Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1505: 1 sword stand cut

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The skull of the terrestrial violent bear was so hard that the little peacock prince could not pierce it with a sword, only piercing the flesh.

"Blue Dragon Flying Diamond! Break it for me!"

In the loud shout, the little peacock prince twisted his wrist suddenly, and the Azure Dragon sword suddenly spun at a high speed, like a fast turning body. The sharp tip of the blade turned into a silver drill bit, with the incomparable penetration force, to drill through. The skull of a terrestrial bear.

This is a terrifying scene that makes the scalp numb.


The sparks splashed like rain, and the tip of the Azure Dragon Sabre suddenly broke.

The skull of the violent earth bear is so hard that it exceeds the imagination of the little peacock prince, and is comparable to a kind of **** iron and fine gold.

In the next second, the violent earth bear reacted, let out a loud roar, a big slap shot out, the force of the palm was like the waves of the Tianhe, shaking the sky, and even burst out a series of thunder-like explosions, and suddenly the Qinglong war knife The shot flew out, and the straight handle of the knife was bent ninety degrees, almost being shot in two.

"Damn it!"

Under the tremendous force of the shock, the little peacock prince also stepped back several steps.

The palm of the Tianhe waves passed him by, crushing half of his clothes, and there were many bloodstains on the flesh.

There was a strong Gengjin murderous in this palm, as if thousands of swords were shooting, the little peacock prince was extremely frightened.

"Is it the legendary body of gold? No wonder the bones are so hard, comparable to a kind of sacred gold. I will kill you, extract your bones one by one, and refine them into a magic weapon of my own heart." The little prince sneered, touched his body casually, and took out a thunder-light and exquisite warhammer, which was the sky-thunder hammer that Su Tianxing gave him.


The terrestrial violent bear let out a loud roar, unprecedented anger, tore off the rein on his body, and dropped ten times in one force. It was so fierce and terrible that he wanted to fight the little peacock prince.

At the same time, Su Tianxing’s old servant of the earth fairy, the old monster "Scissors Li", also shot Ye Tian, ​​holding a pair of strangely shaped scissors. When the surging mana was poured, the scissors glowed, the runes flickered, and they were generally inflated. It has grown several times larger, as if two silver dragons are entangled, the blood-colored killer at the edge of the blade is uncertain, giving people a sense of incomparable sharpness, facing the middle position of the golden jade car, cut it with a sharp knife.

Chi Chi!

In the crisp sound, the golden jade car was like a paper paste, and it was cut in half at once, and it was of no avail if the protective array was stimulated.

This large pair of scissors is a strange magic weapon, extremely sharp, and even the treasure of the earth fairy can be cut in two pieces. It has drunk the blood of countless creatures, so it can become the famous "scissors plum" in the world.


Lan Meng screamed, and quickly took out his swordsman, but there was no time to do so.

A pair of big scissors, like a huge mouth opened by an evil dragon, even cut her and Ye Tian into it.

"Hey, kid, die for me!" The old servant Jie Jie smiled, his scarlet eyes were terrifying, as if he had walked out of hell.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged, Shushan Broken Soldier was placed in front of him, and the big porcelain bowl of Shen Zhen Xuan Tie had been swallowed clean. And he was also cultivating the broken soldiers, playing a magic trick.

There were still eye-catching rust and scars on the broken sword, which looked very inconspicuous, and the divine power fluctuations were also very weak, but compared to before, the communication with Ye Tian was obviously stronger.

"A handful of broken copper and rotten iron, is this your weapon?" The old celestial servant grinned wildly, and said: "You have offended my son again and again, and today you apologize with death."

"That woman stayed, but she was a little bit charming, it's a pity to kill." Su Tianxing said, a smirk appeared on his face.

"Who gave you the courage to kill me?" Ye Tian glanced at the old servant of the earth immortal and sneered coldly.

At the same time, he waved Shushan Broken Soldier.

He didn't work hard to urge the **** mark, but he used brute force to wave the broken soldiers, but there was also a terrifying murderous intent surging from the sword.


The void exploded, the world changed color!

The old servant of the earth immortal suddenly felt that there were a hundred thousand heavenly swords flying towards him, and the whole world could not bear the pressure of this sword, and was about to collapse.

Although the divine mark was not aroused, but because of the repair of Xuan Tie Shen Zhen just now, and the communication with Ye Tian's tactics played in advance, there is also a divine power in the broken army, the breath is vast, and the old servant is far away. Above the big scissors.

With this sword, Ye Tian cut the earth like a dog!

"What kind of weapon is this?"

The old servant of Earth Immortal suddenly became stiff, and his body was trembling.

Although the divine power permeated by the soldiers of Shushan was only a little, it firmly suppressed the awe-inspiring aura of the old servant of the earth immortal. This was the suppression of the Tao, which made his heart throb and feel bad.


The strangely shaped big scissors in his hand were as fragile as tofu in front of Broken Sword, and they were instantly cut.

"Do not!"

The old servant of Earth Immortal flashed back and retreated, as if facing a wild beast, he didn't dare to fight at all.


Ye Tian waved the broken soldiers and slashed down.

The sword body did not cut the body of the old servant, but there was an unimaginable sword mark. From the feet of Ye Tian, ​​UU reads www.uukanshu. Com has spread to ten feet away, cutting out a bottomless crack on the smooth road.

This is due to the intent of the sword!

And the body of the old servant of the earth immortal was split in half when it volleyed. During the fall, it was torn apart by the terrifying sword energy and turned into a cloud of blood. Even the soul was not spared.


Not far away, Su Tianxing's face instantly became gray, his body stiff, and the folding fan in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.


Just as Ye Tian smashed the old servant of the Earth Immortal with a sword, there was still a loud noise in the field, but it was the big claws shot by the wild bear and the little peacock prince's sky thunder hammer.

In the earth-shaking collision, the bear claws and the sky thunder hammer shook hard, and the terrifying shock waves were released from the hammer head, as if thousands of waves, wave after wave, hit the bear claws fiercely, and even thunder. Li Jiazhi broke the bear claws and splashed out blood.

At the same time, there is also a fierce and domineering force that spreads from the hammer head to the hammer handle, and finally acts on the little peacock prince.

Suddenly, the little peacock prince felt that his entire arm was not his own. He lost consciousness in a moment, his muscles broke every inch, and his bones shattered with the clacking sound. His injuries were far better than the terrestrial bear.

And the Thunder Warhammer in his hand flew out like a meteor, falling several hundred feet away.

"No, don't kill me!"

Su Tianxing wanted to escape very much, but found that his legs were not listening, shaking constantly, and a warm current flowed down from the shaking legs.

The little peacock prince also had a face like gray ashes, and the **** palms of the bear on the earth rose again, like a **** grinding disc, and slapped him again.

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