi for so many years, and no one has ever dared to be so big.

"Let you come back as soon as you come back. Don't force it."


The boy talked endlessly, but he walked away.

Ye Tian's big slap was also released.

"Brother Jian, it's been a long time since I saw you, the style is better than before!"

At this moment, suddenly a familiar voice came.

Ye Tianxun sounded and saw that it was the little peacock prince, with another acquaintance, Su Tianxing, a local tyrant in the Eastern Region.

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